Study Plan Discussion for Year 12 Course (1 Viewer)


Bing bang diggiriggidong
Mar 25, 2012
Mine is pretty much the same as what I have now. Any subjects I drop, that's where my free periods are. Not sure about any morning classes for ext 2 maths though.

I have 9 free periods a cycle!! SO GREAT :D haha I devote 30 minutes after school to pure snacking so #hscweightgain come at me.

Good luck with the sleep!! I'm lucky if I scrape 8 :/
Haha, how many units did you do during prelim, and how many are you planning to do for Year 12? I love free periods.. Don't seem to have many although I do 12 units. Haha that 30 minute munch, you're doing alright. In year 11 I had to rest like for an hour to even begin to get into a workable condition..

Thanks! Do you struggle with 8 due to work commitment or because of other stuff? Haha, I sleep while listening to stand up comedy. Usually brings me to sleep in true condition at 12pm. Shocking. It's like my drug.


Harvey Specter of IB
Jan 31, 2013
How much you studied in year 11 is a good indication of how much you will in year 12.
I'd disagree.

Alot of people tend to step up their game during year 12. You see unexpected people getting top marks in some cases (srs)

^ I expect to be one of those people :p


Survivor of the HSC
Nov 30, 2011
Haha, how many units did you do during prelim, and how many are you planning to do for Year 12? I love free periods.. Don't seem to have many although I do 12 units. Haha that 30 minute munch, you're doing alright. In year 11 I had to rest like for an hour to even begin to get into a workable condition..

Thanks! Do you struggle with 8 due to work commitment or because of other stuff? Haha, I sleep while listening to stand up comedy. Usually brings me to sleep in true condition at 12pm. Shocking. It's like my drug.
I did 12 units in prelim, hoping to do 11 for year 12 (dropping physics cos school science sucks lol). Which subjects are you doing? 12 subjects is manageable though! There was a point where I wanted to do 13 because I didn't know what to drop (13 units = no frees :( )

30 minute munch can sometimes turn into a 4 hour surf of the internet if I don't restrain myself lol

I guess I struggle with 8 because I live about 1 hour from school, so I have to get up earlier to get there (also because I take forever to get ready). And I have other commitments (i.e. sport, extra curricular) that can sometimes eat away my study time and I try and compensate for that (bad idea)

12pm or 12 am? ;D stand up comedy is great!! I'd probably watch it during breaks, can't sleep when things are funny :(


Bing bang diggiriggidong
Mar 25, 2012
I did 12 units in prelim, hoping to do 11 for year 12 (dropping physics cos school science sucks lol). Which subjects are you doing? 12 subjects is manageable though! There was a point where I wanted to do 13 because I didn't know what to drop (13 units = no frees :( )

30 minute munch can sometimes turn into a 4 hour surf of the internet if I don't restrain myself lol

I guess I struggle with 8 because I live about 1 hour from school, so I have to get up earlier to get there (also because I take forever to get ready). And I have other commitments (i.e. sport, extra curricular) that can sometimes eat away my study time and I try and compensate for that (bad idea)

12pm or 12 am? ;D stand up comedy is great!! I'd probably watch it during breaks, can't sleep when things are funny :(
I'm going to do 12 units for Year 12 and did 13 in prelim. I don't do science at all lol : 2U Maths, Adv. English, Ancient History, Economics, Legal Studies and IPT. I dropped down from Ext. English and 3U maths because even though my tutors said I was capable, I started to hate maths.. I'm also not a guy who likes to read (obviously) LOL. I love all my humanities subjects though, they're really great.
Anyways, I don't think there's a lot of free periods with 12 Units? :0 ... Btw you mean 6 subjects is manageable right? 12 subjects is definitely not :p.

Haha, oh the temptations. Yeah it takes like 55 minutes to get home after school ends. I take the train and I have to stand for like 35 minutes, and no, standing is fine, but not when you're in a carriage full of st george girls who put all their bags in the middle of the carriage, taking the space of 5 people, and then sit around the bags with no regard to other passengers. That's like the worst part of the day...

