Year 11 2014 Chat :) (8 Viewers)

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Mar 10, 2014
Idk! It was just hard.
Lesson learnt start studying before. Most of the time I study in the last minute and to be honest I dont actually do that bad but this time it was different. I didnt know what to write. Just cover your dot points well!
Same here...I tend to study 2 nights before! I always do pretty well but this time I fear it's not going to be enough. I've already started studying on the weekened for my maths half yearly on friday.
Patterns in Nature is a huge topic..there are TOO many dotpoints! :(
What kinda q's were there?


Active Member
Apr 23, 2014
For...?? Im happy to help a fellow BOSer in need. :)
k this is in the totally wrong thread and all but last year and yr 9 i had a crush on this guy, my friend told him towards the end of last year. he looked at me more of a friend back then.. then this year i sorta got over him, like i feel like stuff would be better off if we were just friends (yes friendzoned ik) but tonight he just asked me if i would go out with him...
he said he'd been meaning to ask for a while now, just never had the guts to.
idk what to say. i don't really want to hurt his feelings, but at the same time i don't want to mess up my friendship with him, plus i feel like it'd be kinda awkward... cos I'm just an awkward person :L
this was all very sudden and I'm sorta freaking out a bit, because at the moment I'm sorta into this other guy who works at jbhifi. i probably don't have much chance with him, but idk he's shown some signs too. if i agreed to go out with this dude who asked me out tonight, id find it really awkward because id still totally freak out every time i go to jbhifi.. like IDEK D:


Active Member
Feb 17, 2014
k this is in the totally wrong thread and all but last year and yr 9 i had a crush on this guy, my friend told him towards the end of last year. he looked at me more of a friend back then.. then this year i sorta got over him, like i feel like stuff would be better off if we were just friends (yes friendzoned ik) but tonight he just asked me if i would go out with him...
he said he'd been meaning to ask for a while now, just never had the guts to.
idk what to say. i don't really want to hurt his feelings, but at the same time i don't want to mess up my friendship with him, plus i feel like it'd be kinda awkward... cos I'm just an awkward person :L
this was all very sudden and I'm sorta freaking out a bit, because at the moment I'm sorta into this other guy who works at jbhifi. i probably don't have much chance with him, but idk he's shown some signs too. if i agreed to go out with this dude who asked me out tonight, id find it really awkward because id still totally freak out every time i go to jbhifi.. like IDEK D:
Okay, I'm probs the worst person u could ask for love advice but if you give him a shot, those feelings of love could resurface (u did like him for a long time) and hurrah everyone's happy in the end. The guy at jbhifi, do u feel like you will ever ask him out or get the feeling that hes interested in you ? What if you reject your previous crush but then realise that the guy at jbhifi is a) not interested b) unavailable c) jerk d) totally out of your reach and u dont have the guts to ask him out well hun then u wasted your time on something doomed from the beginning. Heres what I say, ask your prev. crush to give you time for an answer then think through your options CAREFULLY. If u think that jbhifi guy is worth a shot, reject him but do so nicely. If u choose prev. crush and it ends up muddy well theres always jbhifi guy. Again, I'm not a love expert so my advice is untrustworthy but if this helps you GREAT but if it dont, forget this advicd ever existed.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2014
Okay, I'm probs the worst person u could ask for love advice but if you give him a shot, those feelings of love could resurface (u did like him for a long time) and hurrah everyone's happy in the end. The guy at jbhifi, do u feel like you will ever ask him out or get the feeling that hes interested in you ? What if you reject your previous crush but then realise that the guy at jbhifi is a) not interested b) unavailable c) jerk d) totally out of your reach and u dont have the guts to ask him out well hun then u wasted your time on something doomed from the beginning. Heres what I say, ask your prev. crush to give you time for an answer then think through your options CAREFULLY. If u think that jbhifi guy is worth a shot, reject him but do so nicely. If u choose prev. crush and it ends up muddy well theres always jbhifi guy. Again, I'm not a love expert so my advice is untrustworthy but if this helps you GREAT but if it dont, forget this advicd ever existed.
haha its okay.
Yeah, but he's just a really nice guy and I see him more as a friend. :S After i got to know him a little better, i was sort of like "well i don't want to wreck this friendship with a gf/bf relationship"
Well my friend already told the jbhifi guy and then she ran out of the store before he could do anything. as she was telling him she said he seemed sort of embarrassed and was looking at the ground, pacing a lil, playing with his hot hair and had a cute smile on his face and said thank you. and he does sort of look at me, i noticed that a few times. he is also really nice to me.
my mum has suspicions with the jbhifi guy...thinks he could like me..from the way he acts but then again idk, my mum can be weird..

yeah, I'm sort of scared about those 4 points as well with the jb guy, but idk anymore..

