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Kuromusha's English Vocabulary Expansion Journal (1 Viewer)


Sep 4, 2015
Mission: To expand English vocabulary significantly above average educated native Australian English speaker.

Ultimate Goal:

1. knowing the meaning the top 50,000 words by frequency. This will be my passive vocabulary repertoire, knowing 50,000 in an arbitrary number, but it will put me beyond in the very top consider average native English college graduate only knows 20,000 to 30,000 words and ESL only knows 6,000 words.

2. Increase spelling to cover top 30,000 words by frequency.

3. Increase active vocabulary to cover top 30,000 words by frequency.

4. Ability to convert root morpheme to their various their inflicted forms at ease.

5. translations to and from Chinese.

6. Learn both American & British spelling.

7. Memorise all irregular tenses.

8. Learn American pronunciation (using Merriam Webster). Unless there is a syllabic or tonal discrepancy, such as "epoch, schedule and aluminium etc", then I will use British pronunciation.

Time: Maybe 10 to 15 years. This is to be a long term project. I started this project about one year ago.

Methodology, I'll figure out as I go.

Learn the words as I see them in books.
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Sep 4, 2015
Dictionaries are

Merriam Webster's 11 th Collegiate Dictionary
Merriam Webster's Unabridged Dictionary


Oxford Advanced Learners's Dictionary
Cambridge Advanced Learners's Dictionary
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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Sep 4, 2015
Deck 1: spelling.

My spelling Deck was started 20 months ago, but only been adding vocabs seriously in the last two months.

Currently spelling deck status right now is 2248/3861@3.8 (mature cards out of total number of cards with average interval of 3.8 months)

