Each 0.05 increment has 50 people, start from 99.95 and go backwards.Does anyone know what ATAR needs to be attained to rank in the top 10 percent of the state?
congrats guuuurllSo many 90+s
Just to mix it up;
wooo mediocrity.
Hopefully with my 9 bonus points I can just scrape into the course I wantcongrats guuuurll
that's good <3
Jess, don't do thatuac why would you break my heart like this, i wanted that 90
89.20, 1.25 less than the calculatorcongrats amazing people, im gonna go cry in a corner now, bye guys
How on earth do you get +9?Hopefully with my 9 bonus points I can just scrape into the course I want
I don;t give a fuck though. Gap year here I come.
beast99.7 as estimated
med here u come.99.6 hooray!