SuperSAIyan2, we need an input from u brah.
But anyway, I wouldn't call myself a prodigy by any means or anything, but ive had a few successes and passions which drove me to great lengths while in school. I find a restrictive environment really kills off ur passions and desire to succeed. I was dreaming of completing ext 1 and ext 2 maths in yr 9, which was possible JUST THE YEAR BEFORE I came to my particular high school (My school allowed anyone who had the capacity to do HSC maths to complete the HSC, regardless of age) but then head teacher decided no more acceleration, and he's leaving HSC maths to yr 12.
This really destroyed my great passion and motivation in maths, and I just stopped doing it really, in favour of languages and physics (Another thing I was obsessed with, learning the techniques of uni physics, I really wanted to learn the maths behind general relativity). Though as yr 9 and yr 10 went by, it seemed I just had nothing to do with the knowledge I was acquiring, and so progressively each of my ambitions was killed off as I realised that I cant do anything with it, im still in high school and not in uni for another few years.
Other fields in which I ventured into uni level include neuroscience and medicine (got all my cousins [Med school graduate of karolinska institutet, Sweden] med books and went thru all of them, was most interested in neuroanatomy) and computational linguistics, I entered the linguistics olympiad with 3 peeps from my school and we came top 10 in australia

And the national neuroscience comp I came 3rd. I researched spanish and japanese to great depth, and wrote poems in both languages. I Won a few international writing competitions, with prize money totalling about 3500 dollars. Spelling bees, came 2nd in every one LOL, but it was 2nd at the highest level, one national spelling bee and the others state level. I sat the equivalent of HSC english except in Polish in poland, and got something like 97 percent in the exam. It was part of a language tutoring camp, not official exam.
From my great passion for the brain, science and mathematics came a desire to become a neuroradiologist, and to earn the $600k the average radiologist in australia gets. I dreamt of going to Harvard, of becoming a top student at their med school, as well when I visited my cousin in stockholm I walked the halls of the place where the Nobel Prizes are awarded, and told myself, I would be there one day, not as a tourist, but a recipient of the prize.
AND THEN came along HSC, and by that time id become so suppressed I just stuck to the routine of each of my subjects. And now idk what to do anymore with myself after HSC, lost my desire for medicine, science and maths and would rather do acting, but oh so many barriers and obstacles exist in the hollywood world
So Idk if im "at the top" as per your thread title, but ive certainly done a large variety of things in my childhood.
I believe school has significantly "killed off" my dreams and ambitions, to a point where I wonder what to do with myself these days.