But what is me? When you first learn to write in kindergarten, your work naturally isn't going to be very original. Maybe like a 3/10 on the originality index. Senior year and onwards though, your work would be more original, say 6-7/10, but how would you bring that to a 10/10? It wouldn't be by writing in a totally insular environment where the only words available would be just your own and the only ideas that you can describe are ones you have experienced and studied yourself. Instead it would involve reading/reviewing the works of others and incorporating more of their work into yours, creating a more inspired piece with every iteration. Think of like a spiders web that starts off small and gradually gets bigger as more connections are formed along the web. So by that standard, there has got to be a role in plagiarism in shaping the work of a writer. Maybe not total plagiarism but plagiarism by a different name. Don't you agree?