The 3861 spelling words are

aardvark, abacus, abalone, abandon, abattoir, abbey, abbot, abbreviate, abdomen, abduct, aberrant, abhor, abhorrent, ability, abject, ablate, ablaze, ablution, abnegate, abnormal, abolish, abominable, aboriginal, abort, abrogate, abrupt, abscess, abscond, absent, absolute, absolve, absorb, abstain, abstemious, abstinence, abstract, abstruse, absurd, abundant, abuse, abysmal, abyss, acacia, academy, accelerate, accent, accentuate, accept, accident, accolade, accommodate, accord, accordion, accouter, accrue, acculturate, accumulate, accurate, accursed, accustom, acidic, acknowledge, acme, acne, acolyte, acoustic, acquaint, acquiesce, acquire, acquit, acre, acrimonious, acronym, acrylic, actor, actress, acumen, acupuncture, acute, ad hoc, ad hominem, ad infinitum, ad libitum, ad nauseam, adamant, adamantine, addendum, addiction, additive, adhere, adieu, adjacent, adjective, adjourn, adjunct, admire, admonish, adolescent, adorn, adrenaline, adroit, adult, adventure, adverb, adversary, adverse, advertise, advice, advise, advocate, aerobic, aeronautics, aerosol, aesthetic, affair, affection, affidavit, afflict, aficionado, agate, agglomerate, aggravate, aggregate, aghast, agile, agitate, agnostic, agony, agree, agriculture, aid, aim, albatross, alchemy, alcohol, algae, alias, alibi, alien, alienate, alimony, alkaline, allegory, allergy, alleviate, alliance, alligator, allude, allure, alluvium, almond, alpaca, alpha, alphabet, alternate, although, altitude, altruism, aluminum, amalgamate, amass, amateur, amaze, ambassador, amber, ambidextrous, ambiguous, ambition, ambitious, ambivalent, ameliorate, amenable, amend, amethyst, amiable, amicable, ammunition, amnesty, amoeba, amorous, amortize, ampersand, amphetamine, amphibian, amphitheater, ample, amplify, amputate, amulet, amuse, anaerobic, analysis, anarchy, ancestor, ancestry, ancient, ancillary, androgynous, anecdote, anemia, anesthesia, angle, anguish, animate, animosity, ankle, annex, annihilate, anniversary, annotate, annual, annuity, annul, anoint, anomalous, anonymous, anorak, antagonism, antecedent, antediluvian, antelope, anterior, anthem, anther, anthrax, anthropology, anthropomorphism, antic, anticipate, antidote, antigen, antipathy, antiquated, antique, antiquity, antithesis, antonym, anus, anxious, aperitif, aperture, aphorism, apiece, apocope, apocryphal, apology, apoplectic, apoplexy, apostasy, apostle, apostrophe, appall, apparatus, apparent, apparition, appendage, appendix, appetite, applaud, apple, applicant, appreciate, appropriate, apricot, April, apron, apse, aquarium, aquatic, arbitrary, arc, arcade, arcadian, arcana, arch, archaic, archery, archetype, architect, archive, ardent, ardor, arduous, arid, aristocracy, Aristotle, arithmetic, arm, armadillo, aroma, aromatic, arouse, arrogant, arsenal, arsenic, artery, arthritis, arthropod, artichoke, artifact, artificial, artillery, artisan, asbestos, ascend, ascertain, ascetic, asinine, asparagus, asperity, asphalt, asphyxiate, aspirin, assess, assiduous, assimilate, assist, associate, assorted, asterisk, asteroid, asthma, astigmatism, astonish, astound, astronaut, astronomy, astute, asunder, asylum, atheist, atmosphere, atone, atrocious, attentive, attitude, attorney, audacious, audit, auditorium, augment, august, August, aunt, aurora, auspicious, austere, autarky, authentic, authoritarian, authorize, autism, autochthonous, automatic, autonomy, autopsy, auxiliary, avalanche, avaricious, avert, avid, avocado, avoid, awkward, ax, axel, axiom, axolotl, baboon, baccalaureate, badge, badger, badminton, baffle, baggage, bail, balcony, bald, ballad, ballast, ballet, ballot, baloney, bandage, banish, banister, banjo, bankrupt, banshee, barbecue, barista, barley, barn, barometer, barracks, barracuda, barrister, barter, basalt, bash, basis, bassoon, bastard, bastion, baton, battery, bauble, bayonet, beagle, bear, beard, beauteous, beautiful, beaver, bee, beer, beet, beggarly, beholden, behoove, beige, beleaguered, belligerent, benediction, benefice, beneficent, benefit, benevolent, benighted, benign, berate, bereft, beret, berth, beseech, bestow, beverage, bewilder, bicycle, biennial, bifurcate, bikini, bilby, bilious, billiards, billow, bimbo, biscuit, bishop, bison, bizarre, bladder, blasphemy, blatant, blazer, blemish, blister, blithe, blotch, blouse, blue, bluff, blunder, blunderbuss, blush, boar, boast, bob, bodice, boisterous, bold, bolero, bologna, bombard, bombastic, bona fide, bonito, bonobo, bony, boron, borrow, botany, both, bough, bounce, bounty, bouquet, bovine, bowel, bowl, boycott, brace, braid, brasserie, bravado, brawl, breadth, breath, breathe, brewery, brief, brigade, brilliant, Britannia, broccoli, bromine, bronchus, bronco, brood, brook, broom, brother, brow, browse, bruise, bruschetta, brusque, brute, budget, buffalo, buffoon, bulgur, bulimia, bumptious, buoyant, bureaucracy, burger, burglary, burrow, bury, business, butcher, butler, buttress, bygone, cabaret, cabbage, cabinet, cache, cachet, cacophony, cactus, cadmium, cafeteria, caffeine, cage, caiman, calabash, calamity, calcium, calculus, calendar, calf, calligraphy, callous, callus, camaraderie, camel, camera, camisole, camouflage, campaign, canal, cancel, cancer, candid, candidate, candor, cane, canine, cannibal, cannon, canny, canoe, canon, cantaloupe, cantankerous, capacious, capillary, capitol, capitulate, cappuccino, caprice, capsicum, capsule, capybara, carapace, caravan, carbon, carcass, cardamom, cardigan, cardinal, caribou, carnage, carnal, carnival, carnivore, carpe diem, carrot, carte blanche;, cartilage, carton, cartoon, cascade, cashew, cashmere, casino, casket, cassowary, castigate, castrate, casual, catalogue, catalyst, catapult, cataract, catastrophe, category, caterpillar, cathedral, cattle, cauliflower, causal, caustic, cautious, cavalcade, cave, caveat, caveat