lol argueably science is english, at least in AUstralia it is. What do you think you're reading in that science text book buddy? Martian?
Before you feel the urge to rebut into an argument at least get your facts straight. My argument for year 11 and 12 science as not bettering our society was in the context of a fellow bos'ers words that somehow yr 11 and 12 science will be "making a substantial societal contribtion".
You're assuming that every individual would want to pursure a science degree. I hate to break your bubble but unfortunately a science degree isn't everyone's dream course c: It's not in our best interests to force students to be equipped with knowledge that potentially takes time out of their busy lives which they don't care about. I can agree that fundalmental maths and science is useful aka junior school or general maths, but forcing someone to love science, to prioritise a science degree over everything else, is not only plain arrogant but incredibly naive. btw that " bettering' of society, isn't my term, but hey

I'll take it.
Yeah, but we live in a post-modern age, that is, where values and ideology are constantl being challenged and subverted. I won't insult your intelligence by explaining the importance of critical, analytical and logical thinking as well as a clear idea of communication and essay/argument structures in such an age
Don't forget, scientific inventions/discoveries aren't the only occurances in our world today.
Yeah, you've got to study concept in order to gain an understanding in every subject. Not just english nor science alone. Hence your argument ath science is oh so better than english in terms of regurgitation is null.
I have never mentioned HSC science is useless - for heavens sake, I take chemistry and biology e.e, I'm just saying that if you mandate english and science and as a few fellow bos'ers seem to be saying, maths as well, that's a lot of time and subjects that are pre-determined for a student, which may overall affect their atar because they are not doing a subject they enjoy.
It's well and good for students who were originally planning to take math and science anyways, but think of the art/language/humanities based kids. Some of them legit don't even want to go near science for their HSC and prelim years. Some of them think they have a better chance of doing well in humanities than science, even if they may enjoy the subject.
To deny a student of opporunities to chase subjects that potentially may help them decide their future career is just rude.
And so far, in my eyes, your argument has not shown nor convinced me that science should be mandated over english.