1. Agreed
3. Agreed (But there is no objective way to decide, so proceed with caution, as with all other things in the bible)
I guess for this we will have to agree to disagree. I do not think the fact that two accounts are slightly different causes "great doubt to the claim" that thet were copied
Well, when the hundreds of differences are blatantly contradictory, one may assume that it is probably not "textual difficulty"
As I said before
First treatment of sinners: "Kill them all in a flood and save Noah because he was righteous
Second treatment of sinners: "I will become human, suffer, and sacrifice myself for sinners "
I cannot locate the explanation. Where did you explain this?
Right. So you concede
1. There is no objective standard
2. Christians do not derive literal meaning, but meaning that is convenient because it is comfortable...
A huge issue with all religion. Religious people are able to derive whatever the fk they want/think is comofortable from a text.
This leads to live burning, terrorism and countless other atrocities.
Nobody can say that your meaning from the text is more correct than theirs
Solution: Don't use a religious text and use common sense
To want someone to die for the sins you have created is pure evil
I am going to setup a world with humans. I am going to create sin. I am going to then murder everyone who commits sin
Dunno man, seems pree bad to me
Especially when these "sins" include things such as being a homosexual
Idk man I am still alive
But I do not have any ties with god
Who knows, maybe logically this will result in my death??
Did god tell me that? Nup
Would it have been hard for an all powerfull god to convince me or do a better job at warning me ? Nup
By the way, Dan - Reject me or you die. If I kill you , do not complain because I already warned you!
If I killed a random dog for absolutely no reason, would this be hilarous to you?
Jesus allowed the killing of these pigs for no fucking reason whatsoever.
Also, I am not a vegan, but I do not see how this is of any relevance. My personal position on things does not affect the correctness of my arguments
Stop trying to avoid the point in question.
Jesus allowed the needless killing of a living being. This is cruelty.
Side note: Can you prove that humans are innocent?
Technically, Vlad allowed his army to rape and kill children
'Different to ordered'
Lmao still pretty messed up that God allowed the slaughter of animals for no reason.
You can not objectively prove that animals are sentient
You can not objectivley prove that humans are sentient either
You can inductively assume the above contentions
The same reason it is cruel to kill humans....To cause pain, suffering and death to a human is cruelty. The same applies for animals. If you do not agree, answer the following
Name a trait present in animals, which if present in humans, would justify the treatment proposed by omnivores if applied to a human.
Please tell me how the needless slaughter of a human being is any different to the needless slaughter of another animals
Is it justified that I murder you to demonstrate a point?
Not sure how this adds to the debate
Agreed. God allowed us to break this world. God will not fix it. God can at least help the newborn, but he wont.
Makes me feel disgusted.
Sigh. I really should not have to tell you that a newborn is innocent....
but here goes:
Newborns are free from moral wrong. They have not commited an immoral act, and there is no evidence to show that a Newborn has the mental capacity to reason and hence cannot from bad intentions. (The definition of innocent)
You appealed to the legal system. How about you actually read up on the basics?
To prove that someone is not innocent , you need to prove intention (mens rea) and action (actus reus).
You understand that if a person has a severe mental illness, and they are unable to distinguish right from wrong, innoccence is presumed?
Much in the same way, a baby is presumed to be innocent.
This is very, very basic stuff, and I suggest you do a few quick google searches before you ask me such questions
Q: Man is born blind for no reason. No sins were commited at all. Then why did god do this?
A: "the works of god are displayed in him"
Dunno man, seems like something is not adding up
Ok then.
What sin did the newborn commit?
BTW, you just quoted
“It was not that this man sinned.."
Did the blind man sin? You just said he did not
And then you say "Each pays for their own sins"
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that presuming toddlers are innocent is fine.....
So when we are born we reject god. Newborns are not innocent simply because they have not done anything.
It is simply a status or condition.
Does any of this explain why one newborn is born blind and the other is not?
Side note: God created the world so that we are are born rejecting him, and then pay for this sin. Pretty messed up....
1. Ok, it may not change the bias, but to heal my friend of cancer would still be pretty good....
Note: God put this bias in us in the first place, feelsbad
2. If god does not want to fix my friends cancer, just because it does not tackle the root of the problem (Our inherit bias against him), then why not fix the root of the problem? Why not remove our bias?
In summary
God can fix my friends cancer, but he wants to deal with the root of the problem instead
Root of the problem = inherit bias against god when we are born (which god created in the first place)
God still has not fixed my friends cancer or the root of the problem......
Imagine a doctor saying
"I could fix the massive pain you are in right now due to disease X, but I would rather fix the root of the problem!"
Doctor never helps the massive pain I am in
Doctor also never helps me fix disease X
Still would be nice if he healed my friend.
Dunno dude, If I were an all caring, loving god, I would heal someones pain, regardless of wether they accept or reject me
OR I could make it so that they accept me
God has not done any of those ....
The same reason that the miracles in the bible never happen, or Krishna never returns to Earth (I wonder what this reason is?)
Absolutley nothing, a rhetorical wave of the hand and everyone is healed (Assuming he is all powerfull)
I don't mind it at all. If he does exist and can do great things for me, go ahead and do it.
Imagine a doctor who can cure a persons life threatening illness with 0 effort
But he does not
I would consider him a dick
Now imagine a doctor (God) who can fix every single person with this illness. In fact, he can improve the quality of life for billions of people with 0 effort
But he does not
I would consider him a huge dick
What about you?
OR god can just magically convince us to accept him (all powerfull). Does not have to kill us all man....
I never said the whole world is terrible??
So you are saying
1. God does have the power to fix everything
2. Why should he fix everything? We reject him, complain, boss him around and refuse he exists
3. If he does fix everythign, this will not change the inherit bias we have against him
God creates a world of little humans.
God creates a world where these humans have a bias against him
God creates a world where we reject him, boss him around, refuse he exists
God is grumpy that we do so and now will not help the terrible things we go through
Sounds more like a 5 year old child.
Side note:
My parents will still do their best to help me, regardless of whether I boss them around and reject them.
So shouldn't and all loving, all caring, all knowing god do this as well? Especially when he himself created a world of humans who reject him?
First of all the city you are born in, statiscially, will have a HUGE impact on whether or not you accept 'god' in the context of our debate (Jesus)
Im glad you admit that christianity in this regard is so unjust, bleak and dismal.
Be lucky enough to be born in the right place, and you are saved. The others literally burn in hell for eternity.
There is a perfectly reasonable explanation to why a baby craves its mother milk even though it has not been taught. Not going to go into depth, it is legit a 10 second google search and you can read to your hearts content