emptor, cavern, cavity, cease, cecum, cede, celebrity, celery, celestial, cello, Celsius, cemetery, cenotaph, censor, censure, centaur, centigrade, centipede, centrifugal, cerebellum, cerebral, cerebrum, ceremony, cervix, cesspool, chalice, chamber, chameleon, champagne, chancel, chandelier, chariot, charisma, chasm, chaste, chastise, cheetah, chef, chemise, chenille, cherish, chick, chicken, chihuahua, chill, chime, chimney, chimpanzee, chinchilla, chinook, chipmunk, chiropractor, chisel, chivalry, chlorine, chloroform, choir, cholera, choleric, cholesterol, chore, Christmas, chromium, chromosome, chronic, chronicle, chrysanthemum, cicada, cichlid, cigar, cigarette, cinder, cinema, cinnabar, cinnamon, circa, circumference, circumflex, circumlocution, circumspect, circumstance, circumvent, circus, cistern, citadel, city, civil, clamber, clamor, clandestine, claw, clean, cleavage, clemency, clench, clergy, clerk, cliff, climax, climb, clinch, clinic, clitoris, clog, cloying, coal, coarse, coast, cobalt, cobble, cobra, cockatiel, cockatoo, cogent, cognizance, coincide, coitus, collaborate, collagen, collateral, colleague, collect, collegiate, colloquial, colon, colonel, colossal, combust, comet, comfortable, comma, commemorate, commence, commercial, commingle, commiserate, commission, commode, commodious, commodity, commotion, commune, communion, comorbid, companion, compass, compatible, compel, compendium, competent, compile, complacent, complain, compliment, compos mentis, compose, comprehend, compress, compulsory, compunction, concave, concede, concentrate, concentric, concession, conch, concha, concierge, conciliate, conclude, concoct, concomitant, concrete, concupiscent, concur, condemn, condescend, condiment, condolence, condom, condominium, condone, condor, cone, confer, conference, confident, confirm, confiscate, conflagration, confound, confront, Confucianism, confuse, congenial, congress, congruent, congruous, conifer, conjecture, conjugal, conjugate, connoisseur, connote, conscience, conscious, consecrate, consequence, consider, consistent, console, consonant, consortium, conspicuous, conspiracy, conspire, constellation, consternation, constipate, constituent, constitute, construe, consulate, consume, consummate, contagion, contain, contempt, content, contention, contentious, contest, contingent, continue, continuum, contort, contour, contraband, contraception, contrary, contrite, contrivance, contrive, controversy, contusion, convalesce, convene, convenient, conversant, convex, convey, convince, convivial, convoke, convulse, cope, copious, copper, cordage, cordial, coriander, cormorant, corn, cornea, corollary, corporation, corpse, corpulent, corpus, correspond, corridor, corroborate, corrode, corrupt, corset, cougar, counsel, countenance, counterfeit, coupon, courage, courtesy, cousin, covenant, coverlet, covert, covet, covetous, coward, coy, coyote, crane, crate, crater, cravat, crawl, crayfish, crayon, credible, cremate, crescent, crevice, cricket, criminal, cripple, criterion, crocodile, crocus, croquet, croquette, crouch, cruel, cruise, crumple, crusade, crustacean, crypt, cryptic, crystal, cube, cubicle, cuckold, cucumber, cuddle, cuff, culinary, culpable, culprit, cultivate, culture, cumbersome, cunning, cupboard, cupid, curate, curd, curious, curlew, current, curriculum, cursor, cursory, curt, curtail, curtain, cutaneous, cutlass, cutlery, cyan, cyclical, cyclist, cyclone, cyclotron, cylinder, cymbal, cynical, dabble, dace, daffodil, dahlia, daisy, dally, dalmatian, dandelion, dandruff, daunt, de facto, deacon, debilitate, debris, debt, debut, debutante, December, deciduous, decipher, declare, declivity, decorate, decorum, decry, deduct, deep, deer, defect, defendant, defiant, deficit, deflect, deity, delay, deliberate, delicate, delicatessen, delicious, delineate, delinquent, delirious, deluge, delusion, deluxe, demand, demeanor, demise, demolish, dengue, denote, dent, deposit, deprave, deprive, derelict, deride, derive, dermatitis, descendant, desecrate, desert, deserve, desiccate, desire, desirous, despair, desperate, despicable, despoil, despondent, dessert, destiny, destitute, destroy, detail, deter, detonate, detriment, detritus, devastate, deviate, devoid, devour, devout, dexterous, diabolical, diagonal, diagram, dialect, dialogue, diameter, diamond, diaphanous, diaphragm, diarrhea, dice, dichotomy, dick, dictate, didactic, diesel, different, diffuse, digest, dignify, dignity, dilate, dildo, dilemma, diligent, dilute, diminish, diminutive, dingo, dinner, dinosaur, diocese, diphthong, diplomat, dire, disappoint, disaster, discern, discipline, discomfit, discourse, discover, discreet, discrepant, discrete, discuss, disdain, disease, disgust, dishabille, dismal, dismiss, disparage, dispose, disrepute, disrupt, dissent, dissertation, dissident, dissipate, distinguish, distort, distribute, disturb, diurnal, diversify, dividend, divine, divorce, docile, doctrine, dogma, doll, dolphin, domestic, dominant, donkey, donut, doona, dopamine, dormant, dormitory, dose, dote, doubt, douche, dowel, dream, dreary, drench, drink, drive, drizzle, droop, drudge, dubious, duck, duet, duffel, dugong, dull, dupe, duplex, duration, duress, duvet, dwarf, dynamic, dysfunction, dyspepsia, dystopia, eager, eagle, earnest, Earth, easel, east, eat, eavesdrop, ebb, ebony, ebullient, eccentric, echidna, echo, eclectic, ecology, economy, ecstasy, edge, edifice, eel, efface, effect, effective, effervescent, efficacy, efficient, effulgent, egalitarian, egregious, eider, Einstein, ejaculate, elaborate, elapse, elastic, eldest, elegant, elephant, eleven, elf, eliminate, elite, elixir, elk, ell, ellipse, ellipsis, eloquent, elucidate, emaciate, embarrass, embassy, embed, embellish, embezzle, emblem, embryo, emerald, eminent, emirate, emphasis, emphatic, empirical, empty, emu, enamel, enamor, encapsulate, encore, encounter, encumber, encyclopedia, endeavor, endogamy, endogenous, endow, endure, engineer, engulf, enigma, enliven, enmity, enormous, ensue, enterprise, entertain, enthusiastic, entice, entity, entourage, entrepreneur, environment, envy, enzyme, epic, epidemic, epiphany, episcopal, episode, epistemic, epistolary, epitaph, epithet, epitome, epoch, equal, equanimity, equator, equestrian, equilibrium, era, eradicate, erase, erect, ergo, erode, erotic, errand, erratic, erratum, erroneous, error, erstwhile, erudite, erupt, eschew, escort, Eskimo, esophagus, esoteric, espionage, espouse, espresso, esteem, estrogen, estuary, et