This story will change your life for the 'Greatest'. (1 Viewer)


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
I'll just be honest, I was weak before I got confidence and didn't know how to formulate my speech. Now that I can, I want to address the capacity for change.

Anyone, no matter what level of cognition they have, they CAN become geniuses. Of course, it's hard if the person doesn't know how to change or what to change, but the moment the investigation starts, it doesn't stop. And though a bold claim, this even applies to those with mental disabilities.

But so few people start these days.

I'm undermining the power that disability has over people's actions, but I truly believe that it's possible for anyone to change in a positive light, even a negative dark, (but I won't concern talking about the bad, as we can all relate).

For example, if you have an IQ of 60, you can't get a job. Since it has been proven that IQ isn't a fixed value for each individual, and can fluctuate depending on the environment, then I'm sure they can eventually raise their IQ to the average 100, or even become a genius.
Of course, they would have to have HEEPS of hard work, especially with the low IQ, (since one's IQ determines the speed of a person's ability to adapt to a given situation and intact new information).

So, even if they have to work every single day, one day, they can become something they could of literately never imagined before, because that's how I was.
I didn't have a low IQ, but I was definitely uneducated. I also couldn't speak to others or even write a sentence without feeling like I ran a marathon. Everything was new, and 'new things' were new in their own right too. I didn't know how to learn, so I didn't even see the point in it.
It wasn't until I coincidently came across a story ('Your Name' the anime) that made me feel a certain way. This story taught me through emotions of another person's triumph through dedication and hard work, moving your feet for a goal, and running AFTER IT, all alone.
I was blown away, thinking I stumbled upon another realm, the depiction of heaven on Earth, and a complete instruction manual on how to achieve just that!

So, I started to exercise, every single day. I stopped eating junk food. I watched youtube fitness video tutorials.
Eventually, this led me to have explanation videos on science and psychology appear in my recommended feed.
I would binge-watch them all, out of enjoyment!
I love astronomy the most, psychology is actually something very recent, and that changed my life completely.

After being 70kg at age 12, 3 years later, I was the same weight, but only because I replaced the weight of the fat with muscle within that time.
Eventually, I mastered even the science between different ways of strength gaining and muscle mass increase, as well as how to properly sustain a diet in a HUMAINE WAY!!
I actually enjoy my food, but I also can do a planche and even have a visible 6 pack (out of my 10, I'm still working on that).

Finally, again, another story that caught my interest, ('Dr Stone' the anime). I was so excited about something academic for once. I used to think before, 'science doesn't matter anymore, you can make money doing anything fun'. That was too naive, and it wasn't a fulfilling goal either.
I now have the goal of one day being the greatest ME I can be within the MULTIVERSE.
I'm going to die a LEGEND, simply because of my idea of how to beat death itself, (this is getting 'me specific' now, but I'll keep using myself as an example, since this is a story for you, for you to one day go through what I did - if your desire to that is) - I am serious though about creating immortality, so remember my name well.

I then picked the hardest subjects in high school for my senior years. After my 11th year, I began to only invest my time into biology only, as that was a test for me to see if I was capable of learning ALL of the concepts that were offered.
I ended up reading two textbooks, listening to a podcast on the syllabus, watching many many videos, going on student forums (here) for quizzing one another, and even doing some practice exams.


4 months ago, I found 'Psychology' and 'Philosophy'.
I already found it before, but I didn't even know what the name of the concept was, I basically invented it on my own since no one told me about it.
(Funny story, I told my friend about the idea so we could give it a name, and he called it 'Project Gobosabzi', meaning "Vegetable water". It's so random, but we still call it that together to this day.)
I was told by my uncle who's an engineer and a video game fanatic that psychology is an important tool for being successful with storytelling. Since I wanted to become a game designer, I decided to take his advice and started finding motivation videos and analyzing them (since the other content on 'game psychology was still too foreign to me. After that, I ended up listening to the following 5 audiobooks:
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Deep work by Calvin Newport
Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins
Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by 'some reporter girl'
Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter Issacson (I hated this one, Einstein was such a moron it hurt my brain)