(Biological trait as a result of evolution)
I gave you my reasoning and proof, now it is your turn
Prove that a baby rejects god at birth. Prove that a baby is not innocent
False equivalence.
Biological traits bringing desire is very different. It is not a choice.
We are talking about, as you say, the choice to accept or reject god.
The child may be born with a terrible disease. Are you trying to say this is because the child reject god?
A very common tactic used by christians
This is so flawed.
Imagine this in any other context
"Humans in general commit crime. Steve is a human, and a part of humanity. Steve is a criminal"
1. The WA government was a representative democratic government. People voted for this government to make choices
2. Imagine that the people of WA had ZERO say about this, and were affected by the actions of others. This does not make it unjust.
I am born in AUS, where the taxes are very high. I have no choice or say. But this is not unjust
If I am punished for simply being born in Australia, it is unjust
Much the same way, If I am punished for simply being born in a broken world, it is unjust
Pharoah = Action commited to show that he rejects god
Newborn = No action commited to show that he does not reject god. No action, and it has not developed the mental capacity to reason and thus have evil intention.
You have asked me for proof of my statements several times
How about you prove this one for a change?
Well if God is reading this forum.
Hey god, I will beleive you exist if you appear in my dream tonight with a blue pony and 7 mars bars exactly.
I know for sure if this happens, it will convince me.
Cmon god, give me evidence and I will not reject you.
Been putting it off for a few thousand years.
Yet he can finish it now (cause he is apparently powerfull enough to do anything). Why doesn't he?
Sometimes is the key word. He can always greatly improve peoples lives (think people dying in poverty), but will only do it sometimes (when he feels like it lol). Pretty bad considering he could do it with a click of his fingers
I mean , most sane people would click their fingers and eradicate poverty if they could. God does not tho.
Lol i think that is quite reasonable to not want a massive massacre
Fair thing to ask, considering he can improve my life with 0 effort
Forget about me tho, think about the billions of people starving to death, many having to end up in prostitution or slavery.
Fair thing to ask god to improve my life a bit if he is all powerfull.....
I will acknoweldge him, want him and let him speak.
Just give me the evidence I need. (Tmr at 7.30pm drop a banana from the sky onto my head)
If this happens, without a doubt I will accept god.
The thing is
1. I reject god because he put an inherit bias in me, which I cannot control
2. He will not give me the evidence, even though he can do so very easily for me and the biillions of other people with a click of his fingers
1. My dad would still love me. He would not like the comment I made and be sad about it. But he wont go ahead and massacre me/let me burn in hell for eternity or some crazy shit like that. My dad is an average bloke. Not some all loving all caring ever powerful god. So I expect this god to also forgive me, and not want to murder me....
2. My dad has done things for me, which I see clearly. God, if you may, tmr do something great for me (gimme $1k in my bank ) and I will also love you
3. The queen of england does not love me. If she loved me as much as you say this god does, I dont think she will kill me. Heck, even if the current queen hates my guts, I still do not think she will want to murder me
God however....
4. The reason I reject god in the first place is because he created a world with sin, and put a bias in me. And then he punishes me for it.
By the way, If I am gay, is that something god put in me ? Why is that considered a sin, just as murder is considered a sin?
I know. It is why I asked