cetera, eternal, ethic, ethnic, etiquette, etymology, eucalyptus, eugenics, euphemism, euphonious, euphoria, eureka, evade, evangelical, evangelist, evening, evident, ex gratia, exacerbate, exaggerate, exalt, exasperate, excavate, excogitate, excrete, excruciating, exculpate, execrable, exempt, exercise, exert, exhale, exhaust, exhibit, exhilarate, exhume, exile, exogamy, exogenous, exonerate, exorbitant, exotic, expatriate, expedient, expedite, expiate, explicate, explicit, explode, expose, expunge, exquisite, extemporaneous, exterminate, external, extinct, extol, extort, extraneous, extravagant, extricate, extrinsic, exuberant, exult, fabulous, facade, facsimile, factual, faculty, faint, falcon, fallible, falter, familiar, famine, famished, famous, fancy, farce, farthing, fastidious, fatal, fathom, fatigue, fatuous, faucet, fault, favorable, favorite, fear, feasible, feature, February, felicitous, female, feminine, feminism, ferment, fern, ferocious, ferret, fervent, fervid, fetid, fetish, fetus, feud, feudal, fever, fickle, fiction, fictitious, fidelity, fiduciary, fiery, filament, final, finance, finch, find, finesse, finger, firmament, fish, fissure, fjord, flabbergast, flaccid, flagrant, flamboyant, flamingo, flank, flatter, flaunt, fleece, flimsy, flippant, flirt, flood, flounder, fluctuate, fluent, fluid, fluorescent, fluorine, flurry, fluster, flute, folly, fool, forbear, forbid, force majeure, fore, forebear, foreboding, forecast, foreign, forensic, foresee, forfeit, forge, forget, forlorn, formidable, fornicate, forte, fortify, fortitude, fortuitous, fortunate, fossil, foul, foyer, fracas, fragile, fragrant, frank, frantic, fraternity, fraudulent, freckle, frenzy, frequent, friable, fridge, frivolous, frog, frolic, frown, frugal, fruition, fuchsia, fugitive, fulminate, fulsome, fume, fumigate, fundamental, funeral, funny, furious, furl, furlong, furlough, furnace, furtive, fuse, fuss, futile, gable, gadget, gaffer, gallant, gallery, gallivant, gambol, gamete, gangrene, gangster, garden, garlic, garment, garnet, garnish, garrison, garrote, garrulous, gauche, gay, gazelle, gecko, geek, gene, general, generous, genial, genie, genitalia, genius, genocide, genome, genre, genteel, gentry, genuine, georgette, gerbil, germane, gesticulate, gesture, geyser, gigantic, ginger, giraffe, gist, give, gizmo, glacier, gladiolus, glamorous, glance, glimpse, glisten, glitch, glitter, gloom, glorious, glower, gluttony, gnat, gnaw, gnu, goanna, goat, goblet, goggle, goiter, golf, gonorrhea, gorgeous, gorilla, gossip, gourd, gracious, gradation, graffiti, grain, grammar, granary, grandeur, grandiloquent, grandiose, granite, granola, gratify, gratuitous, gratuity, gravel, greed, green, greengrocer, gregarious, grief, grievance, grieve, grievous, grim, grimace, grip, grisly, groan, groat, grotesque, grotto, grove, grovel, grudge, gruel, grueling, gruesome, grumble, grunt, guarantee, guard, guerrilla, guile, guillotine, Guinness, guitar, gulf, gull, gullible, gurney, gymnastics, gynecology, gypsum, gypsy, haberdasher, habit, hacienda, haddock, haggard, hair, halcyon, hallucinate, halo, halogen, halt, hamlet, hammer, hammock, hamper, hamster, handle, haphazard, happy, harass, hare, harmonic, harmonica, harmonious, harness, harp, harpoon, harrow, harsh, harvest, hassle, hasten, hatchet, hatred, haughty, haul, haunt, havoc, hawk, heart, heave, heaven, heavy, hectare, hectic, heinous, heir, helium, helm, helmet, help, hemorrhage, hepatitis, herald, herb, herbaceous, herbivore, herculean, here, heresy, hermaphrodite, hermit, hero, heroin, heroine, heron, herpes, herring, hertz, hesitant, hesitate, hexagon, hiatus, hibernate, hideous, hierarchy, hijab, hilarious, hind, hippopotamus, hippy, hire, histology, history, hitherto, hoarse, hoax, hockey, hoist, hollow, holocaust, holster, holy, homicide, hoodlum, hook, hooligan, horizontal, hormone, hornet, horrendous, horse, horticulture, hospitable, hospital, hostile, hotel, hound, hour, humane, humble, humiliate, hummus, humorous, hunch, hurricane, husk, hustle, hyacinth, hybrid, hydrant, hydrate, hydrogen, hyena, hymen, hymn, hyperopia, hyphen, hypocrisy, hypothesis, hysterectomy, hysteria, identify, idiom, idiosyncratic, idiot, idol, idyll, igneous, iguana, illuminate, illustrious, image, imitate, immune, impala, impassable, impasse, impassible, impassive, imperative, impetuous, impetus, implant, implode, implore, important, importunate, impoverish, impromptu, improve, improvise, impudent, impugn, impunity, inaugurate, incarnate, inception, incessant, incest, incinerate, incisor, incredulous, incumbent, indefatigable, indent, indicate, indigenous, indigent, indignant, individual, indolent, indomitable, induce, indulge, inept, inert, inevitable, inexorable, infamous, infamy, infantry, inference, inferior, inferno, infidel, infinite, infinitesimal, infirm, inflame, inflict, influenza, infuriate, ingenious, ingenuous, inherit, inmate, innocent, innocuous, innovate, innuendo, inquire, inquisitive, insect, inside, insidious, insignia, insinuate, insist, insolent, instead, instigate, institute, insulin, insurance, insure, insurgent, integrity, intent, inter