I don't have free periods in my day, I finish at 3PM. What is an appropriate study schedule that I can make, to factor in all my subjects?
I understand one must finish all homework from the day before commencing any other study. After this is done, should I aim to complete maybe 1.5 hours for 2 subjects each day?
I disagree with this. Homework isn't something that you have to do and I never treated it differently to any other form of study. If the homework will help you, do it. If it won't, don't do it and do whatever other random study you have instead. Year 12 isn't the time to be wasting time on useless crap because your teachers don't know how you learn and want to overload you. Homework + 3 hours a day is quite a bit of work. I always worked to a goal and never set rigid time goals. Some days I might do an hour, others 5. Generally I would aim to revise the stuff we did at school that day to make sure I
understood all the concepts. Do however much you feel you need to be prepared for exams.
Also I never did just 2 subjects or just 1 subject etc. I would look at what the problem area was (say I needed to work on my circle geo) and I would do that. If I had time at the end, I might do other subs, I might not. Some days I would have studied 4 subs, others only 1 etc. My point is don't be too rigid- a rigid structure isn't that helpful imo and its harder to keep.
Goal based study is useless. Do time-based study. I know people here recommend goal-based, but realistically, you can never be fully prepared for a subject - no matter what, there is always more you can study. There's no point setting goals of doing 5 essays, if you have 3 hours to spare. Do it time-based, and mostly base it around assessments that are coming up or minis/trials. This worked for me, and my results (99.95) speak for themself.
I also disagree with this and my results (99.95) also speak for themselves

. The problem with time based study for most people is that the work expands to fit the time allocated. So if you have 5 hours of work to do and you've done your work in 3 hours, the remaining two hours won't be productive + you'll also work slower because you know that whether you work hard or not, you still have to sit at your desk for X hours. If you do goal based though, you know that at the end of the day you've covered all the stuff you want + you don't feel bad about taking time off to go out with friends etc. because you've done all the study you need.
Having said this, I can see where you're coming from- if you are proper dedicated and can focus for the full length of your time, then time based is very effective; its just that most people (and myself included) can't.
Will you guys recommend 3 subjects a night for study after homework, or is 2 plenty.
For example:
-MONDAY: Homework + Mathematics and Geography
-TUESDAY: Homework + IPT and Business Studies
-WEDNESDAY: Homework + Modern History and English
-THURSDAY: Homwork + Geography and Business Studies
etc.... However, would study involve just writing notes and learning them, or would it involve more like doing past papers etc... [For this time of the year (term 1)]
Thanks! I didnt want to make another thread as it will clutter the section with similar questions.
P.S. I Wish Everyone the Best for this Year!
This all depends on YOU and how YOU learn. Personally I never wrote my own notes- I would read others and understand them. I also never did full papers for any sub bar maths. I would prefer more to just flick through papers and then read sample answers etc. A lot of people did a lot of other things. My point is, there's no real secret to the HSC- its a personal thing. Learn how you learn best and do that