how do you do well in junior science tests? Because at least at my school the marking is super strict, like they give you 0 for some questions if you don't mention a specific word and mark you down on the smallest things.
Not even hours of studying and memorising content could prepare you for the way that they mark which is why how you do in the tests is literally unpredictable.
Hello, I am approaching my stage 6 science studies this year but I’ll be more than happy to share my tips in receiving high marks for both science exams and assignments. Firstly, questions on your science exams are going to be fixated on the stage 5 syllabus for science (I am assuming you’re in NSW). It is strategic to also develop a strong relationship with your teacher and they will tell you what sections of the syllabus will be examined in your exam. So my first tip would be try to grasp a great conceptual understanding of whatever syllabus dot point you’re doing in class. Second of all, I would recommend when revising to explain and inquire as to
WHY scientific processes/theories/law/phenomena work and how it is relevant. Another tip would be mind mapping to establish connections (can be useful). I would also be aversive of note ”rereading” as it is low utility/inefficien, I would more so focus on active retrieval to enhance memory. But it’s mostly just understanding and how you apply it to a certain question.
For assessments, I usually received two types of assessments. Either it be a knowledge based presentation or report on a specific area or either a first/second hand practical investigation of scientific phenomena. My advise is to not slack off and start early in terms of gathering equipment and conducting the investigation. I also want to shed light on following the prescribed marking criteria your teacher has released. Follow that, I did that and received 43/45 on my year 10 assessment for practical reporting.
Thank you,
Miss Krabappel