How to improve when practicing for UMAT (1 Viewer)


Sep 19, 2013
Hi guys. I'm a student in year 12 and I'm really determined to get into medicine. I've enrolled in MedEntry and I've been doing drills, but I've just been getting bad scores in all sections especially in problem solving where I just totally hit a wall. The advice given to me at my MedEntry lecture was: do more. What's the point of doing more if I am going back to the drills doing the same things wrong. I try to come back each time trying not to give up and to persevere but end up with the same result. Can anyone give me advice on how to approach the UMAT and improve properly in the 6 months till UMAT? In my opinion I am an average but very hard working student and I topped half of my subjects in Year 11 at my school. I'm just hoping that my work ethic will allow me to improve in UMAT as well. can anyone help me? :)


Active Member
Aug 30, 2013
Medentry workshop is pretty useless. Their resources are decent but teaching atrocious. UMAT is about changing the way you think to the way they want you to think. Took me a while to change my mindset but I ended up doing pretty well because of that.
Oct 1, 2012
Hey dude
I sort of disagree with Medman unfortunately, however maybe he just had a bad experience there. I personally didn't go to MedEntry and I did horrible, however when I was practicing for it I saw that I wasn't improving much until i started treating it like a HSC subject on it's own. At one point I was confident I was going to get a very good mark, but this was around 5 months before the exam itself. As HSC trials came closer I began to lose interest in UMAT and simply focused on trials.

Here are the mistakes I made:
- I was only consistent for about 2 months
- I didn't seek any advice regarding UMAT, I simply just did it on my own because I was so arrogant with it - when I was getting good marks I let myself think "Now that you're getting good marks you shouldn't care as much".
- I didn't attend any workshops hence I didn't learn many secrets and tricks my friends knew!
- I left things till the last week before I started studying for UMAT again, and by then I had lost all the experience I had with it so I started panicking and eventually said "I'll just guess them" which didn't work well lol.

Advice: Don't do any of that ^ and continue to post on this forum every now and then for updated advice from different people. There will be people who give much better replies than mine haha :)

I suggest you get some friends and attend MedEntry as all my friends who did do it got from 50-80's. I believe they offer discounts if you go in a group or something like that.



Sep 19, 2013
Yeah I just came back from the two day thing they offer and sure they taught me some tricks but I was still terrible afterwards :/ Has anyone gotten a very high percentile? What did you do? How did you improve? Treating it as a HSC subject is one thing but unlike a HSC subject, its not easy to improve at all. Thanks guys for the replies btw
Oct 1, 2012
Try to maintain a positive attitude towards i5, there's a quote i really like that states "Believe you can and you're half way there" and my Chemistry/Biology teacher used to always say "good marks come from 50% effort and 50% attitude".
Your effort by the looks of it is solid, however you're attitude is lacking you keep saying to yourself that it's hard to improve! I'm on some Dr.Phill shit here but I hope it gives you a better insight haha :)


Active Member
Aug 30, 2013
Let me put it into perspective for you. Medentry for the price they charge is terrible for the advice they give. I have known people who did Medentry still come out with bad marks and people who didn't do Medentry can still get good marks. abdullahalfadhl's assumption that Medentry helps you get good marks is completely false based off just a few anecdotes. Medentry did very little in teaching me techniques to improve my UMAT, they did teach a few but it didn't help that much when it came to the exam the day after. It was something I figured out on my own in my own time that's when my marks began to improve. This being said even if you do well in the practice exams you may not perform the same in the actual UMAT (This comes from my many many students).
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Oct 1, 2012
I completely agree with the pricing issue, that's why I didn't want to go ahaha.
Solid advice man :) You're completely right, the Medentry course isn't the best thing in the world but you do need to admit that it does help. I see you're offering med/dentistry mentoring with a 90%+ success rate, so its clear you have the upper hand here :)


Active Member
Aug 30, 2013
Medentry did teach some tips and advice but in the whole scheme of improvement it mattered little. What I found was helpful is to keep an open mind and change your mindset to meet their requirements especially for sections 1 and 2. Remember they are testing for doctor's qualities, empathy, compassion, non-judgmental etc. the list goes on.


