How is UNSW better (1 Viewer)


Feb 15, 2012
I dont understand one thing how is a CIVIL ENGINEERING DEGREE in unsw better than uts, if both have good facilities but one offers 1 year placement while the other offers 60 days.................................

Lets Say you find placement (which you will) wouldnt it be much better going uts on a resume since its all about experience nowadays.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Maybe because the teaching and facilities might be better at UNSW?


real human bean
Nov 17, 2007
The place you go to is a lot less relevant than people would have you believe, and vice versa for experience.
Dec 31, 2009
Uni Grad
but on a srs note,

unsw is 'the place to go' for asians just as usyd is 'the place to go' for cool people and as uws is 'the place to go' for dropkicks

bos has a much higher than average proportion of asians

so it's natural that there is a net unsw preference on bos


Retired Nov '14
Sep 18, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Uni Grad
UNSW is the largest engineering school in the southern hemisphere and is probably the best or one of the best engineering schools.


A lover is a best friend
May 10, 2012
UNSW is the largest engineering school in the southern hemisphere and is probably the best or one of the best engineering schools.
Definitely the best engineering school in the southern hemisphere.


Feb 26, 2008
I dont understand one thing how is a CIVIL ENGINEERING DEGREE in unsw better than uts,
UNSW does seem to have a lot more options for stuff to major in etc. which is a commonly used argument, as it's a GO8 uni they have a strong research emphasis and because of that supposedly attract the "better" academics and more funding. UTS on the other hand is younger and more practise based. The main differences i could tell you about first year engineering at UTS and UNSW is that our Math subjects teach us the same general ideas but they often aren't explored as in depth as they are at UNSW and the questions are not as difficult - the failure rate is much higher at UNSW. Semester 2 maths at UTS has a shocking failure rate though, 50% for last few semesters even though half the subject is statisitcs.

UNSW do first year Physics over two semesters but we do it in just one, but for us they cram pretty much all of that content into one semester. One of my friends helped someone from UNSW with physics and i can't gaurantee this is correct but he reckoned the exams at UNSW are not much harder for physics considering there is less content examined, regardless the failure rate at UNSW for physics was supposedly ~50% and I don't think it was quite that high at UTS. Though Physical Modelling at UTS is strange in that the final is multiple choice and the lecturer insists working out is checked but marks are not awarded for it since "there are no half correct answers in real life". I have my doubts as it seems a lot of work to just check students didn't guess a question.

While one could argue that UNSW have a more comprehensive education becuase of that, i honestly couldn't care less as physics and most of maths are not directly relevant to my major.

Lets Say you find placement (which you will) wouldnt it be much better going uts on a resume since its all about experience nowadays.
As Absolutezero said, that does seem to be the case. It's the reason why there are quite a few people with 90+ ATAR's at UTS - very few of them are on coop scholarships. I believe UNSW recently introduced a generic (not engineering specific or compulsory like at UTS) diploma of practise so you might be able to get the extra work experience at UNSW if you really wanted to. It's a decision you have to make for yourself, advantages for both. I like UTS, and i'm sure you'd be happy with either choice - if not you could always transfer.

Oh and one last edit. I think i should clarify this incase i get attacked by anyone. I don't think i would have got into UNSW. 88.05 ATAR and initially my first preference was Soft Eng/Commerce followed by Soft Eng and then UTS. The way bonus marks panned out i was 3-4 atar off my first two preferences but i got an early offer for UTS and took it, i didn't bother with main round so i will never be sure if i would have got a UNSW offer but i doubt it. After playing around with preferences i did get two Usyd offers for flexible it, software engineering etc. or something but didn't accept. I also have two friends who were in the EXACT same position getting early offers for Eng/Business, missing out on UNSW and getting a Usyd offer, we originally spoke about all that over BOS and then later met at uni and realised lol.
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et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
UNSW does seem to have a lot more options for stuff to major in etc. which is a commonly used argument, as it's a GO8 uni they have a strong research emphasis and because of that supposedly attract the "better" academics and more funding. UTS on the other hand is younger and more practise based. The main differences i could tell you about first year engineering at UTS and UNSW is that our Math subjects teach us the same general ideas but they often aren't explored as in depth as they are at UNSW and the questions are not as difficult - the failure rate is much higher at UNSW. Semester 2 maths at UTS has a shocking failure rate though, 50% for last few semesters even though half the subject is statisitcs.

