Hey! I don't do business, but here's how I improved in biology in a short period of time
1. Listen to the
HSCBiology Podcast for topics in particular the hormonal stuff in mod 5, and the last inquiry question of module 8. Listen to him on different speeds if needed, and make notes. I like to use a lot of arrows so that usually helps. It becomes like a flowchart with doodles and paragraphs. You don't have to listen to EVERY episode, because some topics are relatively easy to just learn/memorise in like 10 minutes. Here's a link to the podcast -
2. With those paragraph flowcharts,
consolidate them to shorter sentences! Draw diagrams - particularly for action potential, and the last inquiry question of module 8
Handwrite your notes!! I have one exercise book in which I spend an hour every day writing notes (not paragraphs, just simple dot points) This really retains in your memory.
Flashcards: Particularly for the tedious stuff in mod 5 and 7

you can make them on Quizlet or physical flashcards (I prefer the latter)
Teach: I usually just teach stuff to my sister, mum or even friends who are struggling. Since they ask a lot of questions, you'll figure out what you still need to revise.
HSC Questions - very, very important
7. Other resources:
- PascalPress flashcards:
- Edrolo - you need to pay though
- ATAR-notes Biology book - you can use a free trial with EduUnlimited for 7 days! They have resources for plenty of other subjects on there, too
Let me know if you need any help, I love bio

good luck! you've got this