Riproot, you just contradicted yourself, you GUESSED one of two. Also, i don't think i'm smarter than the exam writers and thus trusted in that they wouldn't put two answers that are right. I knew it was cytotoxic cells (which for purposes of the hsc, are the same as killer), but i also believed the board wouldn't give two right answers. It was my choice to trust the board more than myself, and if it was an extended response, only the absolutely mad would disagree with given information.
I didn't guess. I picked one, because the sheet says to pick one and I thought "Hey, they're both the same I can't go wrong." But in reality I guessed/BS majority of the MC and the paper in general. I could've not done the Biology course and probably gotten maybe 5 marks lower. Was more of a skills-type exam that any competent chemistry student could've BS their way through (apart from option)

Yes, but the board says "Pick the most correct answer" "most correct" "most". See what I'm getting at here? They never claim to have fully correct answers they just ask students to pick what they deem the "most" correct. In this case there was an understanding that both of the cells were the same (HS level bio) hence, both were most correct.
daaang.... I see where u r coming from... cmon srsly I spent less than 10 seconds on that question, all i saw was "rapid periods of change" and I selected it LOL
Sames. :/
I can understand peoples choice of cytotoxic t cells as it seems like a more specific form of killer t cells (therefore is most correct rather then a contradiction as you put it). I myself thought there was some subtle difference between the two and decided to stick with killer t cells as that's what I was taught in class
Also in the back of my mind i was wondering if it was a mistake on their part as it has happened numerous times before..
Tbh, no one from my school even knew this skills section existed! We were given a copy of the syllabus for each module and i thought that was all we had to know :S I'm really annoyed about the data logger thing, because we never used, or even discussed it! It's just frustrating when you spend so much time studying what you think is the whole course, only to be assessed on something else.
It's on the website and in many notes on here.
You should've known.
I made a point of getting my teacher for both chem and bio to print the skills section for us.

(actually, maybe my bio teacher did it herself due to the whole "Australian scientist" thing in there)
I went through the same thought process as you during the exam but i decided C because lack of evidence is not evidence.
Sames! This is exactly what my thoughts were!
Indeed, but there is absolutely no evidence that shows rapid change in the fossil record, so even though lack of evidence doesn't really equate to evidence, it was the "most" correct answer (gotta hate that :\ )
There actually is evidence (That fish/crab/skeleton thingy)
Something was wrong with our papers and we had to wait 20mins for them to photocopy a faxed version of the exam. Did anybody else have a major change on the exam????
annoying sitting in a room for 3 and a half hours and then an hour later sitting economics.
My friend had to wait 30 minutes because the old ladies wouldn't organise his stuff properly and he had economics too and he's first in both.
So ridiculous! Found it really hard - bad wording, really specific, tested such a small amount of the syllabus. 7marker for Biotech wasn't even in syllabus (DNA extraction, NOT enzyme).
What was q28 a? About gene expression in skin stem cells is linked to the maintenance of health after the skin is borken?
Ugh worst exam ever.
BOS is investigating into how they messed up q8 btw - cytotoxic and killer T cells are largely the same thing '-.- 2 answers.
Skin is part of the first line of defence. So healing = good.
That exam was a lot harder then I expected. It was so much harder then the past papers I practiced and my trial exam too. I hope we all got scaled up because it was too hard haha! But seriously, technology Y?! Am I the only one who didn't know that it was a data logger?! Wtf man I don't remember needing to learn any of that shizz! And if bio is the eaasiest science, then I'm fucked for chemistry next week :/
Been over this. Skills section.