A bit more detail on the paper itself for those interested:
Text1 - extract of a story, something about a couple discovering items they liked in a pile of junk. The question was how was dialogue used to capture their reaction to their discoveries. /2 marks (Quite easy, could be done by just reading the actual dialogue and skipping the rest of the story)
Text2 - visual, old guy sitting in front of a cupboard of bottles, holding one (that contained a preserved snake) and pointing to a table with shells and a book on it. Question was how the value of the physical discovery of those items was shown. /2 marks (Again, analysed quite quickly)
Text3 - poem, narrator's father exploring nature, something about walking to school. Question was how the personal nature of his discoveries was shown. /3 marks (Straightforward if you identified the imagery & structure)
Text4 - Narrator rambling on about their grandmother's stories and how they were exaggerated. Question was how the nature of these discoveries (being true/false) is explored. (/3 marks)
5 marker - how curiosity is important in the discovery process, comparing 2 of the above texts
Imaginative writing that explores unexpected discovery. Stimulus included someone looking upwards with their hand on their forehead, a compass placed over a map, a book and a balloon.
Discovering what is hidden, and reconsidering what is known as part of the discovery process. (One related text)
Overall, I'd say 42-43/45 is quite possible.