How did your trials go?
Axio =o Joined Mar 20, 2014 Messages 483 Gender Male HSC 2015 Aug 15, 2015 #1 How did your trials go?
D deboiz Member Joined Oct 9, 2014 Messages 55 Gender Male HSC 2015 Aug 15, 2015 #2 Not bad, silly mistakes are the death of me though P: I didn't practice seriously enough i guess
D deboiz Member Joined Oct 9, 2014 Messages 55 Gender Male HSC 2015 Aug 15, 2015 #3 but results aren't out yet lol
J JuliusSeizure Member Joined May 20, 2015 Messages 63 Gender Male HSC 2015 Aug 15, 2015 #4 Axio said: How did your trials go? Click to expand... Pretty crap, only got half back though! Time will tell i guess, what about you?
Axio said: How did your trials go? Click to expand... Pretty crap, only got half back though! Time will tell i guess, what about you?
B braintic Well-Known Member Joined Jan 20, 2011 Messages 2,111 Gender Undisclosed HSC N/A Aug 16, 2015 #5 deboiz said: but results aren't out yet lol Click to expand... What do you mean they're not out yet? You do know that not all schools have the same trial fortnight, right? Some schools had results out 2 weeks ago.
deboiz said: but results aren't out yet lol Click to expand... What do you mean they're not out yet? You do know that not all schools have the same trial fortnight, right? Some schools had results out 2 weeks ago.
I InteGrand Well-Known Member Joined Dec 11, 2014 Messages 6,078 Gender Male HSC N/A Aug 16, 2015 #6 braintic said: What do you mean they're not out yet? You do know that not all schools have the same trial fortnight, right? Some schools had results out 2 weeks ago. Click to expand... Guessing he meant his results aren't out yet, as an addendum to his comment about silly mistakes he thinks he made.
braintic said: What do you mean they're not out yet? You do know that not all schools have the same trial fortnight, right? Some schools had results out 2 weeks ago. Click to expand... Guessing he meant his results aren't out yet, as an addendum to his comment about silly mistakes he thinks he made.