Hi, I just graduated this year in the class of 2020 and I'm very conflicted regarding uni and ATAR cutoffs 
I passionately want to do B Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography) at USYD which has a 95 ATAR (non-guaranteed). And I think my ATAR will range from 92-95, therefore, am worried about getting in. I’m pre desperate to be offered a place at USYD due to such admirable uni stats, high employment rate and the degree is just so perfect. As it is a non guaranteed ATAR and the cutoff is based on course demand each year, it could be lower or higher than a 95. Do any of you think with COVID and the decrease of international students the ATAR cutoff may decrease?
Also in the worst-case scenario, I can go to the University of Newcastle which has an 83 ATAR cutoff and guarantee my entry. I'm just afraid the uni ranking will affect employment possibilities, quality of resources/teaching may be lower and that moving to Newcastle will also be another hassle (accommodation, family, social life etc.).
Also, Transferring after first year into USYD for Radiography is very competitive as a HD is highly regarded due to the course's high ATAR cutoff/ high demand and I've heard a lot about how hard it is to receive a HD so I am a bit worried. If it comes to transferring idk if I should try to transfer after doing a random science degree at USYD for a year or after doing Radiography at UON for a year? Or should I just study at UON if I don't get accepted into USYD?
Thoughts? Advice?

I passionately want to do B Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography) at USYD which has a 95 ATAR (non-guaranteed). And I think my ATAR will range from 92-95, therefore, am worried about getting in. I’m pre desperate to be offered a place at USYD due to such admirable uni stats, high employment rate and the degree is just so perfect. As it is a non guaranteed ATAR and the cutoff is based on course demand each year, it could be lower or higher than a 95. Do any of you think with COVID and the decrease of international students the ATAR cutoff may decrease?
Also in the worst-case scenario, I can go to the University of Newcastle which has an 83 ATAR cutoff and guarantee my entry. I'm just afraid the uni ranking will affect employment possibilities, quality of resources/teaching may be lower and that moving to Newcastle will also be another hassle (accommodation, family, social life etc.).
Also, Transferring after first year into USYD for Radiography is very competitive as a HD is highly regarded due to the course's high ATAR cutoff/ high demand and I've heard a lot about how hard it is to receive a HD so I am a bit worried. If it comes to transferring idk if I should try to transfer after doing a random science degree at USYD for a year or after doing Radiography at UON for a year? Or should I just study at UON if I don't get accepted into USYD?
Thoughts? Advice?