The BoS team had many highs and lows. Various roster swaps and role changes plagued the team, and at times the team environment plummeted. It didn't look good for cuuuuunt, especially since their star mid laner and ADC needed to see the chiropractor for ongoing back pains.
Finally, at the last game the team made a final roster swap equipped to play around the star mid laner aka Bjergsen of Bronze.
The line up we finalised was:
MID LANE: Variably (Examine) aka Bjergsen aka Hai aka best mid OCE
ADC: AdolfsLastDancer (wildchild666) aka Doublelift aka "you're shit" aka "only vayne"
TOP LANE: Carrotball (Carrotsticks) aka Dyrus during MSI aka fkn feeder
JUGNEL: Ralen (Swaan) aka disconnected every 5 seconds aka recall when can win the game aka died to red buff
SUPPORT: Razor XDG (Obliviousninja) aka "THE PLAYS" aka "FUCK HIM UP" aka jump into 4 of their team alone with 200hp
And with this star lineup we were able to reach the esteemed position of Bronze 3.