So I guess a lot of your time is eaten away huh? Literally and figuratively ;-)


Apr 8, 2013
I'll study whatever i have on that school day such as revise the work I've done on that day and learn topics in advance. I'll be looking to around 4-5 hours of studying if this routine works out. Hopefully i don't burn out. I have a lot of free time at home due to travel time to school is only 3 mins by car and 25 mins walk. I get home around 3pm on most days. I don't work also so i should have enough time to balance out my social life and study time.
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Survivor of the HSC
Nov 30, 2011
I'm going to do 12 units for Year 12 and did 13 in prelim. I don't do science at all lol : 2U Maths, Adv. English, Ancient History, Economics, Legal Studies and IPT. I dropped down from Ext. English and 3U maths because even though my tutors said I was capable, I started to hate maths.. I'm also not a guy who likes to read (obviously) LOL. I love all my humanities subjects though, they're really great.
Anyways, I don't think there's a lot of free periods with 12 Units? :0 ... Btw you mean 6 subjects is manageable right? 12 subjects is definitely not :p.

Haha, oh the temptations. Yeah it takes like 55 minutes to get home after school ends. I take the train and I have to stand for like 35 minutes, and no, standing is fine, but not when you're in a carriage full of st george girls who put all their bags in the middle of the carriage, taking the space of 5 people, and then sit around the bags with no regard to other passengers. That's like the worst part of the day...

So I guess a lot of your time is eaten away huh? Literally and figuratively ;-)
:eek: How did you survive with 13? Seems really hectic! I have a few friends that did 13 and they seemed a bit stressed haha. Haha, yay no science for HSC! Hi 5! Haha well, to each their own. I love maths but I wish I was better at it haha. I love extension English but I hate advanced...tbh, if I could drop English altogether, I would drop it faster than Usain Bolt doing 100m sprints.

Really? I got 6 frees with 12 units, but our school timetable has a weird structure, so who knows :p

Oh my gosh, yeah I meant units. Sorry, holidays has turned my brain into mash potato lol. 12 one unit subjects seem manageable though? hahhahaha Although I don't think there's even enough 12 one unit subjects to do.

Tell me about people on the train!! I swear, train trips is the prime time to make public enemies. Especially in the morning, where there's all these pushy people around that have no regard for others, ugh. Hahah I think me and my friends are slightly guilty with the bag thing, but we do it when the carriage is super empty!! So its ok!! :p (right?!)

Do you go to school in the south?

Hhahahahah I see what you did there!! Yes, a lot of my time is eaten away, mostly literally!! :p


Sep 24, 2013
.. I'm in year 7 and we have to do at least 4 hours a day? Most people like me do 6 to get an advantage.


Should i change my DP?
Mar 14, 2012
Point Piper
Guys, 3-4 hours is more than adequate per night during normal periods.

My main advice would be
-get your assignments over and done with asap
-it isn't about studying 10 hrs the day about the exam, it's about studying consistently.
-Do your creative AOS essay during the xmas holidays, you won't regret this
-keep upto date with notes, the further you let it go the less likely you'll ever catch up
-do past papers throughout the year, not just before the exam. Once you finish a topic do some questions to consolidate your knowledge

Goodluck to all, remember the hsc isn't the end of the world though


Bing bang diggiriggidong
Mar 25, 2012
:eek: How did you survive with 13? Seems really hectic! I have a few friends that did 13 and they seemed a bit stressed haha. Haha, yay no science for HSC! Hi 5! Haha well, to each their own. I love maths but I wish I was better at it haha. I love extension English but I hate advanced...tbh, if I could drop English altogether, I would drop it faster than Usain Bolt doing 100m sprints.

Really? I got 6 frees with 12 units, but our school timetable has a weird structure, so who knows :p

Oh my gosh, yeah I meant units. Sorry, holidays has turned my brain into mash potato lol. 12 one unit subjects seem manageable though? hahhahaha Although I don't think there's even enough 12 one unit subjects to do.