After that, I wanted to understand people better so I could one day be an entrepreneur and sell the ideas I have, and make my own 'army of science'.
I found this guy on youtube called 'Jordan Peterson' around 4 months ago, and I was HOOKED!
I already was extremely smart by then within psycology thanks to my very immersive daydreams, but I didn't know how to prove it to others.
Despite that, this online 'mentor' of mine was able to teach me the value and clean POWER of being articulate!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can now speak in essays!
Though it was a habit for a few weeks, I've dialed back, knowing that it would go over most people's heads during a casual conversation. But I still haven't forgotten my ability to assess any situation, and give a PERFECT response in an instant!
(To think I would find English class 'helpful', lol)

Finally, 1 month ago, I can proudly say that I MASTERED psychology. I really mean it! It's not arrogance nor naivety, everything just clicks with me as easy as breathing!

After I mastered psychology, I stopped studying biology, I even stopped working on high school.
My final exams are next week.
It may seem stupid, but I'll explain:
While studying psychology through the previously mentioned audiobooks, I was also working on my portfolio to get into the game design school of my dreams!
I was putting it off, but I worked on it 15 hours a day for 2 weeks, and I actually got accepted, Mid-INTERVIEW! EARLY ENTRY!!!!! (So, I'll be starting next year. It's in the city, and I even got a scholarship, so I don't have any debt to pay off - until I get a job as the scholarship is VET, but I don't have to worry about interest or anything since that part is covered by the government. On top of that, It's also the Harvard of game creation, where the syllabus and teaching are organized by people who SUCCEEDED within the industry. For example, one of my teachers worked on the visual effects of Avengers Infinity war!!!!!!! Also, they allow students to create their own indie-game company mid-studies with other students and people that hire the private company the school runs for their own collaborative projects. They even have connections with big game companies like riot games for internships. And right after graduation, any word of recommendation from our teachers, and the graduates are sent STRAIGHT TO THEIR JOB IN ONE OF THOSE COMPANIES!!!)

Now, the reason why I stopped studying anything highschool related, should be clear now. I'm being held back by it. So I have been working 10-15 hours every day on mastering concept art, one of the first skills I wish to acquire before I attend this school.
(I'll just mention this school, it's called 'AIE' or Academy of interactive entertainment within Australia - there are online courses for those wondering overseas)
I just went to the city today to check it out, but also to celebrate my 18th birthday today, (yes, I really did just turn 18).

So I hope you all see why I believe anything is possible in my eyes. Why people can reach great heights if they have a passion, and stick to it.
Whether it's bodybuilding, science, teaching, art, anything STEM, anything non-STEM, economics even!
If you want it, you CAN have it.

I want this story to be told no matter what, so that's why it is here. I don't want people to be dumb anymore. Yes, people, these days are actually dumber than people in the past, it's not ONLY because dumb people have a voice now to tell their stupid ideas on the internet. And despite that, even the technologies that make us dumb, if used consciously, can become a tool for making you SMARTER!!
So please, if there is anyone that desires to, join me in my 'army of science' one day.
(The reason why I am doing art first for those wondering, is so I can master game design first. Once I do that, I will be a master within the industry - I HAVE to work at Square Enix, their games changed my life due to their philosophical storytelling, and I have my own that I believe could outcompete theirs. If I can prove that, then I'll be sooooo happy!!! -. After that, I will leave that behind. I don't want to be the 'best', I want to be the greatest! There is a difference.
Being the best is winning a competition between others, but if all I'm getting is a hand full of contestants, then it isn't worth my time. So being the greatest in achieving all my goals for knowledge AND innovation. - When I leave this job behind, I will study all things science at MIT, as I'm sure a master and the greatest game designer would be able to accumulate such fees.