alia, intercede, intercept, interfere, interior, interminable, intermittent, intern, internal, interpose, interpret, interrogate, interrupt, intervene, interview, intestine, intimate, intimidate, intransigent, intrepid, intricate, intrigue, intrinsic, intuit, Inuit, inundate, invade, invidious, invincible, invisible, iodine, iota, irascible, irate, iris, irk, iron, irreparable, irritate, island, islet, isolate, ivy, jacaranda, jackal, jaguar, jail, jangle, janitor, January, jealous, jeopardy, jersey, jewellery, jiggle, jigsaw, jinx, job, jocular, jolly, journey, jovial, joyous, jubilant, judicious, jug, juggle, July, June, junior, juniper, Jupiter, jurisdiction, jury, juvenile, juxtapose, kaleidoscope, kangaroo, kasha, keloid, kick, kidnap, kidney, kilt, kindred, kite, knee, knell, knickers, knowledge, koala, koi, kosher, kowtow, kurta, laboratory, laborious, labyrinth, lackadaisical, laconic, lacquer, lad, lagoon, lamb, lament, lamington, lancet, language, languid, languor, lantern, lapel, larynx, lasagna, lascivious, last, lateral, lava, lavender, lawyer, league, lecherous, lectern, lecture, ledge, ledger, leeward, legume, leisure, lemon, lemur, lenient, leopard, leprosy, lesion, less, lethargy, letter, lettuce, leverage, lewd, lexicon, liberate, library, licentious, lichen, lick, licorice, lieutenant, life, ligament, lignite, lime, limousine, limpid, lineage, linear, lingerie, linguistic, lining, linoleum, lion, liquid, liquor, listen, litany, literate, lithium, litigate, liver, livid, lizard, loaf, loan, loath, loathe, lobby, lobster, local, locale, locket, locomotion, locomotive, locus, locust, lofty, logic, loiter, loop, loot, loquacious, lord, lost, louse, love, lovely, lubricate, lucid, ludicrous, luggage, lugubrious, lukewarm, lullaby, lumbar, lumber, lumen, luminous, lump, lunar, lunatic, lunge, lurch, luscious, lust, luster, lustrous, luxuriant, luxury, lychee, lymph, lynx, lyrics, macabre, macerate, machete, machine, machinery, mackerel, maestro, magic, magma, magna cum laude, magnanimous, magnesium, magnet, magnificent, magnify, magnolia, magnum opus, magpie, mahogany, mail, main, maize, majestic, mala fide, malaria, male, malevolent, malice, malign, malignant, mammal, mammoth, manatee, mandarin, mandatory, mane, maneuver, manganese, mango, manifest, manipulate, mannequin, mantis, manure, many, maraca, marigold, marimba, marina, marinade, marinate, marine, maritime, marlin, marriage, marrow, Mars, marsh, marshal, marten, martini, martyr, marvel, masculine, mash, masochism, masquerade, massacre, massage, masseur, masseuse, mastodon, material, matriarch, matriculate, matrimony, matter, maverick, mayhem, mayonnaise, mea culpa, meager, meander, measles, mediate, medicament, medicine, medieval, mediocre, medium, meerkat, melancholy, mellifluous, melodious, membrane, memento, memento mori, memoir, memory, menace, menagerie, mendicant, menial, meningitis, mention, mercury, mere, meretricious, meridian, meringue, mermaid, mesmerize, message, metabolism, metal, metamorphosis, metaphor, meteor, method, meticulous, microscopic, middle, midget, midst, mien, mileage, milieu, millennium, millet, millipede, minaret, mineral, mingle, minuscule, miracle, miraculous, mirage, mire, mirror, mirth, miscellaneous, mischief, miser, misery, misogyny, miss, mist, mitochondrion, mnemonic, moccasin, mock, modal, model, modem, moderate, modern, modest, modicum, modify, module, modus operandi, modus vivendi, molar, molasses, mole, mollify, mollusk, momentum, monarch, monastery, mongoose, mongrel, monkey, monocle, monogamy, monologue, monomania, monotone, monotony, moose, moral, morale, morbid, morose, morpheme, morphine, morsel, mortal, mortgage, mortify, mosque, mosquito, moss, moth, motif, mountain, mouse, mousse, mow, mucus, multiply, multitude, mundane, murky, murmur, muscle, museum, mushroom, musket, musketeer, mussel, mustache, mustard, musty, mutate, mutilate, mutiny, mutter, mutual, muzzle, myopia, myriad, mystical, mysticism, mystify, myth, nachos, naive, napkin, Napoleonic, narcissism, narcosis, narcotic, narrate, narrow, narwhal, nasal, natal, natality, nausea, nautical, navel, nebula, nebulous, necessary, nefarious, negligent, neighbor, neon, nephew, Neptune, nerd, nervous, nether, netizen, neural, neuter, neutral, newt, nickel, niece, niggardly, nightingale, nitrogen, nocturnal, noisome, nomenclature, nondescript, nope, normal, north, nostalgia, nostril, notch, note, notorious, noun, novel, November, noxious, nuance, nubile, nucleus, nuisance, nullify, numb, nurse, nutella, nutrition, nymph, oar, oath, oats, obedient, obelus, obfuscate, object, obligate, oblige, oblique, obliterate, oblivion, oblivious, obnoxious, oboe, obscene, obscure, obsequious, obsolescent, obsolete, obstetrics, obstinate, obstreperous, obtrude, obviate, obvious, occasion, occupy, ocean, o'clock, octagon, October, octopus, octothorpe, ocular, odor, odyssey, official, ogle, okapi, olfactory, olive, omelet, ominous, omit, omnibus, omniscient, omnivore, onerous, onion, onus, onyx, opaque, opinion, opium, opossum, opportune, opportunity, oppress, optimal, optimistic, option, opulent, oral, orange, oration, orbit, orca, orchard, orchid, ordain, ordinal, ordinary, oregano, organ, organism, orgasm, orgy, orient, orifice, ornament, ornery, orphan, orthodox, oryx, oscillate, osculate, ossify, ostensible, ostentatious, osteoporosis, ostracize, ostrich, otter, oust, outrage, ovary, overwhelm, ovum, owl, oxygen, oxytocin, oyster, pacify, pack, paddle, pageant, pair, palace, palatable, palate, paleontology, palette, palimony, pallet, pallid, palpable, paltry, pamphlet, panacea, panache, pancreas, panda, pandemonium, panic, panorama, panther, paparazzo, paprika, papyrus, parabola, parachute, paradigm, paradox, paragon, parallel, paralysis, parameter, paramount, paraplegic, parasol, parcel, parch, parchment, parenthesis, parish, parity, parlance, parley, parliament, parrot, parsimonious, parsley, parson, partake, particular, partisan, partition, partridge, pashmina, pass, passage, passenger, passion, pastor, pastry, pathetic, pathogen, pathos, patient, patriarch, pave, pavlova, peace, pear, pearl, peasant, pebble, pectoral, peculiar, pedal, pedantic, peddle, pedestal, pedestrian, pediatrics, peekaboo, peevish, pejorative, pelican, pellagra, pellucid, pelvis, penalty, penchant, pencil, pendant, pendulum, penguin, peninsula, penis, penitent, penitentiary, pennant, penny, pensive, pentagon, penultimate, pepper, per