The first and foremost thing to decide upon is what are the key concepts of belonging you wish to explore from the belonging rubric-i.e. do you desire to comment on that perceptions of belonging/not belonging varies? The fact that sometimes barriers-rather it be physical, societal or psychological, can become a catalyst for the individual to find a genuine sense of belonging? The fact that our attitudes to belonging transforms over time? the notion that belonging is the acquirement of an ideal emotional state of tranquillity and happiness through the forging of meaningful interpersonal and intrapersonal connections... etc once you decide on the three or four main concepts you wish to explore, you can then extract different elements of the image you wish to use to incorporate it in a significant way into your story.
You can deconstruct both the quote in the picture as well as the actual image itself. For example, consider 'their escape was just the beginning'-you can brainstorm various things including what kind of escape?-escape from the forces of nature? escape from conflict-perhaps resulting in cultural diaspora? the beginning of what?-a new life? A new challenge?, the use of 'their' suggests that you should probably do a story based on a collective experience of some sort-whether it be familial, cultural, or communal.
Next, you can start to deconstruct the visual elements of the image, for example, the people seem to be travellers ascending towards a hill or a mountain of some sort, and you can consider incorporating some kind of journey into your belonging creative-whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual, that might lead to result in success in self-actualisation and can show the transformation of your main character throughout the story-i.e. from belonging to not belonging or vice versa. Consider why there is a man in the foreground facing back where the low angle shot seems to give the unknown man a quality of authority, so this journey might be a pilgrimage of a religious kind-to deepen one's religious identity, or it might be to follow an individual's ideology or ideals of some sort. Decide on the kind of emotions you wish to express and explore in the story, perhaps the individual(s) becomes disillusioned in the process, perhaps they become enlightened and enriched by alternative, new perspectives.
Consider the landscape-which is essentially desert like and barren-what is the implication of this in relation to exploration of this journey to acquire a sense of belonging, perhaps on a literal level you can describe the difficulty of the journey, but on a metaphorical level, you can consider this desert landscape as a kind of representative of perhaps the hostile societal attitudes that makes this collective journey difficult and deepens the sense of diaspora these individuals may be feeling. Consider how this can also be a catalyst for a story that focuses on the vulnerability of individuals against the forces of nature.
The amalgamation of the snowy mountains in the background and the desert landscape in the foreground is evidently a result of photoshop of some kind-thus, you may choose to interpret it as a result of imagination-and perhaps you can examine how imagination can release us from the limitations of our physical confines and enables us to develop a genuine sense of personal solidarity and achieve our limits through a collaborative effort. The clear sky can also be indicative on a metaphorical level that the journey has been a success, so you may consider to have an ending where the characters are able to forge a new life and belong.
Various structural elements to consider for your belonging creative including whether it will be written in first or third person, whether you are intending to do a time shift from past to present or alternate between them, whether you want to incorporate diary entries or letters into your story, whether you want your story to be written from different perspectives.
Hopefully these will give you just some ideas to think about and inspire you to start writing. The most important thing is to write about what you know, what you are passionate about, and if you don't know something-make sure you show thorough research. Hope this helps