I think there are processes you can go through to get a remark, however, if you get a lower mark after this then you will receive even lower. Just listen to the comments emailed, (I found them to be very helpful) and make sure you take them on board for ABC2! Apparently a lot of people failed so a Pass was actually a decent mark and means you are doing things right and are on the right track to improve. Again as others have said effort is not an indication of the quality of the work, and obviously you would not be critically judging your own work because of precisely the fact that you wrote it. Marking at university is totally different than other institutions (eg high school, private colleges, tafe, etc.), so expect some discrepancies between what you think your work is worth and what it actually is in this new environment comprised of people of a significantly high calibre and potential. Personally I was quite surprised by my mark for the task as it was well off what i myself thought it was worth, especially considering the low average. There is still a lot of time to improve and remember this is like our first assessment so its not the end of the world. Better luck for the next one!