annum, per capita, per diem, per se, perchance, percolate, percussion, perennial, perfect, perfidy, perform, perfunctory, peril, perimeter, peripheral, perish, perjure, perk, permanent, permeate, pernicious, perpendicular, perpetrate, perpetual, perpetuate, perplex, perquisite, persevere, person, persona non grata, perspicacious, perspire, persuade, persuasive, pertinent, perturb, pervade, perverse, pervert, pessimistic, petal, petite, petrify, petrol, petroleum, petticoat, petulant, phantasm, phantasmagoria, phantom, pharynx, pheasant, phenomenon, philanthropy, philosophy, phlegmatic, phoneme, phosphorus, phrase, phylum, piano, picture, piece, pier, pierce, pigeon, pilates, pilchard, pilfer, pilgrim, pilgrimage, pillage, pillar, pillow, pinata, pine, pinnacle, pious, piquant, piranha, pirogue, pirouette, pistachio, pistol, pivot, placate, placebo, placenta, placid, plagiarism, plague, plaice, plaintiff, plaintive, platinum, Plato, platoon, platypus, plaudit, plausible, playwright, pleasant, pleasure, plebeian, plenary, plenty, plethora, pliant, plight, plod, plow, pluck, plum, plume, plummet, plump, plunder, pneumonia, poem, poet, poignant, point, polar, polenta, polite, pollen, pollock, pollute, poltergeist, polyandry, polyester, polygamy, polyglot, polymath, pompano, pompous, poncho, ponder, poodle, porcupine, porous, porpoise, porridge, portent, portfolio, portion, portmanteau, portrait, posit, possum, posterior, posthumous, postpartum, postulate, posture, potassium, potato, potent, potentate, potion, pouch, poultice, poultry, powder, pragmatic, prairie, prawn, precede, precedent, precipice, precipitate, precipitous, precise, preclude, precocious, precursor, predator, predicament, predict, prefect, prefix, pregnant, preliminary, premier, premiere, prepare, preponderant, preposterous, prerogative, presage, presbyopia, presbytery, prescribe, prestige, presumptuous, pretentious, preternatural, prevalent, priest, primate, primeval, primordial, primp, principal, principle, prism, prison, privilege, privy, pro bono, pro rata, probable, probation, proceed, proclivity, prodigal, prodigious, prodigy, product, profane, profess, proficient, profit, profiterole, profligate, profound, profuse, progenitor, progeny, prohibit, prolific, prolong, prom, promenade, prominent, promiscuous, promissory, promontory, promote, prompt, prone, pronounce, pronunciation, propaganda, propagate, property, prophecy, prophet, propitious, proprietary, proprietor, prosaic, prose, prosecute, proselytize, prostate, prostitute, prostrate, protocol, protracted, protuberant, provident, province, provoke, proximal, proximate, prude, prudent, prune, prurient, pseudonym, psychiatry, pudding, puerile, puffin, pugnacious, pulmonary, pulsate, pulverize, puma, pumice, pumpkin, punctilious, punctual, punctuate, pundit, pungent, punish, punitive, puny, puppy, pure, purge, pursue, putrid, pylon, pyramid, python, quadriplegic, quail, quaint, quake, quality, quantify, quantity, quantum, quarantine, quarrel, quarry, quarter, quartz, quash, quaver, quay, queasy, queen, queer, quench, querulous, quest, question, queue, quick, quid pro quo, quilt, quinoa, quintessential, quirk, quiver, quixotic, quizzical, quoll, rabbi, rabbit, raccoon, racket, racketeer, racquet, radiant, radish, radius, raft, ragamuffin, rail, rambunctious, rancor, random, range, ransack, rapacious, rapid, rapier, rapt, rapture, rarefy, ratchet, ratify, ratio, ratiocination, ration, rattle, raucous, ravage, raven, ravenous, ravine, realtor, rear, rebellious, receipt, reception, receptive, recidivism, recital, reckless, recognize, recondite, reconnaissance, recruit, rectangle, rectify, rector, rectum, recumbent, recuperate, recuse, redeem, redundant, referendum, refract, refractory, refrigerate, refuge, refute, regalia, reggae, regime, regimen, regiment, register, regular, reify, reign, reimburse, reject, relate, relegate, relevant, reliant, religion, relinquish, relish, reluctant, remedy, remind, reminisce, remiss, remorse, remunerate, renaissance, render, rendezvous, renounce, repair, repast, repeal, repentant, repertoire, repose, repository, reprehend, reprimand, reprobate, reptile, repugnant, requisite, rescind, resemble, reservoir, residue, resign, resignation, resilient, resolute, resonant, resound, resplendent, restaurant, result, resurrect, retaliate, retard, reticent, reticule, retina, retinue, retort, retrospect, reverberate, revere, reverent, reverential, revoke, revolution, rhetoric, rhinoceros, rhyme, rhythm, rice, rickety, rickshaw, ricochet, ricotta, ridicule, ridiculous, righteous, rigmarole, ripple, ritual, rivulet, roar, robust, rococo, romper, rose, roulette, rouse, route, rowdy, royal, ruby, ruckus, rudder, rudimentary, rugby, rugged, rum, ruminate, rune, rupture, rural, ruse, rustic, ruthless, rye, saber, sacrament, sacrifice, sacrilege, sadism, saffron, sagacious, sail, sailor, salamander, sale, salient, saline, sally, salmon, salsa, salt, sample, sanctify, sanctimonious, sanction, sanctuary, sandal, sane, sanguine, sapphire, sarcastic, sardine, sardonic, sarong, sassy, satiate, satiety, satire, satisfy, Saturn, sauna, saunter, savior, savory, saxophone, scaffold, scald, scalp, scalpel, scant, scarce, scarf, scathing, scenario, scene, schedule, schist, school, schooner, scintilla, scintillate, scissors, scold, scoop, scorpion, scotch, scour, scowl, scramble, scrape, scrawl, screech, scribble, scroll, scrotum, scrub, scrumptious, scrupulous, scrutable, scrutinise, scurrilous, scurry, season, secede, seclude, secure, sedition, seek, seesaw, seethe, segregate, seldom, selfish, semblance, semen, seminar, seminary, senile, senior, sensate, sentence, sententious, sentiment, separate, September, serendipity, serene, serge, sergeant, serious, serpent, servile, sesame, settee, severe, shady, shawl, shear, sheep, shenanigan, shepherd, shield, shift, shingle, shiver, shoal, shore, shoulder, shovel, shrew, shrewd, shriek, shrimp, shrug, shudder, shun, shunt, shush, sibling, sickle, siege, siesta, signal, significant, silhouette, silica, silicon, silo, silver, simile, simmer, simulate, simultaneous, sincere, sine