That would be great if you had time, I've got an interview for both!
Sure thing, but again take my advice with a pinch of salt, because chances are they've changed up the interview process from last year.
Interviews: There are 2 interviews, one is with a partner & the other is with a manager. The interview with the partner is quite conversational, with all the generic questions (why do you want to be an accountant etc) they're pretty much trying to find out about you, so let your personality shine through etc, because if you impress them you've pretty much got the gig. The other interview is the complete opposite, they pretty much just shoot question after question, mostly behavioural but some overlap with the other interview, then they take notes, its completely different to most of the other interviews you do in that its not casual at all. Just be to the point and relevant with your answers.
Written exercise: Basically you get a massive stack of written information and need to summarise it in 30minutes for a manager. It might seem like a lot of time but it is NOT. There are really no guidelines, but my advice would be to present in a way which is easy to read (headings, bullet points, tables). And start typing ASAP, don't read through evrything first because you will not have time- a few of my fairly intelligent friends took this path and only got a few sentences down.
- You also have to redo one of the tests, and then we just spent some time having lunch and chatting to a few employees. Use the opportunity to find out what you can, because they were lower level managers who were pretty honest (but once you're gone they will bitch about you lol, so make a decent impression)
The last thing about KPMG is that they give out a hell of a lot of interviews, over the span of nearly 2 weeks. If you don't hear anything from the day, don't automatically despair, because from what I know they have some sort of quota to fill, and maybe a reserve list. My friend interviewed pretty early on but didn't get an offer until nearly a week later.
Interview: This is a 2 on 1 interview with a partner and a manager, its fairly casual and relaxed. Because there's two of them, when one's writing the other one asks questions, so there's a bit more pressure compared to 1 on 1. But as in all interviews, remember its perfectly fine to take a moment to think and gather your thoughts (drinking water is a good excuse).
Written Task & Group Activity: Basically you're given some information in the form of a report, and you have to analyse it and write some kind of summary/recommendation. If you do business studies it should be a breeze, but otherwise just use some common sense and think. Its hand written so be legible! Then you pretty much just form a team and discuss and make a decision (see the stuff i wrote for ey, its pretty much the same)
One thing I'd like to add is that if you've already made the decision to accept an offer with a firm, then do the right thing and cancel your other interviews so you're not wasting the valuable time of partners/managers. But in saying that, if you're not completely sure, its worthwhile to experience the firms as much as you can before you make a decision (ie. through the interview day, celebration event)
But yeah, all the best to everyone