The good thing about a subject like Business Studies is that having a good understanding of a particular concept can make remembering it much easier - thorough understanding of the content is essential and is something you should consider as it can greatly assist you in retaining information, as opposed to solely attempting to memorise content without first understanding it.
HSC Business Studies relies heavily on your knowledge of the syllabus, meaning it is also a good idea to familiarise yourself with the syllabus dot points, allowing you to become more comfortable with how each of the 4 HSC topics is structured as well as correctly answering the question by using and elaborating on the appropriate concept(s).
Of course, as mentioned in the above discussion, flashcards can also be used for Business Studies. Flashcards are a good way of memorising these syllabuses because they are generally easy to make and use. A student may quickly go over their finance content on their way home or in the morning before an assessment/exam, and they could also use them more frequently/for extended periods of time, particularly when studying for an exam with more significance/weighting, such as trial and HSC exams, in addition to completing past exam papers.
I would believe that HSC Economics follows a similar framework, i.e. thoroughly understanding concepts/topics precedes and assists in effectively memorising content.
I hope this helps!