qua non, sinew, singlet, sinister, sinuous, sinus, sister, skeleton, skeptical, skin, slander, slaughter, sloppy, sluggish, slum, slumber, sly, smug, smuggle, snake, snatch, snide, snort, sober, sobriquet, soccer, sodium, soft, solace, solemn, solicit, solid, solidus, soliloquy, solipsism, solitaire, solitary, solitude, solstice, somber, sombrero, somnolent, sonorous, sophistry, soporific, soprano, sordid, sorghum, sorrel, sorry, sound, south, souvenir, sovereign, spaghetti, sparkle, sparrow, sparse, spastic, specific, specimen, specious, spectacle, spectacular, specter, spectrum, speculate, sperm, sphere, spigot, spine, spiral, spire, spleen, splendid, sponge, spontaneous, sporadic, spout, spruce, spur, spurious, squalid, square, squash, squid, squint, squirrel, stable, stagger, stalactite, stalagmite, stamen, stammer, stampede, standard, startle, starve, stationary, statistics, statue, stature, status, status quo, statute, staunch, stealth, steeple, stench, stereotype, sterile, stern, stethoscope, stew, steward, stifle, stimulate, stipend, stipulate, stochastic, stolid, stomach, stoop, stout, strand, stratagem, strategic, strategy, stratosphere, stratum, strenuous, strict, strident, stringent, strive, stroll, structure, stubborn, stud, student, studious, stultify, stumble, stupefy, stupendous, stupid, stupor, sturdy, sturgeon, stutter, sublime, subliminal, subservient, subsidiary, subsidize, substitute, substrate, subsume, subterfuge, subterranean, subtract, succinct, succulent, succumb, suffer, suffice, suffix, suffocate, suffrage, suicide, sulfur, sullen, sumac, summary, summit, summon, sumptuous, sup, superb, supercilious, superficial, superfluous, superior, superlative, supine, supper, supplant, supple, supply, suppose, supreme, surfeit, surge, surgeon, surgery, surly, surmise, surmount, surname, surreal, surrender, surreptitious, surrogate, surveillance, survive, susceptible, suspect, suspend, suspicion, sustain, sustenance, swallow, swamp, swim, swirl, syllable, sympathy, symphony, symposium, synagogue, syncope, synergy, synonym, synopsis, syntax, syringe, syrup, systematic, tabloid, tacit, taciturn, talent, talmudic, talon, tamarind, tambourine, tame, tangerine, tangible, tankini, tantamount, tantrum, tapir, tariff, tarragon, tarsier, taunt, taut, tautology, taxidermy, taxonomy, teak, technician, technology, tedious, temerity, tempest, temporal, temporary, tenacious, tenant, tendency, tendentious, tendon, tenement, tenet, tennis, tension, tentative, tenuous, tepid, termagant, termite, terrace, terrain, terrestrial, terrible, testament, testicle, testimony, testosterone, tether, thalamus, theatrical, thee, thence, theorem, theoretical, theory, there, thesaurus, thirst, thong, thorax, thorough, thou, though, thrall, threshold, thrice, thrifty, throat, throne, thumb, thy, thyme, thyroid, tiger, tilde, tiller, timid, timorous, tinder, tingle, tipsy, tissue, titanic, titanium, titillate, toad, tobacco, tolerant, tolerate, tomato, tongue, tonsil, topaz, toponym, tornado, torpor, torrent, tort, tortoise, tortuous, torture, totter, toucan, tournament, tourniquet, trachea, trajectory, trampoline, trance, tranquil, transcend, translate, transvestite, traverse, treacle, tremendous, tremulous, trenchant, triad, trident, trifle, trilobite, triumphant, trivet, trivia, trivial, trojan horse, trolley, trombone, trophy, troposphere, trousers, trout, truculent, trudge, trumpet, truncate, truncheon, tsunami, tuba, tuber, tuberculosis, tulip, tumbler, tumor, tumultuous, tuna, tungsten, tunnel, turbid, turbulent, turf, turgid, turtle, twelve, twinkle, twitch, typhoon, typhus, ubiquitous, ultimatum, umbilical, umbrage, umbrella, unanimous, uncle, undulate, unique, unit, unruly, upheaval, upholster, uppity, Uranus, urban, urchin, ureter, urethra, urinate, urine, usurp, usury, uterus, utmost, utopia, utter, uvula, vacation, vacillate, vacuous, vagina, vagrant, vague, vain, vainglorious, valediction, valet, vanity, vapor, variant, variegate, varmint, varsity, vaseline, veal, vegemite, vehement, vein, vendetta, veneer, venerable, vengeance, venous, ventilate, venture, Venus, veracity, verb, verbatim, verbiage, verbose, verdant, verdigris, verdure, verge, verisimilitude, veritable, vermin, vernacular, versus, vertebrate, vertical, vessel, vestige, vex, vexatious, vibrant, vicar, vicarious, vice versa, vicinity, vicious, victuals, vigilant, vigilante, vigorous, villa, villain, vindicate, vindictive, vine, vinegar, vintage, viola, violet, violin, viper, virile, virtue, virulent, vista, vital, vitamin, vitiate, viticulture, vitiligo, vitreous, vitrine, vitriol, vivacious, vivid, vivify, vocation, vociferous, vodka, volatile, volcano, voluble, voluntary, vomit, voracious, vowel, voyage, voyeur, vulgar, vulnerable, vulture, vulva, wahoo, waif, wallaby, wallow, walrus, wander, wanton, warthog, wary, wasp, wavelet, wayfarer, wealth, weary, weasel, weave, wed, weight, west, whale, wheat, whence, whimper, whimsical, whip, whirl, whisker, whiskey, whisper, whistle, wholly, widow, width, willow, wine, wiry, wisdom, wobble, woe, wolf, wolverine, wombat, wonder, wondrous, wonton, wraith, wrangle, wrath, wrench, wretch, Xerox, xylophone, yarmulke, yawn, yearn, yellow, yeshiva, yield, yogurt, yolk, yonder, young, youth, zeal, zealot, zebra, zinc, Zionism, zither, zodiac, zombie, zone, zoo, zoology, zucchini, zygote