Ok, that's all.
I'll see you all when I achieve my first major goal!
(Or more like, you'll see me :D)


Aug 17, 2020
wow blank?? congrats on getting into a seemingly amazing game design school!! that's so awesome like seeing someone be so excited, confident and informed about their future, at your age

and happy birthday too!

you have a very very positive attitude towards life and you seem rlly productive like you never waste a second not working on yourself, lol how do you even sleep with a brain that is constantly running at 1000 thoughts and ideas per minute, strange fella you are but strangely inspiring


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2021
Uni Grad
Is that it? I thought this was gonna be the equation to immortality. Pfft. Useless… Hahaha jkjk congrats man. You sound psychotic but at the same time very calculated. It seems like you’ve found your path in life.


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
i agree except the scene where taki was squeezing mitsuha's watermelons was quite horrifying and my mum just had to walk in during that moment
My mum was the one that introduced it to me, lol hahaha!


Active Member
Jan 23, 2020
Responding to your point about IQ, unfortunately IQ itself can't be increased. While practice at one problem improves performance in solving that same problem or similar problems (giving the illusion of a higher IQ), in actuality these exercises have 0 impact on the speed of problem solving when a new and completely different problem is introduced (which is dependent on IQ).

That doesn't mean having a lower IQ automatically means you're doomed, it just means you need to practice and put more effort in to get up to the same level of mastery of a certain task.

Also in terms of the environment, apparently it is true IQ is not a completely fixed value after birth as it's been suggested that someone's IQ could be lower than otherwise because they were malnourished when they were a child. It's not so much as the environment can increase your IQ infinitely, it's more like a good environment helps someone's IQ not fall too far below their genetic potential.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2020
Ok, that's all.
I'll see you all when I achieve my first major goal!
(Or more like, you'll see me :D)
Man I thought you were a psychopath who was just trapped in his basement all day after reading your immortality thread.

However, after reading this my respect for you has exponentially risen. Keep up the good work and keep motivating haha.


Bored Uni Student
Jan 11, 2021
First and foremost, congrats on the offer/scholarship.

I'm so happy for you. Really good job on your side, even though you might come off as bizarre or eccentric, you do really give off good vibes. All the best for your upcoming future. Feel free to keep us posted, personally I don't have any clue what you're doing or why you're going a way but I think thats what makes it special.

Best luck! and once again congrats on the game school design, I'm sure they'll be desperate for such a creative mind, I really can see someone like you as a pioneer for the video game industry. Keep being you


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
While practice at one problem improves performance in solving that same problem or similar problems (giving the illusion of a higher IQ), in actuality these exercises have 0 impact on the speed of problem solving
My response here is that you are right that the performance of solving related problems can be done less challengingly if there is a personal experience in the comprehension of that topic. However, the speed at which something is learned can also become 'less challenging in a sense. Learning speed is also a skill that can be learned. Though it is not noticeable for those that EVEN work hard on their understanding, through personal reflection and analysis of different perspectives that are influenced by different circumstances, (like trying to 'empathize' with the majority (Nazis - hint: question why people followed Hitler) and a minority of ww2 (the few that understood what was actually happening within the world but had no voice due to lack of power - hint: genius surrounded by idiots storyline. Also, keep in mind that this is ONE example, so studying people of different cultures and timelines is a great way to learn about psychology and personal decisions) after a certain 'threshold' has been passed, growth IS infinite!
I say this, not as an objective opinion, but as a fact. "I know so much, I understand just how little I truly know", this is the meaning behind this famous quote, there is so much room for learning that it's impossible to stop growing after you start.
I'll give my own quote, "sometimes you can change yourself, but sometimes that changes everything", that is the reality of everyone, and almost no one realises it. I have realised it, and changed the "sometimes" into ALL THE TIME!

