"Data verification is the systematic process of double-checking the data with a second source (usually a set of standards) to ascertain its completeness, accuracy and consistency.
Data validation is the process of making sure the data is valid by checking the format the data is in. It ascertains the usability (valid, sensible and reasonable) of the data and checks that it follows its specified criteria. It more of less makes sure the data is potentially correct. i.e Data has 8 characters and is all lowercase with no numerals. (Specified criteria)
Validity of data determines how correct and reasonable the data is. (Pretty much the same as data validation except in a different form?)
Accuracy of data: Self explanatory. Determines how correct the data is.
Data integrity refers to the trustworthiness of data. It represents the information stays true to its intended purpose and basically is a summary of all the attributes of the above terms. This includes the accuracy, validity and completeness of the data involved.
Data quality: Data quality refers to how reliable, relevant and in depth the data is in relation to its topic. It is also the primary source, free of bias, current, accessible and has gone through both the verification and validation processes."
I remember being very confused about this too. Notes from 2013 (when I was in Year 10) which I have no recollection of right now. Hopefully it helps you somewhat.