Trials Marks/Reflection Thread (2 Viewers)


Premium Member
May 31, 2015

Post any marks you've gotten back for trials and also reflect on how you did! I feel like an essential part of both assignments and exams is reflecting, i.e. what worked well (so you keep doing it), what to improve, and next steps. I feel like even though it's cliche to reflect, it's actually helpful because I know at least for me, I made big improvements throughout the year e.g. 26th out of ~32 for english to 5th, and 78 4u raw trial mark to around 90-93 raw in hsc.

Good luck if you haven't gotten marks back!


Active Member
Jun 4, 2017
Avalon Beach, NSW

Post any marks you've gotten back for trials and also reflect on how you did! I feel like an essential part of both assignments and exams is reflecting, i.e. what worked well (so you keep doing it), what to improve, and next steps. I feel like even though it's cliche to reflect, it's actually helpful because I know at least for me, I made big improvements throughout the year e.g. 26th out of ~32 for english to 5th, and 78 4u raw trial mark to around 90-93 raw in hsc.

Good luck if you haven't gotten marks back!
After maintaining marks over 85 for the whole year across all subjects, I completely bombed my trial exams. Hard. My handwriting was literally criticised on every trial exam I got back, and it was so bad that I had to verbally present my Mod C and creative to the marker since she could not read it at ALL - awkward af. It cost me quite a few marks in English.

English Advanced - 96/105 - 91%
• AOS unseen texts - 12/15
• AOS creative - 14/15
• AOS essay - 15/15
• Mod A - 18/20
• Mod B - 18/20
• Mod C - 19/20
I'm pretty happy with English. I thought I completely bombed paper 2 (mod B question was horrendous), but somehow I did better in it than Paper 1 (which I thought I aced)? My timing in paper 2 was so badly managed - there was 30 mins left over and I still hadn't started my last para for my second essay, let alone another whole essay! I legit moved onto my last essay (mod A) and wrote a shitty ass response in 27 minutes, yet my teacher commented saying that "it could've gotten 19/20 if I could read more of it", which honestly shocked me out of my chair because I legit thought I'd get 12/20 or something. I'm confused as to why my timing was so off though, because I did heaps of practice essays at home to past trial questions and I wrote them all in 35 ish minutes. Yet, mod C, my first essay, took almost 50 mins to write (granted, the question was bad but still). Average for cohort was about 11-14/20 for the modules. I'm especially happy with the 15 for my discovery essay because I remember my teacher labelled my first ever draft as a low C range response, which ruined my day at the time because I thought it was so good hahahah. I continued to think it was a lost cause until a few weeks before trials, when I frantically reformed my essay lol. Anyways, I think I managed to maintain my 2nd rank by 0.2 points overall, so that's good I guess.

Maths - 70.5/100
So bad. Average was 50% and highest was 81.3% for the cohort. I really need to work on this for HSC, although I believe the marking for trials was very flawed. I had respective marks of 95, 86 and 86 for the assessment tasks before trials, so I'm not sure why my mark dropped so drastically because I did study quite diligently.

Legal - 96/100
Happy, made a few dumb mistakes in multiple choice though. Handwriting was also a notable issue.

Economics - 79/100
So disappointed. Again, I have no clue why my mark is so distant from my previous assessment tasks, where I got 90, 85 and 88 respectively. We did independent trials, so it was hard, but I was still expecting 80+. I legit cried the entire day in light of this result. I told my teacher, who was about to come up to me to offer feedback on my essays, to go away because I was too emotionally unstable lol. I haven't had the feeling of exam disappointment since year 11, and I forgot how fucking difficult it is. I lost my 1st rank because my cumulative mark subsequently fell from 88 to 85, but I think I'm still 3rd or something, which isn't too bad I guess. I have never gotten an essay mark below the A range, so getting 15/20 for them both was super confronting. I'm going to shift my focus to maths and eco coming forward, because I feel like I am ALWAYS studying for legal and english.

