I know some of you don't really understand, this is because you haven't experienced it personally and see the true implications. I have cousins who haven't been able to complete exams, they will get destroyed with the estimated marks because they're not a true reflection of their ability, but instead the standards of these normally low performing schools.
I don't necessarily see this as bad, my opinion is though that additional bonus points would be better. Also, 200 houses destroyed is just from the Springwood fire, how about the fires in Blackheath and Lithgow? Even if a family didn't experience losing their house, the stress and fear you go through when your house and all your belongings could be lost is crazy. A student isn't going to be thinking about their hsc during these times, but how they will react if the fire does come through to their location.
I commend UWS for these actions, i don't see any other uni offering anything. How about those students aiming for other uni's? I think 5 bonus points or something along the lines of that would be greatly appreciated.
200 houses doesn't mean only 200 students who have been affected. All schools (both primary and secondary) were closed for a few days, meaning NO exam could be completed by all hsc students in the Blue Mountains. Even if students were able to complete other exams such as english, the majority would still have at least one exam that will be estimated with misadventure procedures.