Yeah, we're doing modernism at the moment so like Monet, Dali, Seurat etc, and might do some postmodern artists as well. Wbu?
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Ah!! Dali is one of my favourite modern masters

I love how he paints the most out of the world things with such finesse! I remember writing an in class essay on him in year 11 haha

which post-modern artists are you looking at?
We just did a case study on artists as social commentators, which was really interesting

I studied Jeff Wall and George Gittoes.
I think we are doing a casestudy on aboriginal artworks atm.
@ Rumbleroar have you asked your teacher about theory ?
I'm sure it will be okay... art essays are a lot more logical then english essays
Recent assessment for theory, was really insane at how 1 mark lost was roughly 7 ranks
Ooh! Aboriginal art sounds really interesting

We're doing a feminism case study. I think it would be really cool to see the two overlap!
And our essay was on Tuesday, so its over now (thank goodness lol) I agree, art essays are way better than English essays. They're also so much easier to talk about.

that rank drop sounds intense!! That's a bit like my school, but for maths and English mainly. :'(
I'm working in ceramics/digital manipulation
book (digital) about a4 size
ceramics 15 cm x 20cm roughly ( 3 lots )
do you have any progress pictures or anything? Curious to see how your work is going!