Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jul 13, 2019
Practical Explanation ( For Example ) :- `1st of all can you tell me every single seconds detail from that time when you born ?? ( i need every seconds detail ?? that what- what you have thought and done on every single second )

can you tell me every single detail of your `1 cheapest Minute Or your whole hour, day, week, month, year or your whole life ??

if you are not able to tell me about this life then what proof do you have that you didn't forget your past ? and that you will not forget this present life in the future ?

that is Fact that Supreme Lord Krishna exists but we posses no such intelligence to understand him.
there is also next life. and i already proved you that no scientist, no politician, no so-called intelligent man in this world is able to understand this Truth. cuz they are imagining. and you cannot imagine what is god, who is god, what is after life etc.
for example :Your father existed before your birth. you cannot say that before your birth your father don,t exists.

So you have to ask from mother, "Who is my father?" And if she says, "This gentleman is your father," then it is all right. It is easy.
Otherwise, if you makes research, "Who is my father?" go on searching for life; you'll never find your father.

( now maybe...maybe you will say that i will search my father from D.N.A, or i will prove it by photo's, or many other thing's which i will get from my mother and prove it that who is my Real father.{ So you have to believe the authority. who is that authority ? she is your mother. you cannot claim of any photo's, D.N.A or many other things without authority ( or ur mother ).

if you will show D.N.A, photo's, and many other proofs from other women then your mother. then what is use of those proofs ??} )

same you have to follow real authority. "Whatever You have spoken, I accept it," Then there is no difficulty. And You are accepted by Devala, Narada, Vyasa, and You are speaking Yourself, and later on, all the acaryas have accepted. Then I'll follow.
I'll have to follow great personalities. The same reason mother says, this gentleman is my father. That's all. Finish business. Where is the necessity of making research? All authorities accept Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You accept it; then your searching after God is finished.

Why should you waste your time?
all that is you need is to hear from authority ( same like mother ). and i heard this truth from authority " Srila Prabhupada " he is my spiritual master.
im not talking these all things from my own.

in this world no `1 can be Peace full. this is all along Fact.

cuz we all are suffering in this world 4 Problems which are Disease, Old age, Death, and Birth after Birth.

tell me are you really happy ?? you can,t be happy if you will ignore these 4 main problem. then still you will be Forced by Nature.

if you really want to be happy then follow these 6 Things which are No illicit s.ex, No g.ambling, No d.rugs ( No tea & coffee ), No meat-eating ( No onion & garlic's )

5th thing is whatever you eat `1st offer it to Supreme Lord Krishna. ( if you know it what is Guru parama-para then offer them food not direct Supreme Lord Krishna )

and 6th " Main Thing " is you have to Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare ".
If your not able to follow these 4 things no illicit s.ex, no g.ambling, no d.rugs, no meat-eating then don,t worry but chanting of this holy name ( Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra ) is very-very and very important.

Chant " hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare " and be happy.

if you still don,t believe on me then chant any other name for 5 Min's and chant this holy name for 5 Min's and you will see effect. i promise you it works And chanting at least 16 rounds ( each round of 108 beads ) of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra daily.
Here is no Question of Holy Books quotes, Personal Experiences, Faith or Belief. i accept that Sometimes Faith is also Blind. Here is already Practical explanation which already proved that every`1 else in this world is nothing more then Busy Foolish and totally idiot.
every `1 is already Blind in this world and if you will follow another Blind then you both will fall in hole. so try to follow that person who have Spiritual Eyes who can Guide you on Actual Right Path. ( my Authority & Guide is my Spiritual Master " Srila Prabhupada " )
if you want to see Actual Purpose of human life then see this link : ( triple w ( d . o . t ) asitis ( d . o . t ) c . o . m {Bookmark it })
read it complete. ( i promise only readers of this book that they { he/she } will get every single answer which they want to know about why im in this material world, who im, what will happen after this life, what is best thing which will make Human Life Perfect, and what is perfection of Human Life. ) purpose of human life is not to live like animal cuz every`1 at present time doing 4 thing which are sleeping, eating, s.ex & fear. purpose of human life is to become freed from Birth after birth, Old Age, Disease, and Death.


