Yes we do. We have an implied constitutional right to political communication.
NO! the implied right to freedom political communication does NOT! imply a right to free speech...
How do you define political communication? By interpreting common law (which is usually, whether it is defined as a political issue or not), determines whether you would be protected by the implied right to political communication or whether or not you will be chased for vilifying others...
Don't get me wrong, I don't think the implied right to freedom of political communication is adequate also...
I'd like to think people have more common sense and take a more holistic view of the religion of Islam itself and look outside the parameters of Terrorism... A religion that condones and practices: blatant sexism, homophobia, feudalistic rule, intolerance, etc, clearly has no merit to be humoured by Western culture... Terrorism is more the "cherry on top of the cake," so to speak...