New Member
Dec 2, 2012
I sat the UMAT last year and had spent approximately 8 months prior preparing with MedEntry. I was fairly consistent with my studies but I found that (this is me personally) that while MedEntry showed potential patterns found in section 3, how to think and respond to section 2, and answers and some trains of thought with section 1, overall it wasn't very helpful in the end. I mean, I completely bombed and ended up in the 24th percentile.
If I could have done anything differently, I would have stepped away from MedEntry a bit and focused on some other ways to change your way of thinking. Whether that's through mind games or problem solving activities (like you find in the comics section of the newspaper). Write down and justify, explaing in your own words how a particular pattern works and can be found. Revise these regularly. Section 3 was always difficult for me but it actually turned out to be my best mark on the UMAT and I think I achieved that by making lots of notes and drawings.
I have to agree that the resources are great but MedEntry do lack advice and proper tutoring. So, you'll have to do your own learning in training your brain, so to say, and hopefully that will help you receive better marks in the drill.
Best of luck!


Active Member
Sep 8, 2012
Hi guys. I'm a student in year 12 and I'm really determined to get into medicine. I've enrolled in MedEntry and I've been doing drills, but I've just been getting bad scores in all sections especially in problem solving where I just totally hit a wall. The advice given to me at my MedEntry lecture was: do more. What's the point of doing more if I am going back to the drills doing the same things wrong. I try to come back each time trying not to give up and to persevere but end up with the same result. Can anyone give me advice on how to approach the UMAT and improve properly in the 6 months till UMAT? In my opinion I am an average but very hard working student and I topped half of my subjects in Year 11 at my school. I'm just hoping that my work ethic will allow me to improve in UMAT as well. can anyone help me? :)
I can give you advice for section 1 and 2 coz i got 91st and 89th percentile respectively, but section 3 i need to figure out myself (lul 47th percentile).

for section 2 - don't answer what you think is right. As stupid and pointless as this sounds, trust me. Answer what you believe is the nicest most empathetic answer. Learn how to read quickly because there may be many super long passages. Section 2 does sorta depend on your mood that day. I spent the night before umat just chillin, talking to some friends, and although i was nervous i tried to forget umat. The next morning i went to umat with some friends after a good night's sleep, tried to keep as calm and chill as possible, and did section 2 first. This essentially worked out for me. But yeah best thing with section 2 is answer the way they want you to answer, not what you think is right - this needs practice. Get some reading done this year, learn new words, because vocabulary may be difficult in section 2. Read some books about everyday life issues - try a long way down by nick hornby, it may not be the best literary work, but it can help you empathise better i guess, and other books as such.

for section 1 it's all about skill. They'll give you heaps of info and you're going to have to interpret a whole bunch of junk, where you essentially probably only need about 3% of that info. You'll need to practise using tables, flowcharts, diagrams and what not. You'll see this in many of medentry's solutions. Try taking their skills and methods and use them for questions you come across. You can practise this without even doing any umat questions. When you're doing study notes etc, try getting big blocks of info and making them into flowcharts, timelines, tables, diagrams etc. Section 1 also requires a lot of concentration.

As for section 3, i need help myself HAHA.

EDIT: Oh and don't be so disappointed with your drills percentiles and what not. They were very inaccurate for me personally. All my percentiles were way below 30 for every exam in MedEntry. In the end I got 79th, and even though that wasn't good enough for med, my point is the percentiles aren't something you can rely on. Don't feel too disheartened - compare results with friends instead to see if you're improving :)
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New Member
Dec 11, 2011
Hi guys. I'm a student in year 12 and I'm really determined to get into medicine. I've enrolled in MedEntry and I've been doing drills, but I've just been getting bad scores in all sections especially in problem solving where I just totally hit a wall. The advice given to me at my MedEntry lecture was: do more. What's the point of doing more if I am going back to the drills doing the same things wrong. I try to come back each time trying not to give up and to persevere but end up with the same result. Can anyone give me advice on how to approach the UMAT and improve properly in the 6 months till UMAT? In my opinion I am an average but very hard working student and I topped half of my subjects in Year 11 at my school. I'm just hoping that my work ethic will allow me to improve in UMAT as well. can anyone help me? :)
Hey buddy,