Feb 24, 2017
a VM
Uni Grad
There probably about a thousand religions in the world. Each of them claim to have proof that their 'god' exists. How are you so sure this is the one??

As a Physicist(or at least an aspiring Physicist) I cannot put blind faith into a supernatural creator or anything such as second life and what not. There is no Physical proof of such phenomenon. Sure there are some people who claim to remember their past lives and what not, but one cannot just believe someones word. People can make up a looot of things.

Now that doesn't mean I don't believe in god. I believe that god probably exists, or he might not even exist, but the point is we will never know. There is no point debating if Christianity is right, or hinduism, Islam etc.

Secondly your PURPOSE in life is whatever you make it to be. If there is a god, he has given you a life that allows you to choose your OWN path and shape your own destiny, instead of embedding it into you..

Thirdly comparing GOD existing to your Father existing is quite a ridiculous example. If you can say that, then why not believe Flat Earth is real? These guys also have tons of examples and explanations like this.

This is all largely speculation, and doesn't mount to much. Just like Flat Earth, it proves anyone can come up with a well written theory with many examples and proofs. It doesn't exist UNLESS it is proven to be true. This whole past life thing is largely speculation with a few examples, is there any video which shows someones past life or something?

Don't take this the wrong way. I am merely pitching in my ideas. My aim is not to insult your beliefs. These are just my beliefs.


New Member
Jul 13, 2019
There probably about a thousand religions in the world. Each of them claim to have proof that their 'god' exists. How are you so sure this is the one??

As a Physicist(or at least an aspiring Physicist) I cannot put blind faith into a supernatural creator or anything such as second life and what not. There is no Physical proof of such phenomenon. Sure there are some people who claim to remember their past lives and what not, but one cannot just believe someones word. People can make up a looot of things.

Now that doesn't mean I don't believe in god. I believe that god probably exists, or he might not even exist, but the point is we will never know. There is no point debating if Christianity is right, or hinduism, Islam etc.

Secondly your PURPOSE in life is whatever you make it to be. If there is a god, he has given you a life that allows you to choose your OWN path and shape your own destiny, instead of embedding it into you..

Thirdly comparing GOD existing to your Father existing is quite a ridiculous example. If you can say that, then why not believe Flat Earth is real? These guys also have tons of examples and explanations like this.

This is all largely speculation, and doesn't mount to much. Just like Flat Earth, it proves anyone can come up with a well written theory with many examples and proofs. It doesn't exist UNLESS it is proven to be true. This whole past life thing is largely speculation with a few examples, is there any video which shows someones past life or something?

Don't take this the wrong way. I am merely pitching in my ideas. My aim is not to insult your beliefs. These are just my beliefs.
for i have explained Practical explanation without touching holy books quotes, faith or belief, or any personal experience. and if you now want to bring other religions from those 3500 religions than its business of those who brings them to explain another explanation.

without *imposing* ( or shifting burdon of proof ) there authority on us ( The Hare Krishnas ) without explaining anything at all.
so come on before you start imposing or shifting burdon of proof without explaining anything at all and speak big big nonsense words.

just give us `1 explanation which supports any religion at all. so that we can make progress in the argument.
you have already put your blind faith in evolution, big bang, moon landing etc false brainwashing propagandas which are funded by the politicians, you have already done that MR.Physician.

and believe or not but the fact is fact and there is nothing that you believe it than it is fact otherwise it is hoax. it is not an childs play like your bogus propagandas in the name of science.

and it is an fact that there is father before our birth and it is our mother or authority who has seen him before our birth and know it that who has tilled her.

and similarly recogzed agents like Srila Prabhupada has seen Krishna. ( same reasoning ) and dont bring earth is flat for im not bogus christian, for if you want to bring Christianity here than give us there explanation and than talk about them.

