If we apply for FEAS and engineering isn't our first preference, will it automatically override anything we've applied for before it if we get accepted?
I.E. I apply for another degree as my first preference (which I am eligible for because my atar meets the cut off), but I also get accepted to engineering through FEAS.
Your preferences are filled from top to bottom using your selection ATAR for each course. So if your actual atar was 90 and you had the following preferences
1. B arts - atar requirement of 70 - selection atar of 90
2. B eng - atar requirement of 91 - selection atar of 95
3. B sci - atar requirement of 91 - selection atar of 90
then since your first choice was arts you would be placed in that course, if your preferences were
reversed then you wouldn't get into science but would get into eng.
Does that answer your question? (thats assuming FEAS doesn't have a requirement that you make them your first preference, they didn't last time I checked)