are they trying to make us all feel depressed after each exam?
why can't they make the exams like the past years? i've done 2001-10 for all my subjects and these exams seriously screwed me up!
in reference to maths 3U/4U (especially 4U where they totally stuffed up the order of questions)..generally the questions go easy --> hard but in that exam i spent way too long on 1-5 only to realise 6/7 were very easy
English-they stuffed everyone up by putting the whole bloody paper on places and using shit visual texts (no poems
..and they tried to screw all the poems/speeches people with module B by selecting their texts.
And supposedly the Maths 2U/General maths were harder then previous years lol
I HAVE A PREDICTION THAT HENCEFORTH ALL TESTS WILL BE TWICE AS HARD AS PREVIOUS YEARS (EQUIVALENT TO THAT OF '06 and 08 which are undoubtedly the hardest papers ever). well thanks BOS for making 70,000 people free depressed! yeh boi,like today i had some people crying after the exam and like this one dude who's getting abused by his parents was scared of going home after finishing today's 3U exam.
why can't they make the exams like the past years? i've done 2001-10 for all my subjects and these exams seriously screwed me up!
in reference to maths 3U/4U (especially 4U where they totally stuffed up the order of questions)..generally the questions go easy --> hard but in that exam i spent way too long on 1-5 only to realise 6/7 were very easy
English-they stuffed everyone up by putting the whole bloody paper on places and using shit visual texts (no poems
And supposedly the Maths 2U/General maths were harder then previous years lol
I HAVE A PREDICTION THAT HENCEFORTH ALL TESTS WILL BE TWICE AS HARD AS PREVIOUS YEARS (EQUIVALENT TO THAT OF '06 and 08 which are undoubtedly the hardest papers ever). well thanks BOS for making 70,000 people free depressed! yeh boi,like today i had some people crying after the exam and like this one dude who's getting abused by his parents was scared of going home after finishing today's 3U exam.
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