Information Technology/ Computing Degrees 2015 (1 Viewer)


Señor Member
Jul 14, 2012
I think the problem is that the term 'IT' is overloaded in this thread (and in popular culture too). The difference is explained here:

Essentially, IT focuses on dealing with clients and managing servers, databases, and networks. Jobs in IT include tech support, systems administration, network architect, security analyst. The programming you do in an IT position is generally limited to database access commands and short scripts for e.g. copying files or running updates.

"Pure" computer science is the study of information and computation. However, most computer science graduates go on to do software engineering, in which you design systems and implement them by programming. This encompasses everything from web development (not HTML/CSS -- that's more web design -- but JS or web frameworks, sure), to computer games, robotics, protein sequencing, low-level embedded programming, and pretty much anything else that requires software.

Unfortunately this distinction isn't that common. E.g. USyd's most prestigious computer science degree is actually called a Bachelor of Information Technology, even though the major is computer science.

CompSci/SENG/CompEng/BioInfo still write code, it's just that it will probably be in C, C++ if you go to UNSW or USyd, instead of a slightly higher level language like Java, where all of the low-level memory management stuff is done for you by the Java platform itself).
This isn't true, as I mention above. It's true that someone in IT probably won't be using a language like C or C++ because it requires concepts they wouldn't know about, but a CS graduate or software engineer can use any language. Java is the most popular language for software engineering at the moment, and you'll learn it at UNSW and USyd as well as C, C++, Haskell, Python, and whatever else they decide to teach you. Scripting languages like Python and Ruby are rapidly rising in popularity too. Most software engineers will know many languages. At my current job, we use a technology stack based on C++, Java, Python, and JavaScript, as well as plenty of specialised languages for data analysis, distributed computing, logs processing, and so on. Long-term employees tend to become proficient in all of these languages.


Brightest Member
Jan 18, 2010
I think the problem is that the term 'IT' is overloaded in this thread (and in popular culture too). The difference is explained here:

Essentially, IT focuses on dealing with clients and managing servers, databases, and networks. Jobs in IT include tech support, systems administration, network architect, security analyst. The programming you do in an IT position is generally limited to database access commands and short scripts for e.g. copying files or running updates.

"Pure" computer science is the study of information and computation. However, most computer science graduates go on to do software engineering, in which you design systems and implement them by programming. This encompasses everything from web development (not HTML/CSS -- that's more web design -- but JS or web frameworks, sure), to computer games, robotics, protein sequencing, low-level embedded programming, and pretty much anything else that requires software.

Unfortunately this distinction isn't that common. E.g. USyd's most prestigious computer science degree is actually called a Bachelor of Information Technology, even though the major is computer science.

This isn't true, as I mention above. It's true that someone in IT probably won't be using a language like C or C++ because it requires concepts they wouldn't know about, but a CS graduate or software engineer can use any language. Java is the most popular language for software engineering at the moment, and you'll learn it at UNSW and USyd as well as C, C++, Haskell, Python, and whatever else they decide to teach you. Scripting languages like Python and Ruby are rapidly rising in popularity too. Most software engineers will know many languages. At my current job, we use a technology stack based on C++, Java, Python, and JavaScript, as well as plenty of specialised languages for data analysis, distributed computing, logs processing, and so on. Long-term employees tend to become proficient in all of these languages.
Bearing the title 'IT' under a degree name is a different bar of soap all together; depending on the university itself. (I'm sure you know this).

'The state of the BIT program in Australia is unstable, as many universities offer it as a technical program while others as a business, e-commerce related program. The Australian Computer Society recognizes all BIT degrees, however Engineers Australia only recognises BIT degrees that are technical.'

I haven't found a BIT program recognised by Engineers Australia yet, I think Monash may have it, since it's part of the Go8 (Group of 8) Universities, who are more research focused I think and their IT programs are purely technical from last sight.

- BIT at UTS sort of tries to be a hybrid between technical (7 cores) and info sys (7 cores), although, it's more oriented to a business IT focus (4 additional subjects are industry based and are just report writing on your own) w/ a few technical skills introduced in the 7 technical cores, e.g. Java, HTML/CSS, SQL, Linux, Networking basics.

- BIT/BIS at UNSW is run by the Business faculty (It has like one maths subject and 0 COMP subjects from the CSE [Computer Science and Engineering] faculty, so all of its cores are INFO Sys [strong business focus] related).

