IKR. They are just too excited to see me, but has to keep it in...because...baka > A<!!!
OOOFFFT! 10/10 would date & bang <3
Yeah well. Thats high school for you
LOL! I'm not really a skiing/snowboarding person! But I did try out snowboarding for the first time! Was also my first time seeing snow

I went to Perisher Smiggins first, the snow at the bottom was tragic BUT I took a chair lift to the top and the snow there was so much better! Fluffier and I tried to build a snowman. Got stuck at the top of the mountain for about an hour because my snowboarding is tragic :c
Then I went to Thredbo

Took the chairlift to...Merritts? Was super nice scenery
Enjoyed it! No idea what "good snow" is, but anything that formed a snowball was good for me