Woot woot finally got my report back

Went fairly well, though I'm definitely gonna try to do even better in Yr12
Also finally thought of a pip topic, though I have no clue what to do for my BOW. Definitely want to do painting but idk what to do it on and my proposal is due next week fml

Yep the way to go is up

Personally for my journey through school just to give people some perspective of how much its possible to improve.
From year 7-8: was like above average I would say good in science and math (like top 15/160), average at English, rest not in the HSC but around average to above average.
From 9-10: This is where I started to pick up got like a few top 3s and some effort and teamwork awards
Year 11: Finished off with 16th rank accelerated 2 unit math (I got a 99 exam mark so improved heaps from my school assessment in the HSC), Business studies 1st, Chemistry 1st, Physics (went from like 5th half yearly to 2nd overall at the end), English (legit failed the first assessment almost with an 8/15, improved later on and finished like 6th/40 but still didnt really understand English properly)
Year 12: Term 4 - 1st chemistry, 1st physics, 2nd business (was sick asf for this exam), English 2nd, Maths (N/A no weighted assessment term 4), 3 unit (8/18)
Term 1: 1st chemistry, 1st physics, 4th business (lol fucked up), English 2nd (came first in the assessment but lead of the first still kept him there), 3 unit (8/18), maths 2 unit 2nd
Term 2: 1st chemistry, 1st physics, 10th business (lol I was actually 1st but they screwed up my mark by entering the wrong thing in the system so I leegit through for 5 weeks since they didn't give the papers back yet that I screwed up my ATAR), English 1st (overtook him after the first trial), 3 unit (7/18), maths 2 unit 2nd
Term 3: 1st chemistry, 1st physics, 1st business (they fixed it finally), English 1st, 3/18 3 unit, maths 2 unit 1st
In term 3 I made massive leads in Chemistry, physics, English and business like 40-50 marks worth if we were to do another 10% assessment (which for the English and business didn't really look possible if you look at my term 2 and before ranks).
3 unit massive improvement and 2 unit overtook 1st (we were like 1 mark apart the whole year)
So as you can see its always possible to improve and don't let results of the first term knock you down and stop you from trying later on