- BIT at USyd, as you've stated allows students the option to major into one of two streams after 1st year; Info Sys, or Comp Sci. It's the most flexible way to approach an 'IT/Computing' course I guess.

Degree naming conventions are kind of retarded atm for computing/Eng at postgraduate. There's no one standard, so unis just develop their own course titles and structures (some copy off each others' course titles at postgrad), unless it's Eng undergrad which has to follow a spec of requirements from Engs Australia.

Look at this -.- we're kind of still bending courses around standard industry bodies rather than them laying down the specs for IT degrees to follow. Looks like Bachelor of Computing was the old name for BIT.

For the purposes of this thread, we'll refer to IT as less of a technical focus, since most of the time it's a significantly dubbed down version of Comp Sci (If that).

> not HTML/CSS -- that's more web design

I understand where you're coming from, but Web Design is more mockups in Photoshop and wireframing with quick mockups in HTML/CSS usually done by a Web Developer. A Web Developer is usually the Designer as well, but today there is a sort of a sway for Designers to at least know HTML/CSS. In the end, HTML and CSS is still code, therefore it's still part of the Dev side of things.

> This isn't true, as I mention above. It's true that someone in IT probably won't be using a language like C or C++ because it requires concepts they wouldn't know about

IT at UTS has one subject called Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) (an elective for my course, it's a core for the Enterprise Systems Development Major) and it USES C++ but doesn't teach it. The Lecturer uses C++ to showcase the different sorts and searches and data structures in an elementary way, and sets tutorials where you have to find where he has purposely left his bugs. It's no doubt the closest subject I think UTS IT has left to Computer Science, but having one subject that touches on Comp Sci material isn't going to justify a 3-4 year degree surrounded on low-level software and hardware concepts. I don't even know if they go through Big-O notation and complexity theory, I think they do, I can find out. (Something Google looks for in their phone screenings for SENG roles. Was also recommended to read this by a Googler ( but my interests aren't really in Software Engineering otherwise I would have done a SENG degree (aha), there's also this: (They touched on Big-O notation briefly in Web Systems in one Lecture - 1st sem, 1st Year, but it went right past me, and they never tested for it, btw the quiz in Web Systems is just same quiz year in, year out, kind of a joke really, as UTS usually is). Software Engineering looks like a course with a Comp Sci backing but focuses more on developing actual business applications, much like how IT students would. (But without all of the maths and Comp Sci stuff, IT students pretty much have to rely off relevancy to apply their work, whereas at least with a a more technical backing, you could rely on logical analysis of theories and apply them for efficient scaling and using back-end algorithms, but when you're dealing with high level of languages it becomes a constant game of researching the latest out there).

I think this is a good representational image of how to represent where all of these computing degrees stand, although, there is some overlap these days between grads from IT jumping into Software Development and I even know one IT guy who went into embedded hardware design and another guy who works with him didn't even have a degree and came straight from High School).

EE= Electrical Engineering CS = Computer Science IT= Info Tech
CE = Computer Engineering SE = Software Engineering IS = Info Sys


I came across this site years ago (They've done up the site with a new design since then, but I recommend it to anyone looking at Comp Sci as a degree, it's a general website explaining what's involved in Comp Sci There's also tonnes of resources available online just Google until your heart's content. :)


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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
Uni Grad
Do u think someone with a computer engineering degree could get a job which also a Information System or Information Technology could get ?


Brightest Member
Jan 18, 2010
Do u think someone with a computer engineering degree could get a job which also a Information System or Information Technology could get ?
Yes, easily (from what I've heard and seen, and may depend on which electives you choose in Comp Eng, i.e. you could pick up some Networking electives which would give you the knowledge to maintain IT Networks), but I see it as an overkill doing 4 years of intense Computer Engineering if all you're wanting to get is more of a Sys Admin/IT/IS job, students USUALLY study Computer Engineering if they have high ambitions to work more towards the low-levels of hardware/electronic design, e.g. Working at a semiconductor company such as Intel, AMD, Nvidia, Apple - or any other company that needs people designing hardware circuits/implementing electronics for them, even startups at times.

