Multis: guessed like 2 or 3
11: straight forward but I think I messed up my volumes (I'm good at integrating in non-exam pressure. As soon as its in an exam, my integration falls to pieces)
12: went blank for bii) and classic integrating me couldn't get the recurrence relationship which now that I look at it again is fairly basic.
13: I think I messed up the volume, conics were nice and easy

although took ages.
14: All pretty straight forward. I tried a few things for the conics including the reflection property until I realised I was making things hard for myself.
15: No idea for inequalities. Didn't get bii) out. I tried induction but couldn't get anywhere. What did everyone else do? Mechanics was alright. ci was fine. cii I didn't get. ciii I think I got and civ i dunno if my logic was okay but oh well.
16: Circles were pretty easy - I skipped part three 'cause I had 10 minutes to do the rest of the paper. No idea how to prove bi, bii and biii were straight forward though. Had no clue for c. Tried partial fraction but it lead to to 0=0, tried parts but let me to integrating log which don't know how to do. Tried a the subs, (u = 1 + lnx) (u=(1+lnx)^2) (u=xlnx) (u=lnx/x) but none worked for me - maybe a silly error or just the wrong technique.
Overall - hoping for 80-85, 70-75 is more realistic, any idea what those sort of marks would align to?