Tell me about people on the train!! I swear, train trips is the prime time to make public enemies. Especially in the morning, where there's all these pushy people around that have no regard for others, ugh. Hahah I think me and my friends are slightly guilty with the bag thing, but we do it when the carriage is super empty!! So its ok!! :p (right?!)

Do you go to school in the south?

Hhahahahah I see what you did there!! Yes, a lot of my time is eaten away, mostly literally!! :p
13 was alright haha, just was really jealous of my friends with 12 units cos it's like 2 extra free periods.. Which may sound like nothing but it meant were able wake up late on a Monday and get to school at like 9:45 ... Cmon Mondays :'/.

Haha no science rocks :D. Haha, you know I wish I was better at it... Got any tips? Haha I disappoint my tutor heaps. I really liked the course of Extension english.. I definitely agree with you. It seemed more chill in the classes. LOL I would probably do the same.
Maybe we do have 6 frees haha, with 13 units I pretty much stayed at school like any other year 7-10.. It really sucked. I hate walking to the station with like a million kids jabbing each other and taking up all the space.

Probably not :p. Actually 12 one unit subjects would be hell. 12 tests in the HSC damn. Each test would at least be 2 hours, haha.

Haha, I find morning train rides more "enjoyable". I purposely catch the later train (about 10 minutes) because the normal train is PACKED. Ugh lol. I get really pissed off when the carriage is squashed however more space could have been made.. Yet one person is just too scared to let go of the middle pole/handle and thus creates a barrier between a free space with his/her arms.. Not sure if that made sense but hell yeah, prime time to make enemies. Haha aw, I do understand that you girls bring like every single book to school everyday, along with the ancient Coroneus and Fitzpatrick textbook haha. Haha.. Cmon when is the train ever super empty... :chainsaw: :evilfire: unless you go home at like 6pm lmao.

Yeah school in the south. Haha that's the life (Y).


Bing bang diggiriggidong
Mar 25, 2012
.. I'm in year 7 and we have to do at least 4 hours a day? Most people like me do 6 to get an advantage.
No Runescape, Combat Arms, MapleStory, LoL? Doubt it. ;-).

@Drifting95 awesome tips dude, will keep those as a general rule of thumb.


Mar 19, 2012
I regret doing anything at all during the junior years.
Yes. Yes, I too am guilty of not doing anything during my junior years and it frustrates me how I wasted all the precious time that I don't have now D: Please do enjoy your time at school and have fun like the other members have said, especially the first few years.

I don't know about my units, 10 or 12, not sure. I want to see my results for the yearlies before deciding. It's either CAFS or Bio that goes. Unless something crazy happened and I crashed Modern or Ancient which I doubt.

-sighs- Studying, that's going to be hard for me because I rarely ever do it and can't seem to do anything productive studying. Because I know everything that I wrote/learnt already that day. I always pay attention in class and barely talk to anyone [purposely sit away from people who talk a lot, the distractors] so yeah that's good but of the social side of things- whoops. I'll try to study though, rather than procrastinate for like, 8 hours from after school until bed time and then do half an hour of homework before sleep or when I wake up. Yeah, I have really bad home study habits but good in-class habits.

And yes, I vowed to not ever leave any assessment task with less than a week before it's due to start it. I did that with pretty much all of them. I'm surprised I didn't fail any of them which is kind of why I didn't stop. I didn't learn my lesson. Eg. I had two HIPs because two history subjects and I did all of them the night before it was due- whoops. Stressed me out like hell though. And didn't do too badly either. 23/30 for Ancient and 29/20 for modern. Modern was better because I already had some experience from Ancient.
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Survivor of the HSC
Nov 30, 2011
13 was alright haha, just was really jealous of my friends with 12 units cos it's like 2 extra free periods.. Which may sound like nothing but it meant were able wake up late on a Monday and get to school at like 9:45 ... Cmon Mondays :'/.