IS/IT degrees are more tailored to making technology 'fit in' and seamlessly work with businesses/people/organisations to put it quite simply (i.e. More maintenance and support based than designing low-level hardware/software - Although, you could always go into high level Software/Web Development with no issues, but so can CE/CompSci/SENGs if they really want to and learn high-level languages in CE as electives or spare-time [It's not that hard to learn high-level languages, there's an abundant amount of info online these days, but I guess same could be said for low-level hardware content as well, guess it just comes down to what you want to formally be recognised for in a global society; Do you see yourself in 10-15 years time working in a Software (CompSci/SENG) or Hardware/low-level Assembly software Design/Development (CE) based role, or something vaguely in-between with high level languages and business requirements (IT)? Or something more focused mainly on people and business processes instead (IS)).

CE/CompSci/SENG and IT/IS are two different kettles of fish, which is why IS/IT degrees usually have no maths or physics requirements (unless a university program incorporates elements of Computer Science under their 'IT' label e.g. Macquarie Uni does this, and USyd's IT programs let you choose a major between Info Sys or Comp Sci in Second Year, but their degree is still titled under 'BIT' or Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology [BCST]).

From personal industry experience, I've seen a Computer Engineering grad (from UoW) working at Optus as a Windows System Administrator. So it's definitely possible. The reverse is not or is extremely rare/hard. I.e. IS/IT graduates attempting to apply for low-level electronic/software engineering jobs at reputable tech companies is very hard for them to get through, because their course structures aren't simply designed to meet those rigorous low-level requirements for Software Engineering companies like Google or Hardware Companies like Intel, required for SENG/Hardware roles.

There are some exceptions, but these are extremely rare and far in between, unless you've been specialising in programming since you were like 11 or messing around with low-level hardware circuits during or before High School (usually with some type of Mentor i.e. Specialised Parent, close family friend/extended family), it's very hard to get your foot in the door without a degree associated to your name, (and the right degree for that fact - Google still looks for degree and your GPA/WAM if you're 2 years out of uni, despite what the media frequently says). There will always be rare child prodigies (some get acquired by big companies early on, some go to startups and some just want to go to uni with accelerated programs), but that's outside the scope of this thread. Here are a few links if you're interested. 14 Year Old Prodigy Programmer. A 12-year-old app developer Q&A With the 17-Year-Old Who Sold an App to Yahoo for $30 Million

But yeah, If I could choose again, I would probably go for something significantly more technical, i.e. CE/CompSci/SENG, just simply because it opens a lot more doors later on in companies that offer Hardware roles (One of the areas I'm deeply fascinated in is hardware design and appreciate its efficient use in computers, I've kind of always grown up from a young age, putting my head next to computer chassis to make sure their fans were spinning and listening to power travel through circuits in electronics [you can sometimes hear them!]), even though they're significantly more challenging and CE/SENG are one year longer, it will pay off in dividends if you network with the right people (and do well in your uni degree of course!), also, get involved in your faculty's societies, CSE has a good environment of people, from what I've heard and seen, also, don't be shy to meet people from other facilities! Opportunities can arise from any where in this day and age.

One important thing to note though: I'm not saying if you do IT/IS that you can't get jobs at high profile companies like Intel or Google, YOU CAN, but it will most likely be in the IT/Support departments/divisions of their business, not the Software or Hardware Engineering ones (unless you've done some other significant relevant study elsewhere (spare-time/short-courses - much harder to be formally recognised and apply for roles - You'd have to be REALLY knowledgeable about the field you want to go into and have a portfolio to demonstrate your experience in the event you cross roads with one of these big tech-companies looking to hire), specialised Work Experience in a related technical field (via people networking - sometime it's hard to come across, but I've seen High School grads get jobs in embedded electronics as Radio Frequency Engineers and Software Developers, flown in from other states) or Postgraduate degrees/diplomas/Certs./Another Bachelors [pretty rare to see people do another Bachelors in this computing industry] (I've looked at Intel's and Google's job boards/Career sites and spoken and applied to multiple tech roles at Google).