The reason why I say that this is a fact, is not through statistics, but through the personal experiences that have come forward after being sceptical about the systems in place, by telling myself "is this really the 'right way? is there a better way?" then I would try my best at figuring out a better solution, ALL ON MY OWN. At the start, finding the answer took me 3 hours, then it went to 20 minutes, then I lost my mind and it went back down to 3 hours for about a year, and then I woke up, reflected, and learnt more about the human psyche before I put it into practice again. Now it takes me 3 SECONDS to answer BIG real-world political, or even philosophical questions I have.
I even catch myself answering my questions mid-questioning (which is weird, because my 'dual thinking' makes me find the finishing of the question pointless, but I do it anyway out of habit - as most of the time in my life, I have been in the 3-hour rate of answering).

The only way I was able to become like this, is because I passed the threshold through the large frequency of daily problem soving, even in the 3 hour rate of my life, I was able to get 5-7 problems solved a day, (many sleepless nights).

So please, understand that my 'optimism' is NOT something as simple as a 'feeling', it's an identity that has been forged through coincidence, spiralling into consious decision making.

If anyone has anymore scepticism, please ask. However, I ask you to first question if you can answer it on your own or not (Which you can, but it may be tempting to give up if I'm an option to give you the right answer), as that is the only way prove to YOURSELF that everything IS possible.

Oh my God, I just realised that my own mother's words were correct this entire time. I guess it started with her tokenistic 'anything is possible' response to my desires, but even the unguilded nature to those words were enough to get me to LOOK for guildence! Hmmm, Though sad to say that she isn't a great parent, I'm still very glad that she told me, as that is the first 'coinsidence' for me, that started it all.


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
On here, I have gotten an OVERWHELMING amount of positive feedback. If I could cry I would, but I am feeling so warm from the support right now, ahhhhhhhhh~
This has never happened to me before


Active Member
Jan 23, 2020
My response here is that you are right that the performance of solving related problems can be done less challengingly if there is a personal experience in the comprehension of that topic. However, the speed at which something is learned can also become 'less challenging in a sense. Learning speed is also a skill that can be learned. Though it is not noticeable for those that EVEN work hard on their understanding, through personal reflection and analysis of different perspectives that are influenced by different circumstances, (like trying to 'empathize' with the majority (Nazis - hint: question why people followed Hitler) and a minority of ww2 (the few that understood what was actually happening within the world but had no voice due to lack of power - hint: genius surrounded by idiots storyline. Also, keep in mind that this is ONE example, so studying people of different cultures and timelines is a great way to learn about psychology and personal decisions) after a certain 'threshold' has been passed, growth IS infinite!
I say this, not as an objective opinion, but as a fact. "I know so much, I understand just how little I truly know", this is the meaning behind this famous quote, there is so much room for learning that it's impossible to stop growing after you start.
I'll give my own quote, "sometimes you can change yourself, but sometimes that changes everything", that is the reality of everyone, and almost no one realises it. I have realised it, and changed the "sometimes" into ALL THE TIME!

The reason why I say that this is a fact, is not through statistics, but through the personal experiences that have come forward after being sceptical about the systems in place, by telling myself "is this really the 'right way? is there a better way?" then I would try my best at figuring out a better solution, ALL ON MY OWN. At the start, finding the answer took me 3 hours, then it went to 20 minutes, then I lost my mind and it went back down to 3 hours for about a year, and then I woke up, reflected, and learnt more about the human psyche before I put it into practice again. Now it takes me 3 SECONDS to answer BIG real-world political, or even philosophical questions I have.
I even catch myself answering my questions mid-questioning (which is weird, because my 'dual thinking' makes me find the finishing of the question pointless, but I do it anyway out of habit - as most of the time in my life, I have been in the 3-hour rate of answering).

The only way I was able to become like this, is because I passed the threshold through the large frequency of daily problem soving, even in the 3 hour rate of my life, I was able to get 5-7 problems solved a day, (many sleepless nights).
I agree wholeheartedly with you on the fact that practicing at one type of problem will reduce the time taken to solve similar problems (as you've said from 3 hours to seconds) as you learn what special strategies work best and refine technique.