UNSW do first year Physics over two semesters but we do it in just one, but for us they cram pretty much all of that content into one semester. One of my friends helped someone from UNSW with physics and i can't gaurantee this is correct but he reckoned the exams at UNSW are not much harder for physics considering there is less content examined, regardless the failure rate at UNSW for physics was supposedly ~50% and I don't think it was quite that high at UTS. Physical moddeling at UTS is strange in that the final is multiple choice though and the lecturer insists working out is checked but marks are not awarded for it since "there are no half correct answers in real life" but i have my doubts as it seems a lot of work to just check students didn't guess a question.

While one could argue that UNSW have a more comprehensive education becuase of that, i honestly couldn't care less as physics and most of maths are not directly relevant to my major.

As Absolutezero said, that does seem to be the case. It's the reason why there are quite a few people with 90+ ATAR's at UTS - very few of them are on coop scholarships. I believe UNSW recently introduced a generic (not engineering specific or compulsory like at UTS) diploma of practise so you might be able to get the extra work experience at UNSW if you really wanted to. It's a decision you have to make for yourself, advantages for both. I like UTS, and i'm sure you'd be happy with either choice - if not you could always transfer. Usyd seem to have the undesirable aspects of both the unis without the advantages and we make a lot of fun of Usyd engineers lol. A lot of the USYD engineers seem to go there because they either like the university or they missed the UNSW cutoff and are under the impression that higher cut off = better uni.

Oh and one last edit. I think i should clarify this incase i get attacked by anyone. I don't think i would have got into UNSW. 88.05 ATAR and initially my first preference was Soft Eng/Commerce followed by Soft Eng and then UTS. The way bonus marks panned out i was 3-4 atar off my first two preferences but i got an early offer for UTS and took it, i didn't bother with main round so i will never be sure if i would have got a UNSW offer but i doubt it. After playing around with preferences i did get two Usyd offers for flexible it, software engineering etc. or something but didn't accept. I also have two friends who were in the EXACT same position getting early offers for Eng/Business, missing out on UNSW and getting a Usyd offer, we originally spoke about all that over BOS and then later met at uni and realised lol.
In regards to civil engineering unsw certainly does have more 'majors' if you could ever have a major in engineering. At uts you can only do construction or structural while at unsw you can do those plus geotechnical , transport and water.

The physics courses at unsw are more specialised, most engineers do only one sem of physics anyways because very few engineering streams like electrical require two semesters of physics


Active Member
Mar 22, 2010
Uni Grad
Usyd seem to have the undesirable aspects of both the unis without the advantages and we make a lot of fun of Usyd engineers lol.


Feb 26, 2008
I guess i meant streams or areas to specialise in rather than majors.

The physics courses at unsw are more specialised, most engineers do only one sem of physics anyways because very few engineering streams like electrical require two semesters of physics
That actually makes a lot of sense, everyone i know at UNSW is electrical. Thanks for clearing that up. Electrical Engineers here have a further physics/maths subject in second year which has Physical modelling, Math Mod 2 and a couple of electrical subjects as prerequisites.

Some more things off the top of my head. UNSW have compulsory computing subject for all (?) engineers, UTS don't BUT everyone except civil students end up having to do Introduction to Electrical Engineering which is notoriously difficult. Software Engineers at UTS have to do physics, Software Engineers at UNSW (and Usyd i believe) dont.


Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
Usyd seem to have the undesirable aspects of both the unis without the advantages and we make a lot of fun of Usyd engineers lol.
I'm glad you had time to complete the degree at USyd to be able to know this. lol
UTS isn't even a Go8. lol
Your building looks like a fucking mass-jenga building. What sort of architect or engineer would design that?!

A lot of the USYD engineers seem to go there because they either like the university or they missed the UNSW cutoff and are under the impression that higher cut off = better uni.
Yeah, USyd probably is socially better.
Ummmmmmm, most of the engineering courses have higher cutoffs at USyd... so like, why would USyd be a second choice if you got into UNSW easily?... :/

Oh and one last edit. I think i should clarify this incase i get attacked by anyone. I don't think i would have got into UNSW. 88.05 ATAR and initially my first preference was Soft Eng/Commerce followed by Soft Eng and then UTS. The way bonus marks panned out i was 3-4 atar off my first two preferences but i got an early offer for UTS and took it, i didn't bother with main round so i will never be sure if i would have got a UNSW offer but i doubt it. After playing around with preferences i did get two Usyd offers for flexible it, software engineering etc. or something but didn't accept. I also have two friends who were in the EXACT same position getting early offers for Eng/Business, missing out on UNSW and getting a Usyd offer, we originally spoke about all that over BOS and then later met at uni and realised lol.
how did you get rejected for software engg at UNSW? The cutoff is only 91 plus you would've gotten bonus points for maths (lol, wait, wot maths did you do?)
and the cutoff at USyd for BE(software) last year was 91.8... 0.8 above UNSW. :/

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