Hope everyone else aces their trials! :)

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Active Member
Aug 1, 2016
After maintaining marks over 85 for the whole year across all subjects, I completely bombed my trial exams. Hard. My handwriting was literally criticised on every trial exam I got back, and it was so bad that I had to verbally present my Mod C and creative to the marker since she could not read it at ALL - awkward af. It cost me quite a few marks in English.

English Advanced - 96/105 - 91%
• AOS unseen texts - 12/15
• AOS creative - 14/15
• AOS essay - 15/15
• Mod A - 18/20
• Mod B - 18/20
• Mod C - 19/20
I'm pretty happy with English. I thought I completely bombed paper 2 (mod B question was horrendous), but somehow I did better in it than Paper 1 (which I thought I aced)? My timing in paper 2 was so badly managed - there was 30 mins left over and I still hadn't started my last para for my second essay, let alone another whole essay! I legit moved onto my last essay (mod A) and wrote a shitty ass response in 27 minutes, yet my teacher commented saying that "it could've gotten 19/20 if I could read more of it", which honestly shocked me out of my chair because I legit thought I'd get 12/20 or something. I'm confused as to why my timing was so off though, because I did heaps of practice essays at home to past trial questions and I wrote them all in 35 ish minutes. Yet, mod C, my first essay, took almost 50 mins to write (granted, the question was bad but still). Average for cohort was about 11-14/20 for the modules. I'm especially happy with the 15 for my discovery essay because I remember my teacher labelled my first ever draft as a low C range response, which ruined my day at the time because I thought it was so good hahahah. I continued to think it was a lost cause until a few weeks before trials, when I frantically reformed my essay lol. Anyways, I think I managed to maintain my 2nd rank by 0.2 points overall, so that's good I guess.

Maths - 70.5/100
So bad. Average was 50% and highest was 81.3% for the cohort. I really need to work on this for HSC, although I believe the marking for trials was very flawed. I had respective marks of 95, 86 and 86 for the assessment tasks before trials, so I'm not sure why my mark dropped so drastically because I did study quite diligently.

Legal - 96/100
Happy, made a few dumb mistakes in multiple choice though. Handwriting was also a notable issue.

Economics - 79/100
So disappointed. Again, I have no clue why my mark is so distant from my previous assessment tasks, where I got 90, 85 and 88 respectively. We did independent trials, so it was hard, but I was still expecting 80+. I legit cried the entire day in light of this result. I told my teacher, who was about to come up to me to offer feedback on my essays, to go away because I was too emotionally unstable lol. I haven't had the feeling of exam disappointment since year 11, and I forgot how fucking difficult it is. I lost my 1st rank because my cumulative mark subsequently fell from 88 to 85, but I think I'm still 3rd or something, which isn't too bad I guess. I have never gotten an essay mark below the A range, so getting 15/20 for them both was super confronting. I'm going to shift my focus to maths and eco coming forward, because I feel like I am ALWAYS studying for legal and english.

Hope everyone else aces their trials! :)

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These marks are great, congrats! Plus Maths and Economics scale up anyways, I'd be so happy haha

If this is 'bombing'...


Jun 27, 2018
Fairly happy so far, but definitely one extremely disappointing result.
English ADV Paper 1 Section 1: 14/15 (only section returned)
Software: 88/100 (1st)
MX2: 55/94 (disappointed seriously should be doing better but managed to stay overall rank 1 but now tied)
MX1: 47/70 I don't know what happened, I knew I screwed up but not this badly (might be the first student at my school to be rank 1 in 4U but not top5 in 3u yikes)
Physics - MC: 18/20 (dumb mistakes), Astro (22/25 - Might get another mark) Happy with that and hopefully after the body 55 marks I'll be looking at 94-95 for the CSSA trial (what mark is this equivalent to in the HSC papers? State rank??) EDIT: Physics: 93/100
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New Member
Nov 4, 2017
Pretty happy with my stuff except English standard....

