You can still always use patron warrior which is only like a 3000 dust deck and is still top tier currently (and has been for some months) - I don't know why you would complain it's P2W, it's more like if you want greater variety then sure you can pay, but the number one legend player literally used that deck 1 month ago to the top.
You need to actually play for months to know all about cards,playstyle,meta etc.. and adapt currently.
I should also mention the new cancer deck (pally secret) is only like 3000 dust as well, and sitting currently at top tier as well, so please don't be like so many other people and go "I'm F2P and I cant win cause I don't have more packzz, hur hur"
On another note - made it to rank 6 last season, didn't have time to push towards legend again this season as I started a week before (and have work+uni), but definitely looking to make the push this season.