Just wanted to give you a quick bit of encouragement - you're doing ABSOLUTELY FINE!! :D Honestly. I did 1 practice paper in January and nearly died of shock at my percentile. I put it away and didn't practise until a couple of weeks before the UMAT. And I still got 100%ile.

So you're fine.

I'd really encourage you to figure out how/why you got those questions wrong. And how you can stop getting them wrong. Analyse the questions - that's the only reason for my score.

Don't be discouraged, and don't give up (that was my problem - I gave up too soon). Just work through it, but work through it smart. Remember, it's not about the scores in your practice - it's about your final score. And it's not about the number of questions you get wrong - it's about what you can learn from them. AND it's not about the number of practice questions you do - it's about how well you learn from them.

Haha wow that was ridiculously corny but hey it's true ;)

Hope that helps and good luck! :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
lol, you guys act like umat is something that you can 100% improve on.. It really isn't.. The ONLY reason they have placed umat in place is so they can cut down the applicants otherwise 10000 ppl would need to be interviewed every year. Only the top10-20 percentile will get an interview and at the end of the day it is VERY competitive and not everyone is good at it. I would say around 50-70% of the ppl who do medentry/other tutoring stuff also don't end up getting a decent mark so yea.. I'm not saying you can't improve, you most certainly can. A couple of things that seem to be a factor are also your age and how many times you've sat the umat (score increases with age and the more times you've sat the umat the better you are likely to perform) but yeah. goodluck lols, i'm gonna be sitting it again since i bombed out section 2 last year lol otherwise i'd be in med :(


Ancient Orator
Oct 21, 2013
lol, you guys act like umat is something that you can 100% improve on.. It really isn't.. The ONLY reason they have placed umat in place is so they can cut down the applicants otherwise 10000 ppl would need to be interviewed every year. Only the top10-20 percentile will get an interview and at the end of the day it is VERY competitive and not everyone is good at it. I would say around 50-70% of the ppl who do medentry/other tutoring stuff also don't end up getting a decent mark so yea.. I'm not saying you can't improve, you most certainly can. A couple of things that seem to be a factor are also your age and how many times you've sat the umat (score increases with age and the more times you've sat the umat the better you are likely to perform) but yeah. goodluck lols, i'm gonna be sitting it again since i bombed out section 2 last year lol otherwise i'd be in med :(

What was ur percentile?
Did u get offered an interview?
Good luck :)


New Member
Jan 28, 2014
Hi Phamtom,
I got 97th percentile in the UMAT this year (68/64/62) and did a prep course - like gibson, I didn't do much practice until a few weeks before the UMAT, and ended up only completing 4 practice papers (many drills though) - I think the most important thing is to look at the worked answers and understand why your choice was wrong - maybe if you have some friends also doing prep you could ask them for help, sometimes just another person talking about it can make the answer 'click!'

I do think UMAT is something that really can be improved on, unlike @amirbang - you just have to persevere!
Good luck!


Sep 19, 2013
lol sorry for not replying guys! You guys were super helpful and I didn't subscribe to this thread so I didn't see your replies until now. 2 weeks to my trials and I haven't done drills for ages and i've only done 3 umat exams. swamped by the HSC. But HSCs my priority write now and I need that awesome trial mark........ priorities


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2013
They're these umat exercises with around 15 questions each focusing on a particular aspect of the UMAT.
e.g. cartoon drills - 15 questions on cartoons (found in section 2).
Just a name those umat tutoring organisations made up I'm guessing.


New Member
Aug 24, 2015
Is anyone willing to sell a scanned/hard copy version of their 2016 MedEntry workshop trial exam? :) Thanks! I live in an area where i cannot get to a workshop.

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