and listen everyone has to just you are listening to bogus rogues and theives in the dress of scientists and politicans and who are brainwashing masses otherwise what proof they have for there evolution ? big bang? moon landing etc ? what proof is there also ?

for if we trace all fathers, fathers, fathers, fahters, father than we find Krishna instead of your bogus evolution, big bang, moon landing etc.

and the next fun is how your scientists has reached to something which happened million and million years ago ? ( MR.physician ? ) how ? when they are already checked at the name of there 10th grandfathers, 10th gradnfathers, fathers name ? how someone who is already checked is still going to make process ?

and which intelligent person listens to such failrues ? who are already checked at the very earlier stages ? i dont do that but you are surely free to do that.

you go on with your fallacy i have no problem. for christians also have faith in there flat earth and similar faith atheists has in there evolution, big bang, moon landing etc.

but if you are asked further more than you will be dumb founded.
and at the top what do you want to say ? that i dont believe it that there is any father before our birth ? does it means you are dropped from the sky into the womb of your mother ? huh? and it is she and ( authority ) who has seen father ( and Krishna )

and if you say it is an bad example than just like mother authority is also exiting. ( now say it that there is no mother OR authority or Srila Prabhupada ) also ( just say that also )
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Feb 24, 2017
a VM
Uni Grad
for i have explained Practical explanation without touching holy books quotes, faith or belief, or any personal experience. and if you now want to bring other religions from those 3500 religions than its business of those who brings them to explain another explanation.

without *imposing* ( or shifting burdon of proof ) there authority on us ( The Hare Krishnas ) without explaining anything at all.
so come on before you start imposing or shifting burdon of proof without explaining anything at all and speak big big nonsense words.

just give us `1 explanation which supports any religion at all. so that we can make progress in the argument.
you have already put your blind faith in evolution, big bang, moon landing etc false brainwashing propagandas which are funded by the politicians, you have already done that MR.Physician.

and believe or not but the fact is fact and there is nothing that you believe it than it is fact otherwise it is hoax. it is not an childs play like your bogus propagandas in the name of science.

and it is an fact that there is father before our birth and it is our mother or authority who has seen him before our birth and know it that who has tilled her.

and similarly recogzed agents like Srila Prabhupada has seen Krishna. ( same reasoning ) and dont bring earth is flat for im not bogus christian, for if you want to bring Christianity here than give us there explanation and than talk about them.

and listen everyone has to just you are listening to bogus rogues and theives in the dress of scientists and politicans and who are brainwashing masses otherwise what proof they have for there evolution ? big bang? moon landing etc ? what proof is there also ?

for if we trace all fathers, fathers, fathers, fahters, father than we find Krishna instead of your bogus evolution, big bang, moon landing etc.

and the next fun is how your scientists has reached to something which happened million and million years ago ? ( MR.physician ? ) how ? when they are already checked at the name of there 10th grandfathers, 10th gradnfathers, fathers name ? how someone who is already checked is still going to make process ?

and which intelligent person listens to such failrues ? who are already checked at the very earlier stages ? i dont do that but you are surely free to do that.

Oh and By the way. The computer or mobile that your using to type this was built by SCIENCE. Your WIFI was build by SCIENCE.

you go on with your fallacy i have no problem. for christians also have faith in there flat earth and similar faith atheists has in there evolution, big bang, moon landing etc.

but if you are asked further more than you will be dumb founded.
and at the top what do you want to say ? that i dont believe it that there is any father before our birth ? does it means you are dropped from the sky into the womb of your mother ? huh? and it is she and ( authority ) who has seen father ( and Krishna )

and if you say it is an bad example than just like mother authority is also exiting. ( now say it that there is no mother OR authority or Srila Prabhupada ) also ( just say that also )
Okay you missed the part where I said "god probably exists but there is no point debating because we will never know." I have not put blind faith in the big bang or whatever. I only believe in valid proof, and most Physicists even the ones who invented it say this theory is incomplete. I never said I've put 100% faith in these theories, in fact I 100% believe they are incomplete, but at least some can be observed. Observed being the key word.

