In honour of my distant ancestor NOSTRADAMUS and his "skill" that has been passed down to me through generation to generation, I would like to start the OFFICIAL 2015 HSC PHYSICS PROPHECIES.
Standard Projectile Motion Question (because last year there was a tricky one)
BCS theory/Superconductors.
Relativity of Simultaneity question or another thought experiment question
Special relativity calculation (most likely MC question)
Galvanometer/Loudpseaker or Transistors
Einstein vs Classical Theory --> light
Induction cooktop or Transmission of electricity
prac question on: Perform an investigation USING DISCHARGE TUBES with maltese cross,electric plates, fluorescent screen, glass wheel etc..
Motors and Generators calculation question
Solar Cell
generator/motor explanation of how it works/structure/diagram
Rockets or g-force OR Westinghouse vs Edison
Random calculations (like GPE/work or Kepler's Law of Periods, E = V/D, e = hf, c = fl etc......)
Lenz's Law/Faradays Law of EMF question OR Michelson-Morley
Quanta to Quarks:
Either JUST BOHR (something about his postulates or whatever ---> just look at all his shit in focus 1) and possibly something to do with Rutherford, Balmer, Rydberg.
Mass defect
Cloud Chamber
Strong Nuclear Force
Standard Theory of Atom
Pauli/Heisenburg OR somethin to do with understanding structure of matter OR neutron scattering
Davisson and Gemer
Conservation laws and neutron discovery
De Broglie
Terms and conditions: I deserve rep if 70% of my predictions are correct.
NOTE: Obviously my visions have a few extra stuff to what is gonna be in the exam, as well.'
EDIT: Q2Q was all correct. Core was only 50% correct. Hopefully this helped you definitely helped me.

Standard Projectile Motion Question (because last year there was a tricky one)
BCS theory/Superconductors.
Relativity of Simultaneity question or another thought experiment question
Special relativity calculation (most likely MC question)
Galvanometer/Loudpseaker or Transistors
Einstein vs Classical Theory --> light
Induction cooktop or Transmission of electricity
prac question on: Perform an investigation USING DISCHARGE TUBES with maltese cross,electric plates, fluorescent screen, glass wheel etc..
Motors and Generators calculation question
Solar Cell
generator/motor explanation of how it works/structure/diagram
Rockets or g-force OR Westinghouse vs Edison
Random calculations (like GPE/work or Kepler's Law of Periods, E = V/D, e = hf, c = fl etc......)
Lenz's Law/Faradays Law of EMF question OR Michelson-Morley
Quanta to Quarks:
Either JUST BOHR (something about his postulates or whatever ---> just look at all his shit in focus 1) and possibly something to do with Rutherford, Balmer, Rydberg.
Mass defect
Cloud Chamber
Strong Nuclear Force
Standard Theory of Atom
Pauli/Heisenburg OR somethin to do with understanding structure of matter OR neutron scattering
Davisson and Gemer
Conservation laws and neutron discovery
De Broglie
Terms and conditions: I deserve rep if 70% of my predictions are correct.
NOTE: Obviously my visions have a few extra stuff to what is gonna be in the exam, as well.'
EDIT: Q2Q was all correct. Core was only 50% correct. Hopefully this helped you definitely helped me.
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