Okay cool

So for Advanced and Extension English, it's all about choosing textual references and techniques that underpin the conceptual explorations of your discussion about the texts. What do I do? I make notes on the plotline, narrative structures, quotes + techniques, and some themes after reading a set text, i.e. frankenstein. Then, I research information about Frankenstein: The time it was composed (context), values embedded within the text, how it differs from 21st century values,then from my list of quotes + techniques, I find the most strong and powerful quote + tech and attempt writing a short mini essay on it.. Same applies for Extension - The idea is about READING your texts, finding examples which support your argument, revising techniques and applying them in a sophisticated manner and RESEARCHING about your text. Moreover, you have to be genuinely passionated about Advanced and Extension English. It can tend to be boring at times, but you must persevere
History - making notes, a list of sources, develop unique perspectives on issues, practice writing essays under time constraints