You sound like a Flat Earther, but I guess you know better than the hundreds of talent Scientists who spent many years developing their theories, constructing intricate proofs right?

In fact some time ago I made up a random god/religion as an experiment, and many people just like you believed me. THAT's what blind faith IS.

The point of Science is develop a theory, correct it, correct it some more, and continue improving it. The goal of Scientific Pursuit is to UNDERSTAND the world around us. It can never be absolute, but it allows us to explain phenomenon AND observe them.

For example Einsteins Special theory of Relativity. His time dilation equations and such were PHYSICALLY observed and PROVEN to be true in real life. Where is this proof of Lord Krishna. Note how I say Lord Krishna and not god. God is something we will never understand, YET already we've given them a name and a gender!

I am well aware that you have tried to 'explain' this without touching holy books etc. However what you have said is in Hinduism. The Hindu god Krishna. So if you bring Krishna into this, it automatically allows me to bring other proposed 'gods' as well.

Also you are misunderstood. Flat Earth is NOT a CHRISTIAN BELIEF.

You continue making these claims, but I ask where is your proof. Has it EVER been OBSERVED? and by observed I don't mean some random guy saying he saw his past life, because that is bogus.


New Member
Jul 13, 2019
Okay you missed the part where I said "god probably exists but there is no point debating because we will never know." I have not put blind faith in the big bang or whatever. I only believe in valid proof, and most Physicists even the ones who invented it say this theory is incomplete. I never said I've put 100% faith in these theories, in fact I 100% believe they are incomplete, but at least some can be observed. Observed being the key word.

You sound like a Flat Earther, but I guess you know better than the hundreds of talent Scientists who spent many years developing their theories, constructing intricate proofs right?

In fact some time ago I made up a random god/religion as an experiment, and many people just like you believed me. THAT's what blind faith IS.

The point of Science is develop a theory, correct it, correct it some more, and continue improving it. The goal of Scientific Pursuit is to UNDERSTAND the world around us. It can never be absolute, but it allows us to explain phenomenon AND observe them.

For example Einsteins Special theory of Relativity. His time dilation equations and such were PHYSICALLY observed and PROVEN to be true in real life. Where is this proof of Lord Krishna. Note how I say Lord Krishna and not god. God is something we will never understand, YET already we've given them a name and a gender!

I am well aware that you have tried to 'explain' this without touching holy books etc. However what you have said is in Hinduism. The Hindu god Krishna. So if you bring Krishna into this, it automatically allows me to bring other proposed 'gods' as well.

Also you are misunderstood. Flat Earth is NOT a CHRISTIAN BELIEF.

You continue making these claims, but I ask where is your proof. Has it EVER been OBSERVED? and by observed I don't mean some random guy saying he saw his past life, because that is bogus.
scientific method means first observation, then hypothesis, and then demonstration. But you ( mr.physician ) cannot demonstrate your hypothesis. you simply observe and then speak nonsense. that is all.

and anyways policy is lovely *give dog bad name and hang it* that you sound like flat earths than what are you ? huh? what are you than ? you are also similar to these flat earths for supporting evolution, big bang, moon landing etc

what is the difference ? i also can say for what explantion you have got ? and you are already checked at the name of your 21st grandfatehrs fathers name ? but how did you reached beyond him and are telling us what happened million and million years ago ? how ?

and what is the difference between these flat earths nonsense christians and you ? huh?
and wrong you did not made any random god but you made evolution, big bang, moon landing etc mass brainwashing propagandas for people in general always have to listen to someone else.

either this side or that side but they will not remain free for the strong dominates the weak and everyone is weak and even you ( mr.physician ) if did not get employment than you are just an street dog. ( that is all )
and who is going to accept your mass brainwashing propagandas ? huh? like evolution, big bang, moon landing etc ? who accepts you ?

