With the kind of prior experience and qualifications that you currently possess, you are essentially looking at entry-level roles that will provide you with opportunities to gain and improve foundational skills to be applied to roles that you undertake within the field that you are interested in. Given that you have experience as a bookkeeper, this is your starting point as working in this role is likely to be the easiest for you, not only in terms of getting a job but also in terms of performing the actual tasks within this role. Depending on your previous experience as a bookkeeper, you may wish to consider searching for a bookkeeper role to further expand your knowledge and skills in this particular area.
Your experience as a bookkeeper could also make you suitable for a payroll-related job, primarily a position related to payroll administration. While this may not be directly intertwined with finance (it can perhaps be more closely associated with HR instead), this area does still deal with elements of finance and would equip you numerical skills that may be useful at a later stage in your career, thanks to its focus on numerical data on an operational (i.e. day-to-day) basis.
You may also wish to consider customer service roles at companies such as banks. While this option may not offer much in terms of developing finance-related skills, being able to work at a bank (or any financial institution for that matter) constitutes a good start and could trigger the possibility of becoming able to shift to a more specialised role (in your case, something related to finance) within the same company at a particular point in time.
Of course, opportunities that can be accessed during your time at university, such as internships and graduate programs are also important and are likely to provide you with the types of opportunities that would best support your professional development as someone who aspires to pursue a career in finance. For example, I recall recently coming across an internship offered by Apple called "Finance Development Program (FDP) Internship". From what I have observed, opportunities such as these seem excellent for someone like you.
I hope this helps!