I was top 10 in standard out of 65 kids walking into the trial exam. Had worked hard throughout all of year 12 for a good rank and aced my internal assessments, placing in the top of my grade. Got 34/45 for Paper 1, was pleased to an extent.
However, I got 19/60 for Paper two, which led me to get 51% overall or something. I got a bad mark in paper two as I could only remember parts of my essays for Module A & B, and Module C apparently "didn't have enough techniques" which it utter bullshit. Kids who don't study or care about school beat me, and my rank is ruined now. Everything I worked for is gone and now I'm in the middle of the pack with all the losers in my grade. I really don't want this subject to ruin my chances of getting high 70's in HSC, considering I have awesome essays on all my texts that scored me great marks in assessments and I know how to answer questions properly.

I'm scared that I can't score a good mark now as all the ranks are done now, and if I do well in HSC someone else in a higher rank will take my mark and i'll get someone else's.


Active Member
Jun 4, 2017
Avalon Beach, NSW
Pretty happy with my stuff except English standard....

I was top 10 in standard out of 65 kids walking into the trial exam. Had worked hard throughout all of year 12 for a good rank and aced my internal assessments, placing in the top of my grade. Got 34/45 for Paper 1, was pleased to an extent.
However, I got 19/60 for Paper two, which led me to get 51% overall or something. I got a bad mark in paper two as I could only remember parts of my essays for Module A & B, and Module C apparently "didn't have enough techniques" which it utter bullshit. Kids who don't study or care about school beat me, and my rank is ruined now. Everything I worked for is gone and now I'm in the middle of the pack with all the losers in my grade. I really don't want this subject to ruin my chances of getting high 70's in HSC, considering I have awesome essays on all my texts that scored me great marks in assessments and I know how to answer questions properly.

I'm scared that I can't score a good mark now as all the ranks are done now, and if I do well in HSC someone else in a higher rank will take my mark and i'll get someone else's.
If you smash your HSC, you'll still get whatever mark you achieve and this will be reflective of the apparent awesomeness of your essays. However, this will also be averaged out with whoever ranks the same as your internals in the externals. So, you might have to work a bit harder to offset a substandard ranking, but it's totally possible.

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Apr 29, 2017
Here's my marks if anyone cares lol, I'm happy overall though.
English Standard: 94/105 89.5% ^-^
Module A: 18/20
Module B 17/20 - Could've been better..
Module C 18/20
AOS: Discovery 15/15 ^-^
Short Answer 12/15 - eh, could've done better tbh, but I did absolutely no preparation for short answer so I'm happy with this.
Creative 14/15 I have no fucking idea how i got this for my creative... It was trash.

English Overall I was very happy with, allowing me to be first in my cohort with an average percentage of 97% overall :)

Chemistry.. on the other hand... absolute trash. I got 73/100, with the class average failing. Just for some extra context, I was second in my cohort and overtook first place with a raw mark lead of 30, meaning the semester 1 first place person failed this exam. I really need to focus on chemistry though and this was a real eye opener..

Biology was alright, our teacher is a really really hard marker though, I went from 72/100 to 79/100 cause he gave me 0 for questions that I made SURE to answer perfectly, e.g. when talking about Accommodation in the eye, I used the word 'manipulate' instead of 'change' and he gave me a zero.. but the trial did boost me from second in my cohort to first though, which I'm happy about ^-^.

PDHPE, oh boy, I don't know how I got my mark. I kept my position beinig 2nd in cohort with a mark of 84% which I'm glad for!

Genny Maths, oh good ol genny maths. The exam was deemed to be too long so they removed a whopping 20 MARKS!! I got 95% overall for it, placing me third in my cohort.

Overall, I'm very happy with being first in english, biology and chemistry, second in PDHPE and third in Maths, allowing me overall to be in the top 2 for all subjects except math! The trials have been a kick in the backside but also let me know what I need to focus on, and I'm sorta happy for that, now.