and you have no science ( my dear fellow ) just an ignorance is passing in the name of science and irreligion is going as religion. ( at present moment )

and neither you nor your Einsteins can demonstrate your hypothesis for you just observe and than speak nonsense. that is all.
and i have said nothing here like hindu , bindu, at all for you also forget everything which you have thought or done on each second within`1 ( cheap ) minute and to say nothing about your whole hour, day, week, month, year or your whole life.

everyone did not seen there father before there father and it is our mother ( and authority ) who has seen father and krishna.

and now if you say that it is wrong to compare father with Krishna than just like mother there is also authority. and he has seen Lord Krishna just like mother has seen our father.

and what are people in general doing right now ? just listening to you ( mr.physicial ) without any questioning at all but they do not know that you are all rogues and theives who has stolen the damn land and brainwashing them with false propagandas like evolution, big bang, moon landing etc.

so at the top what is the difference between you and falt earthers ? what is the difference ? and now as far as i goes so i have atleast some authority and explained this Practical explanation.

but what explanation you hvae ? why i listen to you ? why ?
and its damn you who boast big big words without demonstrating any hypothesis at all ( mr.physician ) its damn you who just observe and than speak nonsense.

so what explanation you have got ? why i listen to your false propagandas like evolution, big bang, moon landing etc ? and now as far as i goes so we have Practical explanation and have some authority.

but what authority you hvae got ? ( my dear self proclaimed authority ) what explanation you hvae got ? just explain that so that we can see what is what.

otherwise you will go on with your farce and come out victirous also in your very farce only. but that is not going to lead you anywhere at all.

for you will remain on the same position as you are right now.


New Member
Jul 13, 2019
If I may chime in, dismissing science is as ignorant as dismissing religion, and vice versa. It's a common misconception that you cannot believe both science and religion. As Christianity is the prevailing religion in the west, I'll use Christianity as an example. Many Christians believe in the Big Bang Theory - it does not contradict any of their beliefs. Christians believe that God created the universe out of nothing, which is essentially what the Big Bang is. There are also many respected religious physicists. Newton was Christian, Einstein was Jewish (though I have no idea exactly how devout Einstein was). Even today, there are many religious physicists who believe in some sort of creator.

I also think it's a common misconception that that religious people (in this case Christians) have blind faith. While some most certainly do, there is also a ton of evidence from which many Christians first base their faith. E.g. there is a mountain of historical and archaeological evidence that points to the existence of a person called Jesus Christ. Historians and scholars generally agree that such a person existed. The issue isn't whether he existed, it's whether he said who he said he was (i.e. God incarnate) and whether the miracles mentioned actually occurred, or if he was just another guy with delusions of grandeur.

You'll never get definitive evidence proving that God exists, but there is definitely evidence that indicates some a creator of some kind. In the end, believing in a God requires a leap of faith, which is where most people will struggle since they want hard proof, which they will never get. In the end, it's all about probability: whether or not you think it's more likely that there is a creator, or less likely. Everyone's been dealt the same hand, so it's just about playing your hand according to the odds.
why bring christianity here ? huh? what explanation they have without using holy books quotes, faith, belief or any personal experience ? what explanation is there ?

and they are simply violating whatever it may be. they are even pissing on christs teaching for christ is saying *thou shall not kill* and they have invented worlds biggest slaughter house but still label themselves as christians.

so you accept them as christians but i dont accept such nonsense. and dont bring christians here and there flat earth.
and at present moment irreligion is passing as religion and ignorance is going as science.
now in this practical explanation i have not only provided the process to know that there is father or god before our birth who has been seen by mother and authority.

but also i have explained the right process of approaching him. and if you want to be medical men than you have to take education under supirior medical men. but you want to approach Krishna without approaching his authority, OR child want to apporach father without approaching his real mother.

that is your gross mistake. and i have explained everything in this `1 single Practical explanation. and did not left anything at all to explain at all.

and process is also explained for apporaching the fathre or Krishna. it is not that only mother has seen the father or authority has seen Krishna but you also can see him.