prev crush asked me if i wanted time and I'm like yeses that would be good.
I'm trying to think of these options but i don't know anymore.
and if i do end up accepting pref crush...idk how i would get away with going out with him when i have pretty overprotective parents when it comes to this stuff :| my mum keeps on forcing me to go to jbhifi to 'talk with this guy' but then with my prev crush idk how she would would be weird. and my dad would murder prev crush and me if he found out..
and also, since i have a major crush on jbhifi guy, i would find it awkward going out with prev. crush.. AAAAAND also, prev crush and I are both quite shy people, i am also an awkward person. even just messaging each other i feel awkward and i always run out of things to say. and in person its even more awkward cos its

thanks for the advice though.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2014
haha its okay.
Yeah, but he's just a really nice guy and I see him more as a friend. :S After i got to know him a little better, i was sort of like "well i don't want to wreck this friendship with a gf/bf relationship"
Well my friend already told the jbhifi guy and then she ran out of the store before he could do anything. as she was telling him she said he seemed sort of embarrassed and was looking at the ground, pacing a lil, playing with his hot hair and had a cute smile on his face and said thank you. and he does sort of look at me, i noticed that a few times. he is also really nice to me.
my mum has suspicions with the jbhifi guy...thinks he could like me..from the way he acts but then again idk, my mum can be weird..

yeah, I'm sort of scared about those 4 points as well with the jb guy, but idk anymore..

prev crush asked me if i wanted time and I'm like yeses that would be good.
I'm trying to think of these options but i don't know anymore.
and if i do end up accepting pref crush...idk how i would get away with going out with him when i have pretty overprotective parents when it comes to this stuff :| my mum keeps on forcing me to go to jbhifi to 'talk with this guy' but then with my prev crush idk how she would would be weird. and my dad would murder prev crush and me if he found out..
and also, since i have a major crush on jbhifi guy, i would find it awkward going out with prev. crush.. AAAAAND also, prev crush and I are both quite shy people, i am also an awkward person. even just messaging each other i feel awkward and i always run out of things to say. and in person its even more awkward cos its

thanks for the advice though.
All i can say is theres no point going out with someone if you dont fancy them. Your prev . crush should've snatched you when he had the chance! You waited a long time too so I would shoot for jbhifi guy. Your mum seems to like him too. :)


Active Member
Apr 23, 2014
All i can say is theres no point going out with someone if you dont fancy them. Your prev . crush should've snatched you when he had the chance! You waited a long time too so I would shoot for jbhifi guy. Your mum seems to like him too. :)
haha i know! which is why I feel terrible turning him down and all because he really is the sweetest thing, but since nothing happened after my friend told him last year, i was left hanging for months that I got sick of it and just moved on with my life. My friend told him and he was like. oh wow i didn't expect that. Then bc i just felt so awkward I decided to tell him myself a few weeks later and pretend that I didn't know my friend told him, and he's like..oh yeah your friend told me. I pretended to be shocked of course and then asked how he felt and he's like I really don't know. Im sorry. So then I'm thinking well ok then.. umm awkward..
Anyway, I tried to sort of get things going like suggesting we should hang out some time, but that never happened. So obviously, after several fruitless attempts, who wouldn't get fed up? So i pretty much gave up on it in the summer holidays and moved on.

I have liked the jbhifi guy for a really long time, it's just I'm scared that he is most likely taken (I mean he's so hot, how could he not be taken?) and he's a few years older than me. prev. crush is in the same grade as me (we go to different schools, but catch the same public transport) but he is just over a year younger than me (so i feel sort of awkward..) mum seems to like jbhifi guy alright, forcing me into going to that shop against my will to try and get me to talk to him, and when I don't, she says i waste my opportunities .-.

blaaah this is so annoying. So I've been going kind of cray over JB guy a lot more recently, I've had exams the past two weeks, had crazy emotional and mental breakdowns bc of stupid depression shit and then this guy decides to ask me out. As if I wasn't already confused enough!!
I really don't know what to do, but I did post a new thread on the Love and Relationships forum with a very confusing explanation of my situation..hopefully I can get some advice.....
Last edited:

Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
haha i know! which is why I feel terrible turning him down and all because he really is the sweetest thing, but since nothing happened after my friend told him last year, i was left hanging for months that I got sick of it and just moved on with my life. My friend told him and he was like. oh wow i didn't expect that. Then bc i just felt so awkward I decided to tell him myself a few weeks later and pretend that I didn't know my friend told him, and he's like..oh yeah your friend told me. I pretended to be shocked of course and then asked how he felt and he's like I really don't know. Im sorry. So then I'm thinking well ok then.. umm awkward..
Anyway, I tried to sort of get things going like suggesting we should hang out some time, but that never happened. So obviously, after several fruitless attempts, who wouldn't get fed up? So i pretty much gave up on it in the summer holidays and moved on.

