Guys, the hsc is easy trust me... The content is so little and straight forward compared to uni. No need to stress. In uni basically 13 weeks (1 semester) = 1 hsc.
Straight forward? There are a lot of subjects whose content isn't so straight forward (4U maths comes to mind immediately, and 4U english doesn't exactly sound like a walk in the park, many other subjects). Additionally, "no need to stress" is similar (although not the same as) telling a person with a mental affliction to "get over it". Stress is a normal reaction to things like these - especially when so much emphasis is placed on the HSC as is - and that's without taking other factors into account, say for example familial expectations.
I wouldn't call the HSC easy. Retrospectively, I'm sure it'd seem that way, but we actually need to learn the content first before we can call it easy. Not many people would find the entire HSC a breeze on the first go. If my teachers all said "ismeta, the HSC is easy," I'd feel pretty upset.
I've done a university course before, and yes, that was pretty damn difficult - brainscrew - but it hasn't made the HSC any easier in terms of perspective. I admit that comparing one uni course against a full semester won't give a very accurate result, but my point is...the HSC isn't easy.

Maybe for super genii (geniuses/etc/etc), but there's a bunch of work involved during it that makes it...not easy.