Alright guys I watched the Christmas Special!!! Just my quick thoughts:
- I didn't like how long it took her to recognise him.... just no. Fair enough if not on first point of contact and bc she thought/knew he didn't have anymore regens left but after he kept hinting and shit, come on
- I loved the opening bit where the TARDIS is trying to cheer him up and gave him antlers haha. It was the closest mention of Clara/mourning we were going to get
- The scene where she goes on about how he doesn't love her was a) a bit over the top and b) bad for me because I totally ship them
- I loved the build up to what ended up being their date at Dirilium like when he tells the guy to build a restaurant omg
- Then I loved how he
"got a new suit, gave her a sonic screwdriver and cried" justttt as she mentioned happening on their last date at the Singing Towers in Season 4
- When he said "a night on Dirilium is 24 years" I died of happiness because yay but then when I thought about it I don't think I liked it because in Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, she doesn't know that it's their last date

I mean I know timey wimey and time can be rewritten but stillll ehhhh
- I felt a mention of Amy/Rory was missing.... as if one of them didn't ask the other about them
I feel like the point of this episode was to give us/River closure before Moffat leaves because her character is entirely his creation and he probs wanted to nip her up before leaving and risking someone else finish her story in a direction he didn't like.
Anyways, it was a bit cheesy (coming from me, a total cheeseball!) but I didn't mind too much because I'm just so glad we got to see her again as I had given up tbh lol. What did you guys think? If you can even remember lol I'm a bit delayed