Feb 22, 2016
Here's my marks if anyone cares lol, I'm happy overall though.
English Standard: 94/105 89.5% ^-^
Module A: 18/20
Module B 17/20 - Could've been better..
Module C 18/20
AOS: Discovery 15/15 ^-^
Short Answer 12/15 - eh, could've done better tbh, but I did absolutely no preparation for short answer so I'm happy with this.
Creative 14/15 I have no fucking idea how i got this for my creative... It was trash.

English Overall I was very happy with, allowing me to be first in my cohort with an average percentage of 97% overall :)

Chemistry.. on the other hand... absolute trash. I got 73/100, with the class average failing. Just for some extra context, I was second in my cohort and overtook first place with a raw mark lead of 30, meaning the semester 1 first place person failed this exam. I really need to focus on chemistry though and this was a real eye opener..

Biology was alright, our teacher is a really really hard marker though, I went from 72/100 to 79/100 cause he gave me 0 for questions that I made SURE to answer perfectly, e.g. when talking about Accommodation in the eye, I used the word 'manipulate' instead of 'change' and he gave me a zero.. but the trial did boost me from second in my cohort to first though, which I'm happy about ^-^.

PDHPE, oh boy, I don't know how I got my mark. I kept my position beinig 2nd in cohort with a mark of 84% which I'm glad for!

Genny Maths, oh good ol genny maths. The exam was deemed to be too long so they removed a whopping 20 MARKS!! I got 95% overall for it, placing me third in my cohort.

Overall, I'm very happy with being first in english, biology and chemistry, second in PDHPE and third in Maths, allowing me overall to be in the top 2 for all subjects except math! The trials have been a kick in the backside but also let me know what I need to focus on, and I'm sorta happy for that, now.
did you do CSSA for maths


Active Member
May 14, 2017
Honestly pretty happy, but also disappointed if that makes sense:
English: was honestly what I expected, just bad. I got 76, which was 4th, and I should finish ranked 3rd which is fine honestly, I only really need a B5 anyway aha
3U: quite happy overall really. I made a few silly mistakes that cost me around 3 marks overall, but I still ended up with 58/70 (83%) which I was happy with. I ran out of time for a few questions so all things considered I was happy
4U: coming out of this I honestly wanted to cry. I only just passed this exam, and it was honestly the hardest exam I've sat hands down. None of the practice papers I did were that hard and I really wasnt that prepared for that Haha. But I feel a bit better now, as the highest mark I've heard from anyone besides myself is 41, so overall I guess I did okay.
Chem: honestly pretty disappointed with this also. Our schools highest trial mark before this year was 83, and I got 87, but I dropped 8 marks off stuff I knew but literally wrote wrong or whatnot, and a few others that I should've got quite easily. Not really much more to say, just need to eliminate the stupid stuff.
Phys: I'm content with this. Physics has never been my strong point, but I got 81. My teacher thinks I'm right on the edge of Band 6, so hopefully can bump myself up a little and make sure I hit that B6 I guess.

Overall, I'm content with my marks I guess. I'm confident that I can get B6/E4's in Chem, Phys and 3U now, so I'm pretty happy with that.

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I love the Pakenham line
Jun 15, 2017
Got paper 1 back, feeling pretty awful tbh:

Short answers: 14/15
Creative: 15/15
Essay: 11/15 :mad:

I get paper 2 on friday and I'm legit freaking out that what i did in my discovery essay is the same thing i did throughout paper 2. Legit can feel my rank falling into the abyss. Someone reassure me that its not all over :/


Feb 22, 2016
Got paper 1 back, feeling pretty awful tbh:

Short answers: 14/15
Creative: 15/15
Essay: 11/15 :mad:

I get paper 2 on friday and I'm legit freaking out that what i did in my discovery essay is the same thing i did throughout paper 2. Legit can feel my rank falling into the abyss. Someone reassure me that its not all over :/
its gonna be fine dont worry if you finished all your essays and did a good job of them then you should be fine by the way just saying you got 40/45 thats very good


Dec 3, 2016
Honestly pretty happy, but also disappointed if that makes sense:
4U: coming out of this I honestly wanted to cry. I only just passed this exam, and it was honestly the hardest exam I've sat hands down. None of the practice papers I did were that hard and I really wasnt that prepared for that Haha. But I feel a bit better now, as the highest mark I've heard from anyone besides myself is 41, so overall I guess I did okay.
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Don't worry I feel the exact same way. My Maths teacher said it was a very difficult trial paper this year, so far from what I know my class passed (apparently we were extremely close to each other in terms of ranks and marks for this exam) which is good, but that Trial was really crazy. Don't be too hard on yourself.

