Hi all 
I was wondering if I could get some input on something. I'm currently doing a B Ed/B Arts (secondary) degree at USYD. One of the core units that I am doing (I am in second year) is EDSE2002 Indigenous Education Secondary Schools.
I very recently received a grade that I got for a tutorial presentation for the unit. We got 16/30. Needless to say, I am incredibly shocked and disappointed. We worked very hard on the presentation and I really believed that we had done well. Since we were only given one copy of the feedback, I don't actually have it with me, and my partner is unable to get it to me until the next (and final) tutorial. We had to rush to class the day I received it so I never got a chance to look at it, not even to look at the grade.
I am currently working on another group assignment (due Monday) which pretty much all of the people that I know in the unit have complained about it being terribly vague and confusing. I did ask the unit coordinator about something that I found very ambigious, so I think I am okay in that regard, but the rest of it is disappointingly vague and now I am having doubts as to whether I am even doing okay, especially given how badly I did for the presentation. Clearly I didn't understand the requirement for that properly, even though we really thought that we had done fine.
What is even more frustrating, is that we have not received grades or feedback for the other assignment, an essay, that we did earlier on in the semester. They posted a general feedback for everyone, but it's not very helpful, and I don't know what really applies to me, like what I should be working on. We get the essay back on Tuesday (the day after the final assignment is due, so that's not terribly helpful XD).
Basically the point is I am currently driving myself mad with fear that I am not even going to pass this unit. I have no idea what I got for the essay, but the poor grade for the presentation has really shaken my confidence. And if I were to fail this core unit then I would be a whole year behind in my degree. I have never had this problem before; usually I get fairly prompt feedback, and I have been pretty pleased with my grades during my nearly two years of uni so far, but this has me feeling like I might actually fail a unit, and a unit which would be pretty much the worst of all my units to fail XD
And that sort of turned into an essay, so thanks to anyone who actually read this far.
Does anyone have any advice?
I'm feeling pretty shaken. The whole semester has been pretty stressful, and this is pretty hard on top of the general end of sem stress.
I suppose it would be nice to get some thoughts about worst case scenario, which would be failing the unit. For example, I'm not quite sure how specifically things would work if I had to wait to repeat a core unit; would I just do nothing until next year sem 2 rolls around, or would I do some more of the units for my major teaching area and just do no education units?
I hope that this is coherent enough to understand because I'm pretty freaked out right now XD
I hope that everyone else is doing well with the semester. Not long now
(which is both nice and not so nice, really XD)
I was wondering if I could get some input on something. I'm currently doing a B Ed/B Arts (secondary) degree at USYD. One of the core units that I am doing (I am in second year) is EDSE2002 Indigenous Education Secondary Schools.
I very recently received a grade that I got for a tutorial presentation for the unit. We got 16/30. Needless to say, I am incredibly shocked and disappointed. We worked very hard on the presentation and I really believed that we had done well. Since we were only given one copy of the feedback, I don't actually have it with me, and my partner is unable to get it to me until the next (and final) tutorial. We had to rush to class the day I received it so I never got a chance to look at it, not even to look at the grade.
I am currently working on another group assignment (due Monday) which pretty much all of the people that I know in the unit have complained about it being terribly vague and confusing. I did ask the unit coordinator about something that I found very ambigious, so I think I am okay in that regard, but the rest of it is disappointingly vague and now I am having doubts as to whether I am even doing okay, especially given how badly I did for the presentation. Clearly I didn't understand the requirement for that properly, even though we really thought that we had done fine.
What is even more frustrating, is that we have not received grades or feedback for the other assignment, an essay, that we did earlier on in the semester. They posted a general feedback for everyone, but it's not very helpful, and I don't know what really applies to me, like what I should be working on. We get the essay back on Tuesday (the day after the final assignment is due, so that's not terribly helpful XD).
Basically the point is I am currently driving myself mad with fear that I am not even going to pass this unit. I have no idea what I got for the essay, but the poor grade for the presentation has really shaken my confidence. And if I were to fail this core unit then I would be a whole year behind in my degree. I have never had this problem before; usually I get fairly prompt feedback, and I have been pretty pleased with my grades during my nearly two years of uni so far, but this has me feeling like I might actually fail a unit, and a unit which would be pretty much the worst of all my units to fail XD
And that sort of turned into an essay, so thanks to anyone who actually read this far.
Does anyone have any advice?
I suppose it would be nice to get some thoughts about worst case scenario, which would be failing the unit. For example, I'm not quite sure how specifically things would work if I had to wait to repeat a core unit; would I just do nothing until next year sem 2 rolls around, or would I do some more of the units for my major teaching area and just do no education units?
I hope that this is coherent enough to understand because I'm pretty freaked out right now XD
I hope that everyone else is doing well with the semester. Not long now