i wouldn't say "wasted". If im not mistaken, you would have just had your exams before the holidays, so you need abit of time to relax your mind otherwise your going to burn yourself out. The second week is a good time to start to get back into the flow of school. I slowly ease back into a 6-7am wake up ( depending on what is typical to you), make sure i've got a handle on anything that may be due (or books to be read), and do a broad revision of what i've learn't in the last 2 terms. i say "broad" because i don't find it particularly useful to be doing too strenuous of study, as exams are still quite a while away and it's abit of a waste of energy (this is just me, if you feel you need to, by all means). A more idealistic approach would be to start to learn the syllabus of your subjects for the forthcoming term. This gives you an idea of what to expect and will give you a clearer understand by the time you get to it in class. Don't freak yourself out, just go at a steady pace and you'll be surprised with how beneficial it will be to you later on down the track. I hope all goes well !!