but you have to approach him in the right way. but instead of that you will listen to any random whores ( in the dress of scientists, politicians ) who are nothing but whores and cheaters and there all means like evolution, big bang, moon landing etc are to replace the mother and authority.

but under no circumtenses you will remain the damn free. for you always have to listen weather to whore or actual mother or authority.

and you can see Krishna just as you can see father ( that i have also explained without your or anyones asking ) and that is scientific method first observation, and than hypothesis, and than demonstration.

here is the original purpose of human life. but you and your scientists cannot demonstrate there hypothesis, for they and you ( both ) simply observe and than speak nonsense.

that is all.


New Member
Jul 13, 2019
Lol I'm out, all yours DrDusk. Getting a little bit too crusadey here for my liking.
nah nah why leaving ? just continue for little more and i will defeat you OR smash you down completely.

and to those who says it is wrong to bring father in comparision to god. than there is authority also ( dont forget this ) just like mother.

authority is also present and has seen Krishna and process i have also described to apporach Krishna. just one has to approach the mother similarly one has to approach his authority.

no one can directly jump on father OR Krishna.

and that is another thing if people are determined to listening to the random whores in the dress of scientists, politicinas who has deviced the a false brainwashing propagandas which are evolution, big bang, moon landing etc.

and listen everyone has to now weather to actual mother or the damn rascal sluts who sleeps with anyone or everyone whoever she finds in alone.

and i will go on alone even with authority or mother.

and if you continue ( respected gentlemen ) and i will smash you in arguement very reasoanble in the first place. just continue for a while more.


Feb 24, 2017
a VM
Uni Grad
Your arrogance towards any other belief or idea is one of the very sole reasons why I never accepted the religion my family tried to force onto me.

Not only have you not justified any of your claims, but you continue to present absurd ideas without anything constructive, and to me and most people, that is nothing but bullshit.

I'm not on here to 'destroy' or prove you wrong. I am merely presenting my ideas, and if you want to continue to not provide anything constructive, but layers and layers of random crap. Then I too am going to leave.

I have much better things to do in my life than to argue with someone who doesn't seem to understand what a constructive argument even is.
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New Member
Jul 13, 2019
Your arrogance towards any other belief or idea is one of the very sole reasons why I never accepted the religion my family tried to force onto me.

Not only have you not justified any of your claims, but you continue to present absurd ideas without anything constructive, and to me and most people, that is nothing but bullshit.

I'm not on here to 'destroy' or prove you wrong. I am merely presenting my ideas, and if you want to continue to not provide anything constructive, but layers and layers of random crap. Then I too am going to leave.

I have much better things to do in my life than to argue with someone who doesn't seem to understand what a constructive argument even is.
nah nah wrong im not forcing you at all. and scientific methods means first observation, than than hypothesis and than demonstration.

but you just observe and than speak nonsense. that is your actual position. and now if you say it is not right in the first place to compare father with god than there is also authority who has seen Krishna The Supreme Persoanlity of Godhead just as mother has seen our father before our birth.

and it is your gross mistake if you directly want to apporach Krishna or father without the help of mother and authority.

otherwise i have explained the process also of approaching Krishna. anyways its damn you who is at fallacy ( at present moment ) im not on it.

and listen you always have to ( mr.physician ) you always have to listen to someone else now weather to rogues and theives who has captured the power by hook or crook and pushing everything which where whores ( in the dress of scientists and so called intelligent person ) who are telling that there is evolution, big bang, moon landing, etc false propagandas which are funded by rogues and theives who has stolen even the damn land and now claiming it as mine.
and what i have not justified ? that there is no authority ? like mother ? ( waahaa ) rascal idiot

if you think like that than you are fool. and what is the difference between you and me ? only difference is mother and authority.

