haha thanks! And I do have a few questions :3 -
- How do you maintain motivation consistently? Cause for me it's really mountainous. One minute, so pumped to achieve my aims and goals; next minute brain goes HSCeebs, let's go to sleep now, sleeeeeep so yea, productivity fluctuates like crazy.
-How do you improve english from a b5 to a b6 level? Do I spam essays and correct them or something? Lol
The motivation thing is pretty common I think, mainly after assessment tasks ie trials you just can't be bothered working anymore. What worked for me was thinking about not getting into my preferred uni degree, but everyone is different. You should have an inner motivation for doing well. So find that and use it to motivate you.
Ok, English is pretty dodgy when it comes to how to improve and what to do etc. Writing essays is pointless if you don't know what you're doing. Depending on which approach you want to take, either Generic essays or the BSing approach(patented by HPF

) your preparation will change.
For Generic Essays:
1. Find a broad question for your text. Chances are with the new syllabus there won't be many questions for you to practice on so you may need to formulate your own, or ask your teacher to make one for you.
2. Find 3-4 broad themes/ideas in your text that have some linkage to each other. You will need to read/watch the text for this step.
3. Write your essay answering the broad question and give to your teacher for marking(hopefully they are competent unlike my teacher

4. Using their feedback continually refine your response into an A-Range response ie until they give you 20/20.
5. Now show your refined essay to other people(teachers, tutors, people on here etc) hopefully there won't be many changes to be made.
6. Now you need to practice moulding this essay to various questions both hard and easy. Again make them yourself or ask a teacher. Aim to mould to about 15 questions.
7. After you mould to a question highlight bits that sound weird and don't answer the question fully, these places you may need to refine your way of saying them in order to fit. Also give your moulded essay to your teacher to mark. Incorporate their feedback and keep resubmitting until its 20/20.
8. After doing this process repeatedly you should develop a knack on how to mould to any question and be confident in writing a high A-range response.
I'm not really an expert on BSing so I'll leave that to HPF, I think she has a bit about it in her guide to English.
One thing I must say is that you need to be prepared to put in a lot of effort to succeed especially if you're like me and not naturally talented at English.
If you have any questions about what I've said above or anything in general I'm happy to help