Good luck everyone and congrats to everyone who has done well too! : )


Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
English advanced: 83/105
- AOS reading task: 13/15
- AOS creative: 13/15
- AOS essay: 13/15
- Mod A: 13/20
- Mod B: 14/20
- Mod C: 17/20
If you're ever feeling sad about your English marks just have a look at mine hahahahah. Was extremely disappointed when I got this because I thought I did decent in the trial and I was maintaining a 14.5/15 average throughout the year which would have placed me at around 2nd at that time. Hopefully my rank doesn't drop heaps to the point where it would be difficult to get a band 6. But luckily this was only worth 25% and all I need to do right now is improve and smash the external exams!
MX1: 53/70
I got given this result back first and was pretty disappointed but now after getting English it's not too bad ahha. It was an extremely hard test and I guess I didn't prepare for hard questions as all of our school's practice trial papers were easy.
MX2: 71/100
Honestly, super stoked with this because I went into the exam expecting to fail. I only started studying for this the night before, and was probably only confident with about half of the content, but my brain must have been at its peak when I was taking the exam. Still probably below average but our cohort is super strong and it's the best mark I've gotten all year.
Bio: 87/100
Was hoping for above a 90 but I'm content with this
Legal: 91/100
Was also hoping for a little higher as I lost 5 marks from just one essay :( Also, even though I was quite a bit above the average and median, heaps of people got into the high 90s

Overall, not the best but also not the end of the world. I would have lost my top ranks for bio, legal and English (definitely) but not too much of a problem as all I want is a band6 for each subject. Just gotta learn from my mistakes and study hard for the hsc!

Congrats to everyone for completing trials and good luck for the hsc!


Active Member
May 14, 2017
English advanced: 83/105
- AOS reading task: 13/15
- AOS creative: 13/15
- AOS essay: 13/15
- Mod A: 13/20
- Mod B: 14/20
- Mod C: 17/20
If you're ever feeling sad about your English marks just have a look at mine hahahahah. Was extremely disappointed when I got this because I thought I did decent in the trial and I was maintaining a 14.5/15 average throughout the year which would have placed me at around 2nd at that time. Hopefully my rank doesn't drop heaps to the point where it would be difficult to get a band 6. But luckily this was only worth 25% and all I need to do right now is improve and smash the external exams!
MX1: 53/70
I got given this result back first and was pretty disappointed but now after getting English it's not too bad ahha. It was an extremely hard test and I guess I didn't prepare for hard questions as all of our school's practice trial papers were easy.
MX2: 71/100
Honestly, super stoked with this because I went into the exam expecting to fail. I only started studying for this the night before, and was probably only confident with about half of the content, but my brain must have been at its peak when I was taking the exam. Still probably below average but our cohort is super strong and it's the best mark I've gotten all year.
Bio: 87/100
Was hoping for above a 90 but I'm content with this
Legal: 91/100
Was also hoping for a little higher as I lost 5 marks from just one essay :( Also, even though I was quite a bit above the average and median, heaps of people got into the high 90s

Overall, not the best but also not the end of the world. I would have lost my top ranks for bio, legal and English (definitely) but not too much of a problem as all I want is a band6 for each subject. Just gotta learn from my mistakes and study hard for the hsc!

Congrats to everyone for completing trials and good luck for the hsc!
You've done extremely well for sure!
Just wondering which papers you did for MX1 and MX2?

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Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
You've done extremely well for sure!
Just wondering which papers you did for MX1 and MX2?

