I am stuck in a very difficult situation about whether or not to move schools and i need recommendations.
I just started year 11 a week ago. This is because the school implemented the 3+3 hsc system where a student does their hsc for 3 subjects after one year( end of 2013) and the next 3 subjects in the following year(end of 2014).This means that i will be finishing my prelim. at the end of term 1 next year and will be starting my hsc course at the start of term 2. I have picked legal, business & 2u maths for my first year of this new system&3u maths, adv.english&economics for my 2nd year of this new system. I am a smart student because of tutoring and study & the teachers & resources @ my school are good. I am just wondering whether i should move schools or not because i have got accepted into all saints(which has the traditional hsc system) but i am just worried about this new 3+3 hsc system. So should i move schools or not? Please help me with thoughts and recommendations. Thanks
Hey bob_carter, welcome to BoS!
If you're happy with the teachers, the resources and the environment at your school, then I think you should stay in your current school. A few of my friends have moved to private schools simply because it was a private school and they'd won a scholarship, then regretted it afterwards. It all depends on school you're thinking of changing to (i.e. All Saints) and how it compares to your current one, so do a little research online and ask people who are attending or have attended the school. In regards to the 3+3 system, I reckon it would take a while to get use to but it comes down to how flexible you are and your time management skills.
You can try creating a new thread in the Year 11 forum to get more responses! In the forum 'New South Wales (HSC)', go to 'Year 11 - Preliminary HSC', then click on 'General Discussion on the Preliminary HSC'. On that page you should see a button on the upper left, underneath an advertisement, which says '+ Post new thread'. Then type in what you want to ask, post, and you're done!