I did mine about a girl suffering in terms to finding herself. It starts of with her mother dying, she gets foster parents who don't really accept her, and allow her to be herself, she hides her feelings to herself, and as she grows older becomes distance from her brother who told her to forget about her mother...when she gets into high school she has friends who talk behind her back...only one seems to support her, during the time that they make rumours about her, audience reads the room (She uses a knife to make pain in her arm as blood falls to the ground) during her friends saying rumours about her which she doesn't speak about until her only friend the loyal friend talks to her but then she leaves unexpectedly, at first she thinks it's because of her, but her "Friends" tell her that she left to another school. During the shock she blurts out her love for her friend (Twist for the story) they find out her she is gay. The girl then has no friends after they reject her...but the story ends with a reunion to the school she grew up with which she goes back to with her girlfriend. They face her friends which she as afraid of doing, and they are sorry for how they acted in highschool, it turns out her friends who were a girl and a boy, married each other and so they reunited and let go of past mistakes. The girl and her girlfriend were able to get through emotional state and all that, and she was finally accepted. Her girlfriend also proposes in her school, although since Australia doesn't believe in gay marriage, they make it a long term engagement which she agrees to.
Very long dramatic story
