Hard Multiple Choice Test (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2014
SELF-REFERENTIAL APTITUDE TEST, by Jim Propp (jimpropp at gmaildotcom)

The solution to the following puzzle is unique; in some cases the
knowledge that the solution is unique may actually give you a short-cut
to finding the answer to a particular question. (Thanks to Andy Latto
for bringing this subtlety to my attention.)

I should mention that if you don't agree with me about the answer to #20,
you will get a different solution to the puzzle than the one I had in mind.
But I should also mention that if you don't agree with me about the answer
to #20, you are just plain wrong. :)

You may now begin work.

1. The first question whose answer is B is question
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

2. The only two consecutive questions with identical answers are questions
(A) 6 and 7
(B) 7 and 8
(C) 8 and 9
(D) 9 and 10
(E) 10 and 11

3. The number of questions with the answer E is
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3
(E) 4

4. The number of questions with the answer A is
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7
(E) 8

5. The answer to this question is the same as the answer to question
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

6. The answer to question 17 is
(A) C
(B) D
(C) E
(D) none of the above
(E) all of the above

7. Alphabetically, the answer to this question and the answer to the
following question are
(A) 4 apart
(B) 3 apart
(C) 2 apart
(D) 1 apart
(E) the same

8. The number of questions whose answers are vowels is
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7
(E) 8

9. The next question with the same answer as this one is question
(A) 10
(B) 11
(C) 12
(D) 13
(E) 14

10. The answer to question 16 is
(A) D
(B) A
(C) E
(D) B
(E) C

11. The number of questions preceding this one with the answer B is
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3
(E) 4

12. The number of questions whose answer is a consonant is
(A) an even number
(B) an odd number
(C) a perfect square
(D) a prime
(E) divisible by 5

13. The only odd-numbered problem with answer A is
(A) 9
(B) 11
(C) 13
(D) 15
(E) 17

14. The number of questions with answer D is
(A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 8
(D) 9
(E) 10

15. The answer to question 12 is
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

16. The answer to question 10 is
(A) D
(B) C
(C) B
(D) A
(E) E

17. The answer to question 6 is
(A) C
(B) D
(C) E
(D) none of the above
(E) all of the above

18. The number of questions with answer A equals the number of questions
with answer
(A) B
(B) C
(C) D
(D) E
(E) none of the above

19. The answer to this question is:
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

20. Standardized test is to intelligence as barometer is to
(A) temperature (only)
(B) wind-velocity (only)
(C) latitude (only)
(D) longitude (only)
(E) temperature, wind-velocity, latitude, and longitude

( to go to the main SRAT page, go to jamespropp.org/srat.html )
Links to solutions and more: http://faculty.uml.edu/jpropp/srat.html


Cole World
Jun 14, 2014
Sorry for necro lol
That was really fun
I had to start again because I tripped up on q7
I was so scared during the whole thing that I'd make a mistake somewhere and not realize until I got to a contradiction lelele

would recommend


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Uhh so like I'm spending ages on this cause I'm dumb... here's my logic (only looked at answers as I went along, no solutions):

20 is E

10 and 16 form a pair. Only two of them correspond and they are 10A, 16D

1 is definitely not A. And 1 can't be B either, because otherwise both 1 and 2 are B. Turns out 5 can't be A or B either.

Between 6 and 17, for a similar reason one of them is B and the other is D. But 2 just said that 16 and 17 can't have the same answer no matter what. So 17 is B and 6 must therefore be D

In 12, reject CDE because otherwise too many ambiguities arise when doing 8 and even 12 itself (odds can be primes, perfect square 16 is even). By rejecting 12 CDE, 8 can't be A, B or D. But that means there is definitely an even number of vowels and thus consonants. So 12 must be A

But note that 8 is C or E.

Therefore 15 is A and hence 13 is D

Suddenly no other odd number question can have answer A...

Either 3 or 4 is B, because within Q1-5 at least something is B according to Q1. May be useful later.

2 can't be D or E as 9 and 11 can't be with 10A

If 3 is C, 5 is C. If 4 is D, 5 is D. But simultaneously 5 can be E. Hence to eradicate those solutions 5 must be E and 3 can't be C; 4 can't be D.

Which means 3 can no longer be B either as we now have 2 Es. (But cause 3 is not C, there is another E in this thing somewhere... lol not useful)

Consequences of Q2: 4 can't be E. 14 can't be D. 18 can't be B. 19 can't be E.

Because Q8 is either C or E, I have 6 or 8 vowels. But the only way I can have 6 vowels is if Q3 is C and Q4 is A as 2+4=6. Since Q3 is NOT C, I must have 8 vowels. and thus Q8 is E.

So 7 and 9 are no longer E by Q2.

Because 3 is now D or E, the B in Q1-5 must be Q4

This makes Q1 D

2 is not B so 7 can't be E...

Since 4 is B... We have 8 vowels so 8-5=3. Therefore 3 is D.

Awkward moment 1hr in when I realise I don't even have a C floating around yet...

There are 3 Es on the answer set and we only have 3 Es. So nothing else can be E anymore.

Q2 lost B C D AND E. So Q2 is stuck with A.

So 6 and 7, being the same, makes 7 D

9 is not C as 12 is A.

At this point, 9, 11, 14, 18 and 19 are unanswered. We only have 5 As. But 9, 11, 14 AND 19 have been eliminated from being A. So the last A must be on 18.

Because 5 As exist, Q18 now tells us only 5 Bs exist.

So of the last 4 answers. because the only Bs are 4 and 17, we have 3 Bs left. And the last one is a C or a D.

So far, the Ds are 1, 3, 6, 7, 13 and 16. This means we have either 6, or 7 Ds. Q14 is constrained to A or B. But Q15 is A so Q14 can't be A. So Q14 is a B.

So there is no C...! The last 3 are 2 Bs and a D

If 11's not C, 11 is forced into being B.

So 19 is the B and 9 is the D.


Ugh, 1hr 33min


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2014
Imagine if this something like this came up as a BOS Trial Multiple Choice question set.


Cole World
Jun 14, 2014
This took me almost an entire hour leellee
pls be 4U only kthnx


Cole World
Jun 14, 2014
Although it would be much easier to keep track of 10 questions though lol

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