Also, another thing to note, since the computing industry is so convoluted with overused/misused terms. The term 'Software Engineer' is often subjectively incorrectly used in the workplace to mean a Software Developer/Programmer, which IT graduates will have no problems getting into and working in these roles, since these roles generally just require the knowledge of high-level programming syntax and programming concepts which are usually taught in every semi-decent IT degree with a at least half a technical focus. IS grads may have to look elsewhere (if they didn't study up in their spare time/build a portfolio - but having an IS degree imo, is probably the weakest computing degree today, not many universities still offer them, because IT degrees have made a big appearance, and the ones who do, usually have their business faculties run the subjects, hence, total lack for the technical focus), since their degree is less focused on technology and is intended to be more of a business/people processes focused one).

tl;dr: Ask yourself: Would you rather be part of the technology industry which understands [at the lowest-level], creates and emerges hardware and software products and services before it even hits the headlines/media/publishers/public (CE/CompSci/SENG), or would you prefer to search for commercially available technology options as it comes and choose/recommend the right readily available technology (already publicly released) to employ and maintain it to streamline organisational processes/Business needs/peoples' needs (IS/IT)?

There is some overlap in job roles as discussed, but more so with CE/CompSci/SENG because they've been around for longer and usually have more reputable subjects taught, whereas IT degrees are a bit all over the place in terms of curricula because they're still relatively new in academia and are still finding their place in working society (Every uni treats an IT degree in slightly - significantly different ways), therefore it produces graduates with varying abilities and skill-levels, which companies test any ways, if you don't have the required skill-set required for a role/company, you'll have to look elsewhere.

All the best!
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Señor Member
Jul 14, 2012
The engineer/developer/programmer distinction is not so clear-cut, and varies based on company and location. For example, Google calls its main developer role "Software Engineer", but in Canada it's illegal to call oneself an engineer unless one has official engineering certifications, so Google Canada developers are "Software Developers" even though they do exactly the same thing. Companies such as Jane Street use the term "Software Developer" but Jane Street positions are more competitive than those at Google. Amazon and Microsoft decide to confuse us all and call it "Software Development Engineer".


Feb 26, 2008
Brightside is just bitter because he did the wrong course and has no motivation/passion for the business-y IT subjects haha.


New Member
May 30, 2013
Western Sydney
I've sort of come down to a conclusion, really I want a bit of both, Computer Science and IT with a balance of technical and business skills and from what I see UTS's IT course when majored with Enterprise Systems Development offers that, anyone going to UTS have any comment on this please?

Also how is USyd's Computer Science and Technology course, haven't really gotten any feedback on it, if anyone did/does the course can you please give me an opinion on what it was like in terms of teaching and the course content, also in terms of whether it has the IT and Computer Science balance, it does seem to me like more Computer Science, but yeah if anyone would like to comment on that please do.

BTW thanks for your comments I have found them very helpful and I'm sure others reading did also.


Brightest Member
Jan 18, 2010
The engineer/developer/programmer distinction is not so clear-cut, and varies based on company and location. For example, Google calls its main developer role "Software Engineer", but in Canada it's illegal to call oneself an engineer unless one has official engineering certifications, so Google Canada developers are "Software Developers" even though they do exactly the same thing. Companies such as Jane Street use the term "Software Developer" but Jane Street positions are more competitive than those at Google. Amazon and Microsoft decide to confuse us all and call it "Software Development Engineer".
I did mention this in my third final paragraph on the previous page:

It's also mentioned on Page 15 of that ACM Report:

Personally, I hate using the term 'Engineer' in any IT role/title that doesn't require at least an Engineering degree to begin with. It doesn't feel morally right, since Engineers Australia has this whole accreditation thing set up as well. What are your opinions on 'Network Engineer'? I've seen that term commonly adopted by IT Pros, I think a more suiting name would be Infrastructure Architect. (I've seen that used as well, but not often). Tech companies/people tend to have a trait in using the term 'Engineer' a lot, I guess it sounds cooler to them and it makes them sleep at night.

Brightside is just bitter because he did the wrong course and has no motivation/passion for the business-y IT subjects haha.
I value that IT graduates are needed in the workplace (as well as CompSci/CompEng/SENG), IT graduates are meant to be like the hybrid people who SEARCH, USE and DEPLOY available technology to 'tie-the-final-knot' with businesses' end-to-end needs, ofc, I'm oversimplifying it a bit, because IT grads/'dropouts' can also go on to create their own bootstrapped startups; using already employed technology though (i.e. High-level languages, Dev frameworks, UI mockup design programs, hosting infrastructure), but the general gist of IT graduates is to create people who will look after and maintain when, where, what and how technology is/will be used in real-life practical applications/settings (which involves frequently interfacing [formally interviewing/informally talking] with people more often than not to gather requirements - but if you land yourself in a Software/Web Development role with a company who already gives you the specs, you may not have to interface with people as much as if you hadn't had those specs to start off with), not so much the theoretical research side to computing, (which is where CompSci/CompEng/SENG degrees' full potentials come in). Having said that, there's nothing stopping Comp Sci/CompEng/SENG graduates from commonly adopting IT based roles. Hell, I even have Electrical Engineering friends who just went straight into IT Programming or Infrastructure roles (one of them is currently working at LinkedIn), and I've known a Computer Engineering grad who went into a Windows System Admin role at a national telecomm.