Haha no science rocks :D. Haha, you know I wish I was better at it... Got any tips? Haha I disappoint my tutor heaps. I really liked the course of Extension english.. I definitely agree with you. It seemed more chill in the classes. LOL I would probably do the same.
Maybe we do have 6 frees haha, with 13 units I pretty much stayed at school like any other year 7-10.. It really sucked. I hate walking to the station with like a million kids jabbing each other and taking up all the space.

Probably not :p. Actually 12 one unit subjects would be hell. 12 tests in the HSC damn. Each test would at least be 2 hours, haha.

Haha, I find morning train rides more "enjoyable". I purposely catch the later train (about 10 minutes) because the normal train is PACKED. Ugh lol. I get really pissed off when the carriage is squashed however more space could have been made.. Yet one person is just too scared to let go of the middle pole/handle and thus creates a barrier between a free space with his/her arms.. Not sure if that made sense but hell yeah, prime time to make enemies. Haha aw, I do understand that you girls bring like every single book to school everyday, along with the ancient Coroneus and Fitzpatrick textbook haha. Haha.. Cmon when is the train ever super empty... :chainsaw: :evilfire: unless you go home at like 6pm lmao.

Yeah school in the south. Haha that's the life (Y).
Wow 12 units = 2 free periods only?? How long is each period? Woah, does your school start really late or something? But 9:45AM start on a Monday sounds like heaven to me!! I don't think I get late starts on any day :'(

Science is really interesting, but I dislike high school science...especially the pracs. The best part about dropping science is not doing the pracs. Not sure about other subs, but physics pracs are really painful because nothing works out :'( Haha tips for science is probably make syllabus notes consistently and try and apply it to real life situations to see if you understand the concepts :p

Gross juniors...I don't like most juniors at our school haha I often give them dirties. Are you excited to drop to 12?

Nah, don't 1 unit courses have 1.5 hour exams? But yeah, 12 exams though. They would probably be a lot easier because there's less stuff to learn.

Ugh, tell me about packed trains!! It feels like I'm trapped inside a can or something...can't breathe and there's stuff around me (not that I've actually been inside a can before though). Haha I get what you mean with the people blocking the way. Sigh, some people just lack common courtesy on trains :mad:

LOL we don't bring every single book!! My bag is usually full of food and pencils LOL And plz, its Cambridge for me. And nah lol my trains are emptier than peak hour ones so its all gee :p Not as big of a public nuisance!

Haha what school do you go to? (PM if you want)


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2011
The Moon
Guys, 3-4 hours is more than adequate per night during normal periods.

My main advice would be
-get your assignments over and done with asap
-it isn't about studying 10 hrs the day about the exam, it's about studying consistently.
-Do your creative AOS essay during the xmas holidays, you won't regret this
-keep upto date with notes, the further you let it go the less likely you'll ever catch up
-do past papers throughout the year, not just before the exam. Once you finish a topic do some questions to consolidate your knowledge

Goodluck to all, remember the hsc isn't the end of the world though

Plus, to paraphrase enoilgam: it's easy to commit to an idea, but harder to commit to a process.

If you face certain difficulties throughout the year, remember to never give up and continue working hard. It's never lost until it's actually lost.
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Spiritual Being

Jan 10, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad

Plus, to paraphrase enoilgam: it's easy to commit to an idea, but harder to commit to a process.

If you face certain difficulties throughout the year, remember to never give up and continue working hard. It's never lost until it's actually lost.
so wise amaranth


Feb 11, 2011
Mare Crisium
Plus, to paraphrase enoilgam: it's easy to commit to an idea, but harder to commit to a process.
Much love Amaranth. Also, first post in the 2014 forum (cant believe it took me until now to notice this forum had become active).

It's been said already but pace yourselves guys, there is no point going hard out now and then crashing and burning later. You need to be at your peak from July through October, as the assessments through this period are usually worth around 70% of your HSC.


Feb 11, 2011
Mare Crisium
I feel like i need to smash the first assessment to get some solid ranks and become more confident for the next exam though.
You need to be consistent throughout the year - it's all about pacing yourself really (which a lot of people cant do).

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