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Just our own school's one I think? I go to a selective school so we don't use independent or CSSA papers


New Member
May 21, 2018
Marks (all the papers I did were Catholic)

English Advanced - 69/105
Paper 1

Shorts - 9/15
Creative - 9/15
Essay - 11/15

Paper 2
Module A - 14/20
Module B - 13/20
Module C - 14/20

If I was actually good at English, I'd be mighty disappointed with this mark. But, I tell you what, despite these Advanced marks not being all that great, they are a gigantic improvement, leaps and bounds from mid years. For the first time I managed to get marks in the B range in all of Year 12, in not just one, but four of my essays. All I need to do is to get my weak Creative up to speed and I'll be pushing an above average mark for Advanced which is something I have strived towards. This is coming from someone who has seriously struggled in english all through year 11 and 12 and has only managed to turn it around post mid years. My rank managed to be bang on the average which is very good for me considering previously I was well below average.

Business Studies - 90/100

Business was a mark that I wanted to get. 90/100 on a Catholic trial is seriously impressive. Although I didn't get rank 1 for this test, which isn't the end of the world but I've always been on the tail of whoever gets rank 1 at my school. Perhaps I should study a bit more for business considering it the subject I study for the least.

Multimedia - 86/100

IMO this mark was my most disappointing. I was rank 1 all year for multi and ended up bombing out on a test that has taken me off that rank. The multiple choice sections screwed me over.

Economics - 80/100

I was very happy with Eco. Considering it was the subject which I put the most effort into by far, the mark reflects the effort.

Legal Studies - 82/100

Wanted to push the 80 mark going into this exam and managed to do just that. A solid result from a subject which has arguably been one of my weakest.

General Mathematics - 89/100

Number 1 in genny maths !!! I was seriously happy with this result, considering I put my effort into five past papers, and focused on every area of the syllabus I was rusty on, managed to get me a result which I hoped for.

In all I did well in my trials, considering I pretty much gambled them so I could get my Multimedia major fully finished as best I could. With both looking good let's hope I can build on for HSC. Internals are useless and get chucked away if you improve in any way in the actual HSC...
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A Leaf

Dec 11, 2016
So mine were half and half:
English Adv: marking was absolutely brutal smh but I topped the year with 86% so yay + my handwriting was roasted
but for the most part I am quite happy
S1 12/15 (top was 13)
S2 15/15
S3 12/15 (lol rip me)
A: 19/20 (top was 20)
B: 17/20 (some people deadass got 0, the question was pure evil so mine was the highest)
C: 15/20 (rip, i did horrible)

2U Maths: 91% (top was 96%) I AM SUPER HAPPY OMGOSH, I had studied loads for this and I'm super happy it paid off :)

3U Maths: 61% (top 5/10ish rank) the test was the worst thing I had ever seen but EVERYONE (or most idk) felt the same so rankwise it actually helped me lol. The markers were SO nice because otherwise with the exception of 4 people the entire cohort would've failed despite the cohort being quite strong. I legit answered a question with HOW to do a question instead of you know...actually answering it...and got the full 2 marks. My school must've bought the paper from satan or something...

Chem: 71% (~4th in trials) the highest was 82 - made SO many silly mistakes so a lil disappointed but still alright

Bio: 88% (~5th in trials) highest was 95 - the marking was petty af lol bye also: my teacher is such a queen she argued with the other teacher to get me 2 more marks (had initially gotten 86)

Legal: 83% (1st yay!!!!) SOOOO happy because I had been coming 2nd in every exam prior by 1 mark (exactly 1 mark, it made me insane) but I still think I'm 2nd overall smh oh whale whatever | I'm happy with the Crime essay (14/15) but disappointed with Family (18/25), World Order was fine (21/25)
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Active Member
Dec 18, 2016
The Cosmos
3U-64. Annoyed that I didn’t get higher and lost the majority of marks through small errors. There was only about 2 marks which I wasn’t sure how to do.

