If I do get this shit ATAR's I know exactly who to blame not myself. The people who fucking bully the hell out of me and being socially isolated due to my likes and also being an only child.
I had counselling and went to a psychologist. They even said its the bullying and it will lead to bad grades. At the time I started going to one, my marks were in the 40s to 50s. To come and now get 50s to 70s is to me a huge achievement.
No one knows what I've had to go through my whole high school life

. I feel like I have no friends and feel isolated due to my likes. If the Board of Studies doesn't see how hard i've had to handle things then of cause I will get a shit mark. Due to all this bullying I was sick for a month, missed out of school. That doesn't really help as when I went back to school people thought that I was suspended for doing nothing.
Anyone know if all school counsellor data and news get sent to the Board of Studies as a medical situation for ATARs.