Hi guys -
Quick pragmatic note. I have been inundated with tutoring requests and queries lately, which is always good BUT, please note:
1. I only
tutor online. This is for various reasons, most particularly because of the style of tutoring I find most effective for students and enjoy. Which leads me to..
2. Although I tailor my approach to each student's needs and abilities, I generally follow a certain
model. This model is: Each week one paid session, with follow up editing/marking reviews.
The typical form this takes will be that a student may work with me on an assessment - in the session we will discuss texts, model answers, pitfalls, particular anxieties and then set up a plan (very important for anxiety levels, and proper execution of everything discussed). Then the student will submit that work to me during the week for review/marking and editing.
Many students have asked me if I tutor in person, and whether I tutor differently to these models.
Online is non-negotiable. While I am willing to help anyone, so will consider any reasonable request, I find that sporadic/intermittent and irregular sessions (usually in a panicked state before an assessment) are not conducive to good results, learning or anything genuine. Therefore:
3. Given this and my already fairly replete calendar, I am currently only taking
regular students.
A few FAQs -
Does this mean that there's no point asking a question about a particular assessment I am struggling with?
No. As I have said here and in other posts, my main reason for tutoring is satisfaction at seeing students accomplish extraordinary gains in important skills, improve and (perhaps most importantly) feel confident in themselves and their abilities. Therefore, I will always try to help you if time permits. I am very happy to receive questions and will answer ASAP. As for feedback, if you have no other resort and are really stuck, I am also more than happy to try to find a solution for you.
Do you offer a marking/feedback service
As above, I prefer regular students. However, if there is just one essay you want to perfect, I may be willing to do this on a pro bono or paid basis (depending on how much attention and work it needs etc).
Do you do group tutoring? Can you also tutor my friend/sister
Yes and yes. I have taught small groups both in the classroom and on a private basis. Especially if you know this person well, it can be a fun atmosphere and work well. Same texts preferable but not essential; a lot of tutoring work is about form, structure, overcoming personal mental blocks and skill deficiencies etc. As with individual tutoring, simply get in touch with me and we will chat
Also I am more than happy to tutor multiple members of same family or friends, as I am currently doing.
Do you do free trials?
No, I don't. I understand why you may wish for a free trial, it's not unreasonable. I will give my time freely and (I hope) generously where I feel its needed, but its still very precious to me, therefore I don't believe in free trials. For the record, I have a very high retention rate (hard to be exact over the years but easily in excess of 90 per cent). I really enjoy tutoring and I like people, so I find I generally get to know and understand my students' thinking styles.
Conversely, I don't ever ask for more than a session in advance, so you are always welcome to pull out. I think its a bit unfair to ask you for a bigger commitment than that. HSC is super busy and stressful, so I try to be as flexible as I can with your time.
I am unsure about tutoring. Should I get it? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
This is highly personal. I am thrilled that there is now absolutely no stigma or concern attached to tutoring; whatever level you are at, I think getting tutoring is seen widely as a worthy, courageous and ambitious (in a good way) act.
However, while I basically can't see how tutoring - especially with a good tutor
who understands you - can be negative, it may not be essential. A good tutor should obviously do more with you in a session than you could do yourself or with other resources (your parents, friends teacher, etc). I think to make it worthwhile, there needs to be a sufficient level of trust and leadership. However, this itself goes both ways - I find that while my preparation, the effort I take to consider where my student is struggling and find practical solutions etc is very important, it is the students who think how best they can use me as a resource and prepare who really shine and make huge progress.
I think if you are committed, fundamentally, (which is why I say I am not into 'on the fence' approaches), you will succeed in what you do and tutoring will enhance that greatly.
At the end of the day though, as you will find with many things now, its simply up to you. At worst, as I have said, I think tutoring can be a distraction and a waste of money for uncommitted students. But for the best it can totally transform your marks, ability and confidence.
My personal experience: In maths, my gregarious, funny and extremely talented maths tutor took me from just above average in my yr at 2U (I found maths tedious and couldn't see the point) to a high E4 in 3U. Much more important than that though, I really started to enjoy it, find confidence in it and relax - always nice in yr 12
Anyway enough ramble for now

Thanks in advance to everyone for reading and being aware of these guidelines before getting in touch with me.
Also keep an eye on the QandA -
http://community.boredofstudies.org...9659/english-advanced-qanda-slow-release.html - its going really well and I am enjoying the terrific feedback and intelligent questions - please keep them coming.
stay happy, be calm