2U-96 Slightly disappointed with this. Made a stupid mistake in the multi choice and in Q14 and 12. Need to practice being more clinical

97- Business Studies. Easy subject haha but lost 3 marks in the report section. Probably do some past papers before the HSC since I didn’t have any time to for the trial

92- Economics. Happy with this as our economics department usually sets comparatively hard tests. Need to work on my timing in order to finish both essays

Advanced- Paper 1: 42. 15 in essay and 14 in reading but my creative got 13 lol. Paper 2- 55.

Extension- 48/50. Essay got 25 but again my story let me down lol
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Active Member
Jan 14, 2018
English Advanced: 92/105 - 88%

Discovery Essay: 15/15
Discovery Creative: 14/15
Module A: 17/20
Module B: 15/20
Module C: 18/20

My Hamlet essay was so bad and that's what pulled my marks down. I think I just need to spend more time on Advanced course in general as I literally only had my Discovery essay prepared word-for-word. Everything else I improvised. I mean, it could've been worse, but I do need to make more time for this subject. xD

English Extension 1:
46/50 - 92%

Nothing special - same mark as my midcourse. I'll take it.

English Extension 2:
48/50 - 96%

After hearing horror stories of a +/-10 mark difference between internal/external marking for EE2 (getting 50/50 internally, then like 30/50 externally :cry:), all I can do now is pray that my story falls into the hands of someone who will enjoy it D: Otherwise RIP.

Music 2:
45/50 - 90%

I hate sight-singing. That is all. xD And because of that, I'm starting to lowkey wish that I had just stuck with Music 1 lmao

Ancient History:


I came second though, so obviously they marked it hard.

Modern History:

I worked way harder on Ancient (studied all the content all pretty early and up to the exam date) than I did for Modern (bad time management - only studied half the content within the last few days before the exam), yet my Modern ended up being way higher. ._. This is extremely frustrating because it isn't the first time it's happened G.G - I literally do an assignment the night before and somehow top the ranks, but when I try hard on something that I want to do well in, the mark isn't as high as what I did for something that I crammed in/did last minute. It's just so annoying omg. The EXACT SAME THING happened for midcourse, I worked so hard on Ancient, crammed Modern like I did for trials, yet I ended up topping Modern and coming like 4th in Ancient. -.-
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Active Member
Jan 14, 2018
English Advanced: 92/105 - 88%

Discovery Essay: 15/15
Discovery Creative: 14/15
Module A: 17/20
Module B: 15/20
Module C: 18/20

My Hamlet essay was so bad and that's what pulled my marks down. I think I just need to spend more time on Advanced course in general as I literally only had my Discovery essay prepared word-for-word. Everything else I improvised. I mean, it could've been worse, but I do need to make more time for this subject. xD

English Extension 1:
46/50 - 92%

Nothing special - same mark as my midcourse. I'll take it.

English Extension 2:
48/50 - 96%

After hearing horror stories of a +/-10 mark difference between internal/external marking for EE2 (getting 50/50 internally, then like 30/50 externally :cry:), all I can do now is pray that my story falls into the hands of someone who will enjoy it D: Otherwise RIP.

Music 2:
45/50 - 90%

I hate sight-singing. That is all. xD And because of that, I'm starting to lowkey wish that I had just stuck with Music 1 lmao

Ancient History:


I came 2nd though, so obviously they marked it hard.

Modern History:

I worked way harder on Ancient (studied all the content all pretty early and up to the exam date) than I did for Modern (bad time management - only studied half the content within the last few days before the exam), yet my Modern ended up being way higher. ._. This is extremely frustrating because it isn't the first time it's happened G.G - I literally do an assignment the night before and somehow top the ranks, but when I try hard on something that I want to do well in, the mark isn't as high as what I did for something that I crammed in/did last minute. It's just so annoying omg. The EXACT SAME THING happened for midcourse, I worked so hard on Ancient, crammed Modern like I did for trials, yet I ended up topping Modern and coming like 4th in Ancient. -.-
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