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Sep 4, 2015
Deck 2: convert to noun

This deck consist of all the base nouns derived from a morpheme, or in rare cases, the noun is the morpheme but because it is used a lot less than its inflicted adjective (eg, fury>furious), I will put it into this deck. This deck is about two weeks old. Currently consist only "nounfication" of adjectives from deck 1's vocabularies. All Adjective derived nouns ending in -ness are suspended.

aberrance, abhorrence, abjection, abnormality, abruptness, absoluteness, abstemiousness, abstractness, abstrusity, absurdity, abundance, accuracy, accursedness, acidity, acrimony, acuteness, adamancy, additivity, adolescence, adroitness, adversity, aggregateness, agility, alienness, alkalinity, ambidexterity, ambiguity, ambivalence, amiability, amicability, amorousness, androgyny, anomaly, anonymity, anxiety, apocryphalness, apparentness, appropriateness, arbitrariness, ardency, arduousness, aridity, aromaticity, arrogance, artificiality, asceticism, asininity, assiduity, astuteness, atrociousness, attentiveness, audacity, augustness, auspiciousness, austerity, authenticity, automaticity, avarice, avidity, awkwardness, baldness, bankruptcy, beauty, belligerence, beneficence, benevolence, benignity, biliousness, bizarreness, blatancy, boisterousness, boldness, bombast, bovinity, brevity, brilliance, brusqueness, bumptiousness, buoyancy, callousness, candidness, canniness, cantankerousness, carnality, casualness, causticity, cautiousness, chastity, chronicity, circumspection, clandestinity, coarseness, cogency, collaterality, commerciality, commodiousness, comorbidity, competence, complacency, concavity, concentricity, concreteness, concupiscence, confidence, congeniality, congruence, congruity, conjugality, consciousness, consistency, consonance, conspicuousness, contentiousness, contrariness, contriteness, convenience, conversance, convexity, conviviality, copiousness, cordiality, corruptness, covertness, covetousness, coyness, credibility, criminality, cruelty, culpability, cumbersomeness, cunningness, curiosity, currentness, cursoriness, curtness, deciduousness, defiance, deliciousness, delinquency, delirium, desirousness, desperation, despicableness, destitution, devoutness, dexterity, diabolicalness, diaphanousness, diffuseness, diligence, diluteness, diminutiveness, direness, discreetness, discrepancy, discreteness, dismalness, dissidence, divinity, docility, dominance, dormancy, dreariness, dubiety, eagerness, earnestness, ebullience, eccentricity, effectiveness, effervescence, efficiency, effulgence, elaborateness, elasticity, elegance, eloquence, eminence, emptiness, enormousness, enthusiasm, erectness, erraticism, erroneousness, eternity, euphoniousness, exorbitance, exoticism, expediency, explicitness, exquisiteness, extemporaneity, extraneousness, extravagance, exuberance, fabulousness, factuality, faintness, fallibility, familiarity, fanciness, fastidiousness, fatuousness, feasibility, felicity, ferocity, fervency, fervour, fetidness, fickleness, fictitiousness, fieriness, flaccidity, flagrancy, flamboyance, flimsiness, flippancy, fluency, fluidity, forebodingness, foreignness, forlornness, formidability, fortuity, foulness, fragility, fragrance, frankness, franticness, fraudulence, frequency, friability, frivolity, frugality, fulsomeness, furtiveness, fury, futility, gaiety, garrulousness, gaucheness, generosity, geniality, genteelness, genuineness, glamour, glory, gorgeousness, graciousness, grandiloquence, grandiosity, gratuitousness, greediness, gregariousness, grievousness, grimness, grisliness, grotesquely, gruesomeness, gullibility, haggardness, haphazardry, harmoniousness, harshness, haughtiness, heavenliness, heinousness, hesitancy, hideosity, hilariousness, hoarseness, hollowness, horizontality, hostility, humourousness, idiosyncrasy, illustriousness, immunity, impassableness, impassibility, impassivity, imperativeness, impetuosity, importance, importunateness, impudence, incessancy, incredulity, incumbency, indefatigability, indigence, indigenousness, indignation, individuality, indolence, indomitableness, ineptitude, inertness, inevitability, inexorability, inferiority, infiniteness, infirmity, ingenuity, ingenuousness, innocuousness, inquisitiveness, insidiousness, insolence, intermittence, internality, intimateness, intransigence, intrepidity, intricateness, invidiousness, invincibleness, invisibility, irascibility, irateness, jealousy, jocularity, jollity, joviality, joyousness, jubilation, judiciousness, laboriousness, languidness, lasciviousness, lechery, leniency, lewdness, licentiousness, limpidity, linearity, literacy, lividity, loftiness, loquacity, loveliness, lucidity, ludicrousness, lugubriousness, lukewarmness, luminosity, lunacy, lusciousness, lustrousness, luxuriance, magnanimity, magnificence, malevolence, malignancy, masculinity, materialness, meagerness, mediacy, mediocrity, mellifluousness, melodiousness, meretriciousness, meticulousness, miraculousness, moderateness, modernity, modesty, morbidity, morosity, mortality, mundanity, murkiness, mustiness, narrowness, nasality, nauseousness, nebulousness, negligence, nervousness, neutrality, niggardliness, noisomeness, normality, notoriety, noxiousness, nubility, numbness, obedience, obliqueness, obliviousness, obscenity, obscurity, obsequiousness, obsolescence, obsoleteness, obstinacy, obstreperousness, obviousness, ominousness, omniscience, onerousness, opaqueness, opportuneness, opulence, orality, ordinariness, orneriness, ostentation, palatableness, palpability, paltriness, paramountcy, paraplegia, parsimony, patience, peculiarity, pedantry, peevishness, penitence, pensiveness, perfectness, perfunctoriness, permanence, perpendicularity, perpetuity, perspicacity, persuasiveness, pertinence, perversity, piety, piquancy, placidity, plaintiveness, plausibility, pleasantness, pliancy, plumpness, poignancy, politeness, pomposity, porousness, precipitateness, precipitousness, preciseness, precocity, pregnancy, preponderance, pretentiousness, preternaturalness, prevalence, prodigality, prodigiousness, profaneness, proficiency, profligacy, profoundness, profusion, prolificacy, prominence, promiscuity, proneness, propitiousness, protuberance, providence, proximity, prudence, prurience, puerility, pugnacity, punctiliousness, punctuality, pungency, puniness, purity, putridity, quadriplegia, quaintness, queasiness, queerness, querulousness, quickness, quintessence, quizzicality, radiance, rambunctiousness, randomness, rapaciousness, rapidity, raptness, raucousness, ravenousness, rebelliousness, receptivity, recklessness, redundancy, refractoriness, regularity, reluctance, remissness, repentance, repugnance, requisiteness, resilience, resoluteness, resonance, resplendence, reticence, reverence, ridiculousness, righteousness, robustness, rowdiness, royalty, rudiments, ruggedness, rurality, rusticity, ruthlessness, sagacity, salience, salinity, sanctimony, sanguinity, sanity, savouriness, scantness, scarcity, scrupulousness, scurrilousness, selfishness, senility, sententiousness, separateness, serenity, seriousness, servility, shrewdness, significance, simultaneity, sincerity, sinisterness, sinuosity, sloppiness, sluggishness, slyness, snideness, sobriety, solemnity, solidity, solitude, somnolence, sonority, sordidness, sorriness, sparseness, specificity, speciousness, spontaneity, spuriousness, stability, staunchness, stealthiness, sterility, sternness, stolidity, stoutness, strenuosity, strictness, stubbornness, studiousness, stupendousness, stupidity, sturdiness, sublimity, subservience, subsidiarity, succinctness, succulence, sullenness, sumptuousness, superbness, superciliousness, superficiality, superfluity, superiority, superlativeness, supineness, suppleness, supremeness, surliness, surreality, susceptibility, taciturnity, tameness, tangibility, tautness, tedium, tenacity, tendentiousness, tentativeness, tenuousness, tepidity, theatricality, thoroughness, thriftiness, timidity, timorousness, tipsiness, tolerance, tortuousness, tranquility, tremendousness, tremulousness, triviality, truculence, tumultuousness, turbidity, turbulence, turgidity, ubiquity, unanimity, uniqueness, unruliness, vacuity, vagueness, vainglory, vainness, vehemence, verbosity, verdancy, veritableness, verticality, vexatiousness, vibrancy, vicariousness, viciousness, vigilance, vigorousness, vindictiveness, virility, virulence, vivacity, vividness, vociferousness, volatility, volubility, voluntariness, vulgarity, vulnerability, wantonness, wariness, weariness, whimsicality, wiriness, wondrousness

304 "ness" nouns are suspended.

Stat is 86/244@0.5
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
What are your goals to get out of all this?


Active Member
Jun 22, 2014
Instead of learning them alphabetically in large chunks, it would be better if you incorporate a degree of deviation because that way it's harder to recall but ensures your understanding is more robust

Do you have any interest in graphematics ?
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Sep 4, 2015
Instead of learning them alphabetically in large chunks, it would be better if you incorporate a degree of deviation because that way it's harder to recall but ensures your understanding is more robust
these words are not studied in an alphabetical order, they are all encountered randomly as I read novels, obviously the really easy words are just added for the sake of adding to make up my quota.

I just listed them here alphabetically because it's easier to read.


Aug 14, 2014
the best way is to immerse yourself through writing to force yourself to produce coherent and cogent sentences. this way you apply the word(s) and improve vocab real quick. if u dont apply, then the memory will vanish

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