I have liked the jbhifi guy for a really long time, it's just I'm scared that he is most likely taken (I mean he's so hot, how could he not be taken?) and he's a few years older than me. prev. crush is in the same grade as me (we go to different schools, but catch the same public transport) but he is just over a year younger than me (so i feel sort of awkward..) mum seems to like jbhifi guy alright, forcing me into going to that shop against my will to try and get me to talk to him, and when I don't, she says i waste my opportunities .-.

blaaah this is so annoying. So I've been going kind of cray over JB guy a lot more recently, I've had exams the past two weeks, had crazy emotional and mental breakdowns bc of stupid depression shit and then this guy decides to ask me out. As if I wasn't already confused enough!!
I really don't know what to do, but I did post a new thread on the Love and Relationships forum with a very confusing explanation of my situation..hopefully I can get some advice.....
Haha you friendzoned a guy :0


Active Member
Apr 23, 2014
Haha you friendzoned a guy :0
i had a crush on him, told him how i felt, he said he didn't know how he felt, he left me hanging for months and I gave up on trying to get us two to hang out and I moved on. Then I realised, hey I'd rather just have him as a friend anyway, I don't have many guy friends and he is nice and all, but I thought it would seem awkward if we did end up going out, I don't know why.
Plus our maturity levels are quite different. He is a year younger than me, but idk, he isn't as stupid as some guys I know, but sometimes I feel that we have a lot of differences and i find it hard to make conversation and his maturity is different to mine and stuff. And his mental state as well..I'm pretty emotionally unstable as you've prob noticed and idk if he could handle that and from what the last girl he 'dated' said, they didn't talk much and he was always on his xbox or whatever..
Also his last 'relationship' if you can even call it that sort of went nowhere.....and after a 6 months or so with that girl he 'lost the feeling'..
I used to get jealous when I saw them together, but they never really went out and texting seemed tedious and i've noticed he will take forever to reply a lot of the time (and bc i use kik) sometimes he will read a message and not reply at all T_T
I don't know anymore. He's really nice, he isn't a jerk, but I first of all don't know if it would even work out between us and second I don't even know if i like him in that way anymore.
But i just feel suuuuper duuuuper bad turning him down.

Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
i had a crush on him, told him how i felt, he said he didn't know how he felt, he left me hanging for months and I gave up on trying to get us two to hang out and I moved on. Then I realised, hey I'd rather just have him as a friend anyway, I don't have many guy friends and he is nice and all, but I thought it would seem awkward if we did end up going out, I don't know why.
Plus our maturity levels are quite different. He is a year younger than me, but idk, he isn't as stupid as some guys I know, but sometimes I feel that we have a lot of differences and i find it hard to make conversation and his maturity is different to mine and stuff. And his mental state as well..I'm pretty emotionally unstable as you've prob noticed and idk if he could handle that and from what the last girl he 'dated' said, they didn't talk much and he was always on his xbox or whatever..
Also his last 'relationship' if you can even call it that sort of went nowhere.....and after a 6 months or so with that girl he 'lost the feeling'..
I used to get jealous when I saw them together, but they never really went out and texting seemed tedious and i've noticed he will take forever to reply a lot of the time (and bc i use kik) sometimes he will read a message and not reply at all T_T
I don't know anymore. He's really nice, he isn't a jerk, but I first of all don't know if it would even work out between us and second I don't even know if i like him in that way anymore.
But i just feel suuuuper duuuuper bad turning him down.
Ah... I guess it's understandable. ... Given the reasoning

School > guys :p

You don't want to have these problems in your HSC.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2014
Ah... I guess it's understandable. ... Given the reasoning

School > guys :p

You don't want to have these problems in your HSC.
aha yeah, I'm so confused though. I mean..I sort of friend zoned him, I moved on, I also had a crush on JB dude who I still have a crush on now and that doesn't make anything easier.
Then there's the parent dilemma with the overprotective dad who doesn't like me to hang out with guys.
Then theres the fact we are both in year 11 and should prob focus more on school...well, i guess I need to take it a bit more seriously. He never took school seriously, don't even think he wants to go to uni or tafe or anything.
ugh, why did he have to ask me out ? -.- i honestly thought he wasn't interested, hence me moving on which then led to this situation...

Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
aha yeah, I'm so confused though. I mean..I sort of friend zoned him, I moved on, I also had a crush on JB dude who I still have a crush on now and that doesn't make anything easier.
Then there's the parent dilemma with the overprotective dad who doesn't like me to hang out with guys.
Then theres the fact we are both in year 11 and should prob focus more on school...well, i guess I need to take it a bit more seriously. He never took school seriously, don't even think he wants to go to uni or tafe or anything.
ugh, why did he have to ask me out ? -.- i honestly thought he wasn't interested, hence me moving on which then led to this situation...
Maybe he wanted another chance?

From a guys perspective, that's what I would be thinking.

This situation ... Guys... Family .... Too much headaches lol
Take guys out of the equation if you want to do well.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2014
Maybe he wanted another chance?

From a guys perspective, that's what I would be thinking.

This situation ... Guys... Family .... Too much headaches lol
Take guys out of the equation if you want to do well.
yeshhh theres too much going on in my mind. it is quite distracting. i mean..i go to jbhifi every chance i get...just to see the guy...even if i have exams and should be studying T_T every time i go there i think i will say something to him, then i chicken out.
i wish there was a button in which i could erase all these thoughts for the next year and a bit T_T
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