Roles are not all dependent on which degree you do now (Sure, if you don't want to end up doing Masters later because you've found that IT wasn't your entire thing [and want to expand your horizons], then sure, do CompSci/CompEng/SENG [in undergrad] to initially build your foundational theoretical knowledge instead of a more practical skill set while at uni - my course was primarily focused around learning from first-hand industry experience early on and practical implementation knowledge over the purely theoretical (we did a bit of theoretical CompSci stuff in first semester, first year (i.e. logical memory mapping in RAM, HDD (i.e. what is thrashing, when does it happen?), How goes a CPU process processes, what can go wrong (i.e. resource contention/locks) a very brief run-down on logical gates, DeMorgan's Laws and Big-O notation (which i wasn't entirely interested in, I'm still not, maybe if someone can show me WHY it's useful and HOW it's used in a practical environment, I'd appreciate it more, atm, all I know is that they're used for judging searching/sorting algorithm efficiency and that pretty much any high tech-company looks for that knowledge in a Software Developer/Eng role) in a subject called Web Systems - which probably should have been two subjects, since the labs are related to teaching you Linux/Vim, but the lectures were more theoretical), but that was about it, the rest of the content was more implementational, i.e. SQL, OO Programming in Java [without knowing low-level various sorting and searching algorithms beyond the basics; Binary, Linear Search, Bubble/Selection sort (which we only used in first sem, first year), HTML/CSS, Linux, Networking) - because it's an IT degree, not a Computer Science one), but rather your passions and I safely assume, job prospects in the geographical area in which you intend to be working upon and after graduation (My geographical area kind of changed as I met all sorts of people throughout my degree, but at the same time, I have a lot of family here, and missing out on a lot of family functions isn't something I want, if I can avoid it, but also, a lot of the fancy tech jobs are overseas, so I guess if the time comes, I wouldn't mind spending a bit of time overseas, I'm sure family would be understanding, and you could always take a 1-2 week break and fly back for a visit).

Any ways, the way IT info sys/business side subjects are taught at some universities are just horrid. Most seem common sense, and they don't aid the students in any ways apart from bombarding them with useless rote learning techniques of content they'll probably never need to reference back to in the real world. Every seemingly useful subject at uni so far as been a technical one, whether learning about networking, high-level languages or CompSci 101, it's just a shame that a lot of an IT course (at UTS) is exhausted upon these business/info sys subjects.

Seriously, one of my subjects last semester was a subject designed to tell students to constantly 'research and read' the latest news and strategies businesses employ. Are you ffing kidding me?! My Newsfeed can do all that in less time it takes to enrol in the subject.


IT = Maintaining and using what already exists to make some beneficial practical use out of. E.g. Maintaining servers, logical network and cables/APs in between. Or Deving something in a high-level language.
CompSci/CompEng/SENG = IT + creating emerging technologies for other technical/IT people/consumers to use, eventually in business/commercial
settings if creations are successful and catch-on, E.g. Creating and refining embedded electronic chips in phones and the low-level software to interface with that. (One example, not limited to).

I don't entirely agree with all things said, but I'll share it, it's a nice read.

I've sort of come down to a conclusion, really I want a bit of both, Computer Science and IT with a balance of technical and business skills and from what I see UTS's IT course when majored with Enterprise Systems Development offers that, anyone going to UTS have any comment on this please?

Also how is USyd's Computer Science and Technology course, haven't really gotten any feedback on it, if anyone did/does the course can you please give me an opinion on what it was like in terms of teaching and the course content, also in terms of whether it has the IT and Computer Science balance, it does seem to me like more Computer Science, but yeah if anyone would like to comment on that please do.