No scientific evidence exists
My parents are right infront of my eyes and I beleive they exist. I beleive they are good people and I obey them.
God will not give me the proof (scientific proof OR the banana/blue pony I asked for in my dream) to show he exists
God puts a bias in me to reject him
God creates sin.
God allows for sin.
God expects people to submit to him despite no proof of his existance (Again, scientific or personal proof, I do not mind)
God then punishes people for rejecting him
My parents discipline is often for my good
God however, is not really disciplining us. He is threatening to murder us if we do not obey. He is punishing us in very cruel ways (poverty and much worse..) , and for this to go away we have to obey him, but he is refusing to show himself so we do not know if he exists....
No. We want a better quality of life, for sure. If god can give us that, most of us will like him

he has the power to convince us that he exists. Sadly he does not. He punishes us for rejecting him isntead
I am asking him to improve my quality of life. I'll even accept him if he gives me that banana

How is this treason?
Some people just want enough food to live, with or without god.
God will not reveal himself to these peoples, nor will he give them food.
Not me. I call him violent because
1. He creates a world with sin
2. He creates people who have an inherit bias to reject him (a sin)
3. He does not show himself to me (but he has the power to convince me of his existence/nature)
4. He punishes me for this. He has created a world with poverty, murder, violence, and rape, when he could have created a much better world.
nothing wrong with that
We do not want input from a being who may not even exist. If god does exist, he has the power to convince us of his existence .He could legit just convince me with a simple dream tonight and I will take all input lol
BTW, why do we not want his input in the first place?
Especially the discrinimantion against homosexuals
No. We call him unjust for creating a world where we are born sinners, and are punished for it. A world with atrocities.
We call him unjust for punishing us because we reject him (but he does not reveal himself to let us accept him in the first place)
We call him unjust for wanting to massacre us for the above reasons.
At this rate, I hope god is never employed as a pizza delivery guy, or else I wont ever get my pizza

God could come right now, 11.21pm. But he will not. Why?
I said: There is a very good reason Person A can't just take on crimes commited by person B and be punished instead
Not sure if srs..
Person A commits crime. Person A is guilty
Person B is innocent. Person B says "I know A commited the crime, but punish me instead!"
Cmon Dan. Work those brain cells and tell my why it is wrong to allow B to be punished instead of A
You did not answer my question. Why are we waiting for that time "One day he will come..."
Why can he not just fix everything right now, 11.26PM AEST. (My clock is a bit off tho)
A much better question:
Instead of a mass murder, why doesn't he just help us all out now?
I am going to use every single one of your arguments to prove that Krishna also exists.
I may also comment on why the supposed 'evidence' is rubbish
My challenge: Give me a piece of evidence (or a series of evidences) that you have that will not support the claim that in fact Allah or Buddha exist.
1. "Our first evidence of the resurrection, therefore, is that Jesus himself spoke of it"
- Same way that my mate himself reckons he can fly
- Jesus said : "I died and came back from the dead" is not good proof
- Krishna, himself , said that he was god and could bring the dead back to life
2. "The tomb was empty on Easter according to Luke 24:3 and Matthew 28:13
- The 'evidence' here is derived from the bible it self
- In the bhavad Gita, "The dead body of the sage was gone"
3. The disciples who were hopeless, transformed into bold men after seeing the ressurection
- In the Mahabharata, the king transformed from being hopeless to powerful after seeing the miracles of Krishna
4. "Paul claimed that, not only had he seen the risen Christ, but that 500 others had seen him also, and many were still alive when he made this public claim."
- Vyasa wrote that the entire kingdom saw Krishnas magic, and many of these people were still alive when he made this public claim
5. The sheer existence of a thriving, empire-conquering early Christian church supports the truth of the resurrection claim.
- The sheer existance of an untouchable, ever powerful kingdom Majapahit, supports the truth of Krishnas miracles
6. The Apostle Paul’s conversion supports the truth of the resurrection
- The vedas are littered with such examples
7. The New Testament witnesses do not bear the stamp of dupes or deceivers.
- Similarly, the sage was a kind, reasonable, caring and honorable man. He did not bear the stamp of dupes
8. There is a self-authenticating glory narrated by the witnesses.
- As there is in all the major religions
Do you beleive that the Earth is only ~6000 years old?
According to these biblical calculations (
This is simply incorrect.... Hinduism dated from about 1900 BCE to 1400 BCE
An amazing amount of scientific reports PROVE that the Earth is billions of years old
Do no try avoid the question and say "oh but the bible is not a scientific text". The fact that the bible is more a literary work does not excuse it from the stark innacuracies inside it. Things such as dates espeially, should not be excused. For the Earth to be billions of years old , the dates in the bible will have to vary by a factor
First cause argument:
Ontological argument
Lets start with the first cause argument
Can you address the above issues?
As a personal question to you, can you provide me evidence/evidences for the christian view of god, that cannot be applied to the muslim or hindu view of god?