now you are listening to the whores and im also listening ( same thing ) but to the mother ( or authority ) and same faith you also put but the mistake is in the whore ( with very big vaginas { like scientists, or any so called men who claims to be more than mother )

and it cannot be denied that all your western advanture is to keep people in darkness by mass brainwashing them with false propagandas like evolution, big bang, moon landing etc.
and thank you for shifting burdon of proof on me but open your eyes ( Mr.Pyshician ) and see yourself that its damn you who could not represent yourself nor protect your evolution, big bang, moon landing etc.

and i have explained this Practical explanation but its damn you who could not give us any explanation at all.

but still claiming to be right in the first place **simply and simply** by *imposing* ( or shiftign burdon of proof ) your authority on us ( The Hare Krishnas ) without explaining anything at all.

and where it will help you ? where it will lead you ? huh? good luck if it leads you anywhere at all.

now ( Mr.physician ) what is my loss ? if you feel happy in living a lie ? go on ( not my problem ) and i will also go on with authority or mother.

and now you are utter failure but simply imposing your authority on us ( blind idiot ) and you have nothing so what you will explain ? huh? just an farce you have become ( now )


New Member
Jul 13, 2019
Yeh naaaah
fool is accepted by another fool. and all western advanture to keep people in brainwashed condition.

and so long the money is there you will remain covered. and nothing will effect you at all.

so it would be wrong to waste the damn time in this way. :wink:


Feb 24, 2017
a VM
Uni Grad
Yeah if you say so mate.... whatever. I'm out lol


New Member
Jul 13, 2019
Yeah if you say so mate.... whatever. I'm out lol
nah nah i know well that only money is covering you right now. and it would be wrong to wsate the time in this way.

for if you continued that you will get smashed in arguement. ( that is another point ) and if you want to ran away than as we know all that its an waste of time for only money is covering you.

and all western advanture to keep people in darkness. for they are listening to the whores with very big vagina instead of listening to the mother or authority.

they listen to the rogues and theives and also appreciate that. ( and that is immediately disqualification )


Aug 26, 2018
You are probably typing this from a country in which majority of your population follows your religion that you talk so highly of. Yet your society is full of corruption, deception and dishonesty. So you feel that you have some moral authority to lecture us about our ethics & values on an Australian educational forum???

Just keep your own ideas to yourself. No one here is interested in joining your cult.


New Member
Jul 13, 2019
You are probably typing this from a country in which majority of your population follows your religion that you talk so highly of. Yet your society is full of corruption, deception and dishonesty. So you feel that you have some moral authority to lecture us about our ethics & values on an Australian educational forum???

Just keep your own ideas to yourself. No one here is interested in joining your cult.
and who are you ? ( street dog ) who are you ? to tell me this thing ? who gave you rights to say these things to me ? and if you are not interested than get lost.

but that does not means if you are illiterate that university must be closed. and if entire country is illiterate than still it does not means that university must be closed.

it will remain opened. and those who are fortunate they will come and take education. that is it.
and History is written by the victors so there is no actual history at all ( at the present moment ) but im from India or Bharat Varsha and india welcomed everyone but the result was your britishers occupied it.

and because they were kings they done all nonsense and whatever corruption in the law is there it is because it is created by britishers and whatever country we see celebrating indepence day is an dominion state or country under the british comman wealth.

and rightly they say *Empire on which sun never sets* for all fools are not independent but so called independend under the british dominion.

thus whatever corruption, deception and dishonesty, is there in entire world it is due to the western cats and dogs who do not know how to actually rule and you rogues and theives are nothing but self proclaimed righteous in the first place.

otherwise people in general always follow the leader and because it is general qualfiication of western people ( cheating, politics, fraud and deplomacy ) therefore people are also dishonest.

and why people should not be ? after all government itself under the british comman wealths diminion is corrupt.

and whatever nation is independed they are not actually independed but running under the same machine.
and similar with australians same europeans so anyways whatever i wanted to give i actually have given.

and whatever i want to do. and i dont want your favour in it. and if you like than you get education OR else you go to hell.

that is not my problem but its your business or option who reads this Practical explanation that what to do next.

but my duty is done or finished.

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