BTW thanks for your comments I have found them very helpful and I'm sure others reading did also.
BScIT with Enterprise is good if you're heading into the Software Developer or Designer path. (But you'll still have to do shitty business cores, tbh, don't even bother with the business side, it's a gimmick, you don't really learn anything valuable from info sys cores, they pretty much tell you what a server is and what a use case diagram is for the entire 14 weeks of a semester.

If you want to stay in touch with business integration while retaining all CompSci stuff, I'd highly recommend Software Engineering, UNSW has a pretty good degree for that, but the ATAR is high, 91.05 (2014), try USyds or UoW if you can't make the cut-off. I commented here ( about USyd as well.

Cheers, hope you find what you're after! Anyone can feel free to ask their own questions too, happy to help out students in need of advice.
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Señor Member
Jul 14, 2012
Big-O notation (which i wasn't entirely interested in, I'm still not, maybe if someone can show me WHY it's useful and HOW it's used in a practical environment, I'd appreciate it more, atm, all I know is that they're used for judging searching/sorting algorithm efficiency and that pretty much any high tech-company looks for that knowledge in a Software Developer/Eng role)
Big-O notation is not important in itself -- it's a language to talk about algorithmic efficiency, which is extremely important. It's a useful language because it's easy to estimate, intuitive, powerful, and has a very precise mathematical definition. A programmer tries to make their code efficient, i.e. to minimise the amount of time and memory their code requires. Big-O notation quantifies this efficiency. If you write some code and I write some code, I want to be able to explain to you why my code is better. I could time how long it takes to run, but maybe my computer is just faster than yours. Big-O notation is independent of computational model and applies across any computer or computer-like device. I can say "my code is better than yours because it runs in O(n) time whereas yours runs in O(n^2)". And then you can reply with "but my code uses O(log n) memory and yours uses O(n) memory". Without big-O notation, we can't have a meaningful discussion about efficiency.

It's useful every time you want to talk about a program, not just searching and sorting algorithms. After all, a program is just the combination of data structures and algorithms, and we need to be able to discuss all of these algorithms. At an engineering job, especially somewhere like Google, we deal with data that numbers in the hundreds of billions each day, and the difference between an O(n) and O(n^2) algorithm is the difference between a webpage loading in milliseconds or years. We discuss algorithms for dealing with this data all day and we use big-O notation in these discussions.

Companies prioritise algorithms in interviews because algorithmic skill is a reasonably good proxy for programming aptitude. Big-O notation is one of the most basic skills in of algorithmic analysis, and UNSW starts teaching it in first year (though IIRC they only start formalising it in third year, in a course that I tutored last semester (COMP3121/3821), and then fully defined in fourth year (COMP4141)). Let's be clear... if you don't know big-O notation, you won't get to the onsite interview stage with Google. It is assumed that you mastered it a long time ago.


Brightest Member
Jan 18, 2010
Companies prioritise algorithms in interviews because algorithmic skill is a reasonably good proxy for programming aptitude. Big-O notation is one of the most basic skills in of algorithmic analysis, and UNSW starts teaching it in first year (though IIRC they only start formalising it in third year, in a course that I tutored last semester (COMP3121/3821), and then fully defined in fourth year (COMP4141)). Let's be clear... if you don't know big-O notation, you won't get to the onsite interview stage with Google. It is assumed that you mastered it a long time ago.
Good reply. However, this applies to Software Engineering roles over at Google, other (not directly programming) tech roles (e.g. Infrastructure, SREs) at Google will most likely test other requirements relevant specifically for the role, correct?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Could a Computer Engineering graduate be able to get a CS job overseas or even domestically. I like software but I feel like having software and hardware skills is more knowledgable.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013

Why do you think Google have a headquarter in India. So they could hire cheap employee who does efficient work.
Yes but the quality of Indian developers can't be compared to western graduates. Also Google has a headquarter in almost every part of the world.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
Uni Grad
Yes but the quality of Indian developers can't be compared to western graduates.

Also Google has a headquarter in almost every part of the world.
That's true, but companies don't really give a shit about their "quality" of work. They just want it done at a cheap price


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
That's true, but companies don't really give a shit about their "quality" of work. They just want it done at a cheap price
Yes if the company is some shit low budget IT company then they don't care about the quality of their product.
Good companies always need good quality products.

Your argument is invalid.

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