All I was explaining was that to the speed at which you are able to solve a completely new and different type of problem - that you've seen for the first time - (unrelated to anything problem you've practice in the past) is dependent on IQ.

With enough practice almost anyone can become faster at solving a certain type of problem, as you've said. It's just that a higher IQ can help you learn and develop your skills even faster, and answer problems with less practice.

However, IQ isn't everything. While it can be a big help the next best predictor of success is, simply, how good you are at working hard.


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
However, IQ isn't everything. While it can be a big help the next best predictor of success is, simply, how good you are at working hard.
IQ isn't everything, but IQ is definitely the most trustworthy measurement for a person's current capability, and shouldn't be underestimated.
I would also like to talk about the fact that learning new skills is also a skill in itself. So the more exposure you have to learn, the faster you are at learning new things.
Though I am consistently getting better at my decisions in life, it doesn't mean that these decisions are related whatsoever. So, through this repetitive exposer to different perspectives and ways of thinking, not only am I able to remember details subconsciously when the time arises, but I also have the confidence and skill that helps me with new experiences. Even if completely foreign, I've learned that simply trying to understand the issue and solving it on your own (when necessary) can push you closer to surpassing that threshold of one's previous perspective.
(Sorry if I'm a little bit repetitive, I'm running out of brain from media - take my word for it. I'll have to get off the internet soon)


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
Yeah, I'm moving on from this forum now. I don't believe there is anything else that needs to be said.
I'm still studying my art through the website "drawabox". That will definitely EXPLODE me past my creative threshold.


Jun 3, 2020
I want this story to be told no matter what, so that's why it is here. I don't want people to be dumb anymore. Yes, people, these days are actually dumber than people in the past, it's not ONLY because dumb people have a voice now to tell their stupid ideas on the internet. And despite that, even the technologies that make us dumb, if used consciously, can become a tool for making you SMARTER!!
So please, if there is anyone that desires to, join me in my 'army of science' one day.
(The reason why I am doing art first for those wondering, is so I can master game design first. Once I do that, I will be a master within the industry - I HAVE to work at Square Enix, their games changed my life due to their philosophical storytelling, and I have my own that I believe could outcompete theirs. If I can prove that, then I'll be sooooo happy!!! -. After that, I will leave that behind. I don't want to be the 'best', I want to be the greatest! There is a difference.
Being the best is winning a competition between others, but if all I'm getting is a hand full of contestants, then it isn't worth my time. So being the greatest in achieving all my goals for knowledge AND innovation. - When I leave this job behind, I will study all things science at MIT, as I'm sure a master and the greatest game designer would be able to accumulate such fees.

Ok, that's all.
I'll see you all when I achieve my first major goal!
(Or more like, you'll see me :D)
Hey there, happy late birthday! Very inspirational with how you're trying to inspire hope and aspiration to others, good luck with your dream of becoming a game designer working for Square Enix! Speaking of, was one of the games that changed your life due to their philosophical storytelling a game called The World Ends With You?


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
Hey there, happy late birthday! Very inspirational with how you're trying to inspire hope and aspiration to others, good luck with your dream of becoming a game designer working for Square Enix! Speaking of, was one of the games that changed your life due to their philosophical storytelling a game called The World Ends With You?
NieR Automata. The characters are still on my mind till this day.


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
Little crazy but at least you're driven. I don't agree that people can just pull up their bootstraps and become an Ubermensch but I have no doubt you'll find success if you're this tenacious.
Done. I’m now an Ubermensch.
It took 5 months of research and psychoanalysis, but I did it.
Basically, throw away wisedom after you learn enough of it. However, you must come to that conclusion yourself, and to do so authentically and experiencial is EXTREMELY difficult.
Either way, mission accomplished.

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