In terms of topics, I personally recommend:
Coroneous for Complex Numbers - this one has by far the most challenging questions for complex numbers.
Patel for Integration (I really like this book in general in the way it splits the topics up), I borrowed it from the library and loved how it summarised the course, but this topic I reckon is its strength. As many have noticed, this one is also the best for "notes" in my opinion.
Fitzpatrick is terrible for Complex Numbers; and is mixed for Conics (not much moderate stuff). Some of the conics stuff in Fitzpatrick is good if you need a challenge, although the newest version waters down it a bit, and the "multiple choice" questions as well as the ones before it in the new version are just bad.
The best section is that for some parts of mechanics: conical pendulum and banked tracks part of mechanics. I personally would recommend the older version of Fitzpatrick if you want a harder book. (edit: maybe not)
Cambridge and Terry Lee are two good all-rounders for most topics, especially the latter. Cambridge is good for questions but not for learning the concepts, use anything else.
The old Arnold-Arnold book apparently has some good reduction questions for integration, as afore mentioned.
My school also used Couchman and various other old textbooks as well at times.
Also the MANSW solutions for the older HSC exams are your best bet for pre-2000 